Albus was salivating and pacing anxiously for the arrival. He had received word that the child had been found and that he was on his way. He could not wait to see the young boy. If Lucius and the bloody Death Eaters thought they were the only ones who were attracted to the boy they were wrong. But as long as he had been the boy who lived he could not touch him, though he had enjoyed the odd look when he was in the shower, his ability to be invisible coming in handy. But now the little boy was considered dead and he was starting to think he would leave him that way. He had risen to power before, he could do it again. He wanted the little boy all to himself and he was sure if he had been used as a pet by Lucius all this time little Harry would be such a docile little beast. Normally he would not have enjoyed someone else's whore but Harry was definitely appealing.

He practically jumped out of his seat when his men came in and had the unconscious form of Harry in their arms. Oh Merlin he looked even more ravishing then he had before, having grown a bit and his beautiful hair nice and long. He motioned for his men to follow and led them up through the bookcases into his private rooms on the floor above and had the boy placed on the floor.

He looked at Peter. "I hope there was not too much effort getting the child."

Peter smirked. "Hit Remus with a few severing charms, still alive but he'll be smarting for some time to come. Just stunned the brat."

Throwing them each some money he sent them off on their way, and knew without a doubt as he flicked his wand and removed the clothes from the little brat, he would not be bringing him back from the dead any time soon. He noticed the collar around his neck and had one of his own but he knew enough to wait till the boy was awake before he removed it. He wanted there to be no doubt in the puppy's mind who his new master was. Though he was hoping the little puppy would fight him just a bit. He didn't want Lucius to have had all of the fun.

He cast an enervate spell and Harry started coming around. "Master? Master?"

Albus smiled. "I'm your new master little one and you better be learning it pretty fast or you will find my patience is not as long as your former master's."

The little puppy backed away from him and whimpered slightly as he had backed into the bed and hit the post there. Oh the poor little one was so scared, and he should be. Albus had been waiting too many years to enjoy this little one and now that the world believed him dead he was going to make sure that he got to enjoy every last taste of him. The months before the school year started again in September were not looking so boring any more.

He had to put a bind on puppy when he reached to remove his collar and the little puppy began whimpering uncontrollably. The whimpering grew ten fold and the fear when puppy saw his new collar, a nice choke chain collar. Puppy did not need some soft leather, and he wouldn't get it until he proved himself.

"Your master must have had a new name for you. He would not have called you Harry. Puppy dogs have proper names." Albus spoke when the collar was in place.

The puppy just whimpered so he dragged him along to the corner where there was an old scratchy blanket and a heavy chain lying there. He would let the little one think on it or the night before he fucked him. Oh he would take him tomorrow but the puppy could decide how hard or easy it was.

He put a bowl of water and kibble in front of puppy. "Now eat up. If you are a good puppy master might give you table scraps. I really must think of a new name."

He watched puppy lying there crying, the spell removed so he could move on his own but he hadn't. In a way he was gls he didn't know the name Lucius had chosen. He didn't want puppy confused with who his lord and master was. In a day or two he would come up with his own. He saw puppy's hands pulling on the chain collar testing it and a sob let loose as little puppy saw it tightened when he tried. Oh puppy would learn fast enough he was sure.