OK guys. Here's chapter 3! Sorry for the delay!
Kyuubi talk
'Kyuubi thought'
Ragnarok talk
'Loki talk'
Author's Note: Crona is gonna be a girl. I had to think about it.
And here we go!
Naruto was currently trying the tree-walking exercise Kyuubi assigned him to do. The fox was very unforgiving in his training. Something along the lines of refusing to have a weak container and being laughed at in the afterlife by the other Demon Lords. A demon still had their pride, sealed or not.
Naruto found it to be a load of crap, seeing how he was "suffering" under the training, even though he himself saw the fruits of his labor. Then again, he was only six years old. He didn't completely understand why he was doing what he was doing. In his six year old mind, he just wants to make his mother happy. And to make her happy, he has to train and be strong. So, in the end, he could sacrifice a little play time to train, Kyuubi cheated anyway when they played anyway.
So, here he was, halfway up the tree, struggling to reach the top. If he reached the top, Kyuubi would start on jutsus. Naruto was determined to learn his jutsus, he wanted to be the best. He wanted all the jutsus his family was famous for.
However, Naruto also had another interest besides jutsus.
Naruto wanted to learn sealing. After seeing his mother use magic to make her stronger and faster, he wondered if he could do that. Kyuubi pointed out that seals could. Naruto was hooked immediately and Kyuubi added sealing on the list of things to teach. Besides, Minato left his son his scroll of sealing, made to teach his son the art. Naruto planned on surprising his mother with seal knowledge, something she would come to use from him.
But that's another story for later.
At the current time, Naruto finally reached the top of the tree. He sat on one of the branches and regained his breath. It had taken many attempts, but the blonde finally made it to the top. Kyuubi smirked on the inside, his determination was unwavering.
"Well, well. You managed to climb the tree. I'll say you did it faster than I thought. Determination is a powerful thing. I suppose jutsus and seals are what you're after."
"I've been waiting a long time! I've done all you wanted me to do! I don't wanna do anymore until I learn something cool!"
"How does Kage Bunshin sound…"
Meanwhile, Medusa was staring at Crona. She wasn't too happy with her at the moment. Crona