This was written for the lj community hermionesirius and the Valentine's Day True Love Challenge. The lyrics I chose were Letter to Hermione by David Bowie and my prompts were numerous.

None of the HP characters are mine and I'm not making a dime. (weeps)

How it all started…

Enjoying the quiet of her evening, Hermione drank her tea while adding the finishing touches to the report she had been working on. It was one of a series of reports she had been compiling during her research abroad. This was the last country and the last report before she could return home. She looked forward to returning to England with all she had learned about the way that other cultures treated their magical creatures. Magical Britain was locked in the Dark Ages and she was determined to bring her beloved country into the light.

A soft tapping on the window caused her to pause her quill in mid sentence. She lay it down and went to the window, pulling it wide to let in Hedwig, Harry's pet owl.

"Hey there, Hedwig. Got something from Harry for me?"

The owl hooted softly and took the treat Hermione offered.

"Fancy a kip before you return, long flight after all."

The owl hooted again and took a perch next to Hermione's own Great Horned owl, Wickstipple.

After settling Harry's pet, Hermione returned to her tiny desk and broke the wax seal so she could unfurl the parchment.

Dear Hermione,

I hope this letter finds you well. I was so happy to hear that your work in New Guinea is wrapping up. Am I correct in thinking that this is the last country you will be working in?

I can't believe it has been three years since we've seen you! You simply won't believe how big James has gotten! Once you're home consider your Sunday afternoons taken. It's something Ginny and I are trying and it seems to be working. Everyone that can make it comes over and we've somehow managed to get Sirius to come too.

I'm so worried about him Hermione. We thought that things would get better after he started seeing Charity Fairfax, and they did for awhile but Ginny was in her boutique the other day and is convinced she heard her in a dressing stall with another man. We don't think Sirius knows yet but if Charity is being that careless it won't take long for him to figure it out.

You know Kingsley granted him a full pardon until the investigation is complete but even though he is free to come and go as he pleases, he rarely does so unless Charity is with him.

Sirius was staying most nights at her place but he's back at Grimmauld Place a lot now. We suspect things are going sour between he and Charity and to be honest, Grimmauld Place just isn't good for him.

I have a favor to ask, Hermione. When you come home will you spend a little extra time with Sirius? Maybe you will be a better influence on him than we have been. Maybe what he needs is a firm hand.

Hermione blinked, read the last sentence again and then shook her head mirthfully and laughed, quite tickled by Harry's statement.

I know I'm grasping at straws here but I am pleading with you, as your best friend, to do me this favor.

Can't wait to see you home.

All my best,


Hermione frowned and rolled up the letter and then tucked it into a bundle in her desk for safe keeping.

Selecting a piece of fresh parchment she penned a return note to Harry.

Dear Harry,

I am well thanks, but I was sorry to hear the worried tone of your last letter. I will be leaving here in one weeks time. I have an office at the consulate and I need help packing and transporting my things. I will send Sirius a letter and request his help, saying it was your suggestion.

I can't wait to see James and Ginny and will consider my Sunday afternoons busy from here on out.

As for your request, I think I can set our differences aside in the hope that a little platonic female friendship will do him some good. I laughed when you mentioned he might need a firm hand. I was reminded of trying to get you and Ron to do your homework.

Sirius is quite a handful, even more since his retrieval by the sound of it. It will be interesting to see him again. My last memory of him is in Grimmauld Place that Christmas in our fifth year. Did you know he was really worried about you and wrote to me himself, asking me to come and help you if I could? That is why I cut my holiday with my parents short. I guess I will be doing the same thing once again, only for him this time.

I remember that he got Molly to tame his hair and give it a little trim. He held it back in a pony tail and I couldn't help think how handsome he was. I think I developed a little crush on him that winter.

So, I'll see you soon and we'll see what I can make of Sirius.

Try not to worry so much,


Hermione set her quill aside and rolled the parchment, sealing it with red wax that bore the imprint of her initials. Setting it aside to send off with Hedwig in the morning, she picked her quill up once more and wrote a second letter, this one to Sirius.


The soft scuffing of boots meeting the ground, the shuffling of pant legs sliding in opposition and the dry whispering of his leather cloak were all the sounds Sirius could hear as he walked along Diagon Alley. The late afternoon sun partially blinded him as he made his way down the ancient lane, the brisk autumn breeze rudely nipped at the exposed skin along his face and neck. Most shops had closed for the day; it was Sunday and the proprietors had gone home to spend time with their families.

Only one shop closed this late on Sunday in the hope that a witch out there somewhere would need its help in tempting a wizard her way. The owner of the shop, Charity Fairfax, understood that the average witch probably didn't want the prying eyes of the close knit Wizarding community spying as she purposefully entered a shop to buy clothes that served only one purpose. Much of her weekly business happened on Sunday after three in the afternoon.

