
I know that this is finished, but then I realized that I forgot to thank all the people who helped (reviewed, Favorite-d, Alerted, etc. etc.)

So I is back!… Not really.

Reviewers! -

AnnabethChase5450- Yep! And I changed that, thank you!

TwiRidePotterGirl- Thanks! I like your name, by the way.

ThePip6- Thank my friendie MindlessZombies (Rosie) for the idea! I got it watching TV that I only ever watch at her house when we're bored… or eating. Thank food.

.Lamb- It's on Bravo, but that might only be in the winter. I will keep writing, but right now, I 'm trying to write the entire story, type it, and then post it regularly, something I couldn't do otherwise.

James n Lily r in LOVE- I know!!!!! I hate it when the computer cuts down on my !!!!!s!!!!!!!!!! Did that make sense?

Starr22- Charlotte is James' little sister. She forced him to bring her when he went back to Lily's house. Thank you!

HorseandArtFreak- My brother-in-law said something like that about his girls once, to my dad, and I couldn't help it! It was so cute coming from someone like him (badass, neat freak, tough)

Marlicat- I think I replied to yours. Thanks anyway!

Alert people! -





And last in the Listy, but sooo totally not least, Favorites! -




Championship Vinyl




Thank you, people! And check out MindlessZombies profile, because she is cool, one of my best friends (on and off the internet, actually), and the AWESOMEST PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD. *Rosie, I think you owe me a cooooookkiiiiiieeeeee!*

I will leave you in peace now… good bye! (sobbing)

(more sobs)

Don't forget meeee!

The Men in the White Suits come and drag me away as I scream, "Cheesecake! Come on, Bobby, I'm hungry!"

Please Stand By. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

I have a flair for drama. Bye bye.