A/N: Ugh....don't ask, lousy day, ran into my locker...tired. Well, let's get this chapter on. Duncan's POV (And there will be a THIRD POV later in the story for one chapter: try to guess before then) So, to my loyal fans, here's Chapter 2!






Huh? What?

Oh. Crap.

I slammed a fist on the alarm and climbed out of bed, yawning.

In the bathroom, I combed my short black and green hair up into a nice mohawk and splashed my face with cold water, trying to get rid of the dark circles that surrounded my eyes. People always argued that I looked more like my mom. I dunno. I never really took that into consideration. All I know is that my name is Duncan and I'm not a normal kid. Period.

As I walked into the dining room, a familiar face greeted me.

"Hey," Cody said as he floated (Yes floated) towards the kitchen table with my food. "Have a nice night?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever," I answered. I sat down and began to eat. I caught a glimpse of DJ, Eva, Lindsay, Izzy, Ezekiel, and Harold cleaning up, floating through walls and whatnot, doing whatever ghosts do.

Yes, if you haven't figured it out yet, I live in a haunted house. Though they prefer not to use that term; they say that they are just 'temporarily living in my mansion.'

Guess what? They have to. Until I leave that is. Something to do with a deal with the devil they made when they were alive. Needed to stay here till I got out. And I really don't think that's going to happen.

It's actually easier having your own personal servants. My dad didn't know about them: he was gone all day, returning somewhere between 8 and 10 PM. I could almost laugh at his face the first time he came home and saw that the house was completely clean.


Now, I'm pretty sure I don't surprise anyone when I say that it's really boring here. My dad tried to get me some private teachers, but one look at me and the cliche line was "Sorry, I'm too busy."

The ghosts were no help either. Always bugging me about trying harder to get back into school, about getting a friend. Sure. I really want to tell them to just shut up. I'm practically going insane with the pressure.

After breakfast, I went into the front yard. Outside, the first thing I saw was the chain fence around the huge mansion (yes, we live in a mansion, it was inherited) and the numerous padlocks on the inside, designed to keep me out.

It was stupid. I mean, who freaking puts padlockson their fences? I know I'm not allowed to leave, but I'm not going to sneak out. Besides, I could if I wanted to. Scaling that fence would be no problem. I'm starting to wonder if they're meant to have a psychological effect on me.

I passed the rest of the time today watching TV, like any other day. But later that night, when I was looking for a new movie to watch in my room, I heard voices in the main hall.

"Um....hey.." began a shaky demented voice-one I did not recognize.

"Hi!" Izzy practically screamed. She never had much of a quiet side. "We never get guests! Have a seat!"


Dammit, I thought. They're not supposed to reveal themselves to anyone......

"Hey, guys," said Cody. "Remember what Duncan said."

"Aww, come on, Cody, Have a heart!" argued Izzy. "Look at this poor delusional soul-"


She ignored the man. "And who would we be to toss this weird old man out into the street? He's welcome here!"

Lindsay then approached him. "Are you Tyler?" she asked.


"Oh ignore her," DJ told the guy as he pushed her aside. "She's a little absent minded."

DJ left the room and returned a second later, with a cup of tea.

"Would you like some tea?" he asked kindly.

Idiots, I thought.

"Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Uh oh," I heard from Eva.

"He's in for it now, eh," said Ezekiel.

And in the blink of an eye, they vanished into thin air. Cowards.

"Look, what do you want?" I asked angrily.

"I-I just wanted to see... erm...uh...Mr. Barnett.... i-if he lives here that is-"

"Well he's not home, weirdo! What do you want to see him for."

"Uh....he's my boss and I really wanted to talk to him-"

He caught the angry look on my face. Probably got the message.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I'll come back another time."

The guy started to get up and leave, but not before I told him not to mention the ghosts to anyone.

But as bad luck would have had it, just then my dad decided to return.

"Trent?" he asked. "What happened to you? What are you doing h- Duncan! Have you been scaring him?"

I shrugged. If my dad wanted to talk to this crazy guy Trent, he could for all I care.

"That was harsh, Duncan," Harold half whispered to me in my room.

"Oh shut it, geek," I snapped. What? He was one.

So that's everyday life for me. Hang around the house bored, leave everything to the ghosts, terrorize the guests, etcetera etcetera. All in a days work for yours truly.

Well, it was. At least until she came along.

Okay, that was short, I know. Some chapters will be like that. I don't like writing super long ones because deadlines are so hard to meet when you're a 13 year old girl who is technically a genius and has lots of homework and chores. But enough about me. I've had a lot of questions about TV and entertainment. I've never really paid attention before:

TDI/TDA: Courtney appears in the theme song of TDA and the group photo, but is not a participant. What's up with that? Will she come in the middle of the season like Eva and Izzy did in TDI?

Will there be a sixth season for Teen Titans? Doesn't the company have a mind of their own instead of using the comic book to base the show on?

Will K.A. Applegate finish her series of Animorphs? The last book is titled "The Beginning" ironically.

Will Stephen Hawking finally discover the Theory of Everything?

Will I get into the top 25% of the Gauss Math Contest that my teacher told me to do?

Will I ever get a skydiving licence?

Oh wow, I got off topic. Now, I'm pretty sure I'm just delaying the time to update this and my mom's telling me to get off the computer to do Chinese homework, so I'm just quickly going to spell check and present this to you.

Happy Reading,

-Rocket Scientist