The shop's location, a few doors up from the corner of Diagon and Knockturn, was located well away from the more 'family friendly' establishments. The closer you got to Knockturn, the more likely your baser needs were being solicited.

It was when Sirius was at the midway point between the Leakey Cauldron and Knockturn Alley that he saw the door to Charity's shop open. A couple was attempting to make their way out but they were so wrapped up in each other that they weren't paying enough attention. But then that didn't really seem to be the point. The woman, an attractive but older blond, broke away first, lifting a hand to stroke the youngish looking wizard's face. Mid twenties, maybe? Younger than she most certainly. Sensing that her eyes were about to shift down the lane, he flattened himself into a doorway, not wanting to get caught. No sense in ruining things over an event he couldn't seem to care about.

Keenly listening for the sound of the shop door closing, he lit a fag to kill some time, put some distance between himself and her whelp, not wanting to raise her suspicion. If she caught him catching her with other men, or in this case boys, he thought wryly, they would have to discuss it and put to words things that were uncomfortable and unconventional. He realized that he should care, that it would be normal for him to care, that his friends and therefore family would be furious if they knew but the truth is, he really didn't.

He had spent enough time alone with his thoughts to learn that he preferred himself in company that was mixed. This thing with Charity wasn't about love, it was about not being alone. It was a warm body to hold in the night and fuck when he felt like it.

Holding the fag between his thumb and middle finger he took a last drag before flicking it away, exhaling as he emerged from his doorway hideout. The sun was older and lower, a dusky orange that cast long, falsely romantic shadows. Just before reaching his destination, a sharp crack startled him as a young witch Apparated into his view. She was surprised to see anyone along the lane this late and even more surprised when Sirius followed her into Charity's boutique, her cheeks pinking slightly with an embarrassed flush.

Charity greeted Sirius with a flick of her eyes to his and a slight smile before approaching the shy young witch who had glanced back at him nervously.

"Don't you worry about 'ol Sirius there, he's here for me," and then Charity whispered something into the witch's ear that made her giggle.

Sirius could guess what caused the giggle and a slight smirk touched his handsome features as he settled heavily into a captain's chair to wait. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back and listened as soft feminine murmurs of conversation floated from across the store as Charity helped the witch make her selection. The sound of the lock clicking on the door roused him, realizing he must have dozed off.

"Handsome," said Charity, sliding her thighs along the outside of his as she pressed her thin, wiry body against his, joining him in his chair. He had grown accustomed to the slightly unyielding feel of her body, hard from having worked all her life.

"Char," he greeted in return, smiling at the woman who, like he himself, had once been a true beauty. Time showed in her face, around her eyes and mouth and the weathering of her skin, not that she didn't try to deny it, dressing just a touch too young and flirty for a woman her age, a few years older than he himself.

When she leaned in to kiss him, just before her lips touched his, he wondered briefly if she still tasted of boy. He rather hoped not.

"Will you be ready to go soon?" he asked when she broke away.

"I can't make it this time," she said and stiffened slightly. He suspected she was lying as he had always been pretty good at reading people. "Marie is having trouble with her husband again and I promised to visit with her tonight. Next Sunday, though, for sure."

Sirius smiled. He really didn't care but he wished she didn't lie. "I'd better get going then. Ginny is not very forgiving when I'm late."


When Sirius retired to his room many hours later, full of Ginny's delicious pot roast but weary from having to pretend he was doing fine, he heard a soft tap tapping on his bedroom window. A large, unfamiliar Great Horned owl waited to be let in so it could deliver its post.

Sirius reached into the bowl of owl treats he kept by the large bay window and thanked the bird. The owl offered a business like hoot and flew back out the way it came.

He examined the red wax seal on the parchment and wondered who HG was. Did he know an HG? He couldn't remember. When he broke the seal and unfurled the letter, he felt a bit foolish for not thinking of the young girl who had kept him out of the hands of the Dementors.

Dear Sirius,

First let me apologize for this being the first correspondence you've had with me since your miraculous retrieval. I've been so busy with my work that I barely have time for the scant letters to Harry and Ron.

Harry's letters to me are filled with news about you and I am really looking forward to getting reacquainted. You mean a great deal to a lot of people, myself included.

I hope my letter finds you well and in good health. I fear, however, that my writing to you is not entirely altruistic.

I will begin my return trip to England in one week and need to begin packing up my office and getting it ready for transport. I spoke with Harry about my need for assistance and he suggested I ask you.

I realize it is short notice but I was wondering if you have the time to give me a hand? There is too much to transport my things magically so I will require a traveling companion as well. I truly hate to play the damsel in distress but by the same token I am a little nervous about the trip home.

