These interviews are questions I've been DYING to ask the real Flock, but, uh, I don't suppose they'll ever really be I decided to answer them myself.

If I get enough reviews and people seem to like it, I will continue.

Hope ya'll enjoy!

Disclaimer: I'm not JP, I don't own MR, blah blah blah...

Interview 1: Max

Rita: Hello America! Welcome to storybook studios, where we question your favorite book characters about how they feel about fanfics! I'm Rita Zaino, and I'll be your host! Now, we have very special guests today: the Flock!


And sitting with us first is the most well known of them all…Max! How are you doing tonight?

Max: Um, fine…but this isn't a studio, it's you room…

R: Uh…well yeah, but…moving on. Tell us, Max, how do you feel about fanfictions?

M: They're ok, I guess. It's interesting seeing what people think we're going to do next. I'm not against them.

R: I see. Now **flips through notes** I have a few questions on shipping…what do you think about Eggy?

M: **Sighs** I don't really think Iggy and Ella go together that well. And I defiantly don't feel comfortable with people pairing a perv with my little sister.

R: You think he's pervy?

M: **nods**

R: Hmm, how about Niggy?

M: Same thing: Ig just wouldn't get along with her.

R: What's your take on Figgy?


R: Interesting …**scribbles in notebook** And what ab—

M: If you say Miggy or Gizzy I will shove that notebook down your throat.

R: O-Ok, uh, w-what are your thoughts on Fudge? I mean, could that ever even work?

M: No way. Sticking a motor mouth with a mute person is a baaaaaad idea.

R: Or do you want Fang all for yourself? In fact, that's our next question: what about all this Faxness? How do you deal with it? And do you agree you and Fang make a golden couple? **coughcoughbecauseyouarecoughcough**

M: That's kinda personal…but, I don't mind it. I mean, I do like him, and I think he likes me back, although he rarely shows it. It's a mixed feeling; on one hand I like being stuck with him, but it's embarrassing to read it all the time! And of course then the others start to tease us…

R: I feel your pain…sorta…not really…

M: You've never interviewed people before, have you?

R: Don't rub it in…anyway, enough with the shipping, next question: pregnancies.

M: Whoa, wait, WHAT?!

R: It must be addressed. Do you like it when people write about you, Nudge, and Ella getting pregnant? Isn't that awkward? And what do the boys think?

M: **makes a disgusted face** Look, can't we skip this part?

R: Uh uh, the people want to know.

M: Well, it is freakin awkward, especially for me. We can't stop people from writing that way, but we sure wish we could. How would you like it if someone wrote a fanfic about you having a baby with you-know-who? And you know who I'm talking about, Miss I-love-my-brother's-friend.

R: …alright, I get it, no more personal stuff. **scribbles in notebook behind back** Let's go to our next topic…personalities. Do you feel like fans are capturing your Flock's behavior and characteristics well enough?

M: For as little personal info we give out, I think characteristic wise they're doing great. Personality and writing style are harder to duplicate, but from what I've read, they're not that bad. Except when they make us do something totally out-of-the-blue. That's a little annoying.

R: Yeah, I understand. Somewhat disappointing, huh? Here, I just have a few more inquires…**flips through pages** why do you call people 'sexist pig' all the time?

M: Because I think they are. If you act sexist, I'll call you sexist. And that's not about fanfics.

R: I'm sorry; I just needed to ask that. Let's see, what's next…nope…nope…ah, here it is: Do you think disclaimers are necessary? Why or why not?

M: Not really. If you were a famous author, why write on a fanfiction site? And believe me, some people don't have to put disclaimers it's so obvious they're not famous.

R: Like me?

M: Pretty much.

R: Wow. That was insulting on so many levels…

**bell rings**

Oops! Looks like we're out of time for today! Thank you so much Max for being here!

M: Yeah, sure, anytime…

R: Join us tomorrow for our next interview with Fang!

M: Who are you even talking to?

R: Uh, no one. Can I ask one more question before you go?

M: Sure.

R: What do you think about Fissa?

M: That's it, I'm outta here!

REVIEW PLEASE!! And I'd love it if people would write questions so I can add them in here! So go ahead and write as many as you want...within reason. I wont take them if they're too weird.

=^.^= Ciao!!