I hope you will agree to join me. I feel like everyone has gotten a chance to experience you but me. I think it could be fun!

The trip involves a short boat ride from my location here in New Guinea to Australia where we pick up a transport ship specializing in catering to witches and wizards. From there we sail to India where I have one last contact to meet with but don't worry, the research is all done. I just need to have a conversation with a colleague and get some documentation from him. From there we catch a train, also catering to witches and wizards, which will deposit us in France. From there we catch a ferry and then another train at King's Cross (I believe you know the one) to Hogsmeade so I can get my trunks home.

Please say you will do me this special favor. I promise fun and interesting sights along the way.

Your good friend,


"New Guinea," he mused out loud. Not that there was a question about his going. He was in her debt and didn't fancy her traveling the wide world unescorted anymore than she did. His mind drifted momentarily to the bossy, swotty young woman who, for all her annoying traits, had a big heart and had put her life on the line for his godson many times over.

"Harry," he said softly, guilt stealing into his heart over the worried glances exchanged between Remus and Harry. Sirius knew he was a lousy actor and despite his efforts at appearing that all was well, his family and friends knew better.

"Maybe this is just what I need," he murmured to himself.

A quietly cleared throat at his open door drew his attention to Remus, standing casually but looking worried.

"What is it you need?" asked Remus, entering the dimly lit room.

"A little adventure and an opportunity to play my hand at being the dashing hero," said Sirius playfully, gesturing to a heavily cushioned chair.

"I can't imagine Char taking a vacation from the shop and she hardly fits the role of 'damsel in distress,'" said Remus, taking the offered seat and the old fashioned tumbler of firewhiskey.

Sirius frowned slightly and considered whether or not to tell Remus about Charity and the near child he had caught her with. Something about it stung, not horribly but enough, and he was loath to admit that it was a situation he would accept because he didn't think he deserved much better, that he was lucky to get the small slice of life Charity was willing to share with him.

"No, Char is more than capable of doing what is right for her. She needs no hero, or at least not me in that role." Sirius took a long draft from his own glass, the liquid serving to both clarify and muddle his mind.

Remus raised a careful eyebrow at Sirius but instead of answering the unspoken question, Sirius answered the initial query that Remus had put to words.

"Hermione is coming home and has asked me to serve as escort for her."

"That's right. Harry mentioned something about that tonight," replied Remus. "So you're going then?"

Sirius gave a soft grunt in agreement. "I owe her that much at least."

"I doubt very much that she looks at it like that." Remus paused. "You will make every effort at getting along with her won't you?"

"It'll be fine," assured Sirius. "She's not fifteen anymore after all."

"When do you leave?" asked Remus, seeming to be satisfied with Sirius' answer.

"Couple of days. It's a shame that the floo network isn't connected to the estate in Dharma or I could've made the trip a bit easier for her." He took a sip of his whiskey, curling his lips back at the strong taste. "Will she need a place to stay? Should I offer her a room here?"

"No, she keeps a cottage in Hogsmeade." Remus finished off the last swallow. "I think maybe getting away from here would do you a lot of good. I wonder how Charity will feel about you escorting a pretty young witch from half-way across the world?"

Remus' tone was teasing however Sirius' answer was not. "I don't really give a damn what Charity thinks."

His answer was impulsively spoken and from the heart. He realized in that moment that it really did bother him. No matter how much he lied to himself and said that this was all he could hope for - an older woman who was past her prime and didn't think well enough of him to stay faithful. He still wanted more, better, something real.

"Sirius?" asked Remus cautiously.

"Just forget about it. I think you're right. I need to get away from this house for awhile." Sirius sighed heavily. "Think I'll call it a night, Moon."

Sirius could see the concern etched in Remus' face but the werewolf didn't push or pry for more information. He just nodded and offered his 'good night' and let Sirius keep his secrets.


Pushing his spectacles up along the bridge of his nose, Harry read the short return reply from Hermione.

Dear Harry,

I don't have time for more than a quick note. Just wanted you know that Sirius has agreed. I sent him a letter with details on how to get here and am expecting his arrival in two days time. I planned out a ridiculously long expedition home in the hope that it would give me a little more time in his company. Maybe we'll even strike up a friendship. Wish me luck.

Your friend,


Harry let out a long, hopeful breath.

"Who's that from?" asked Ginny curiously before setting a cup of tea in front of him.

"I don't know how she did it, but Hermione got Sirius to agree to travel home with her as escort."

"She's good at setting people straight, Harry," soothed Ginny. "I bet you see a real difference in him when he gets back with her."

Harry gave her a small smile and nodded. He was hopeful but only because hope was all he had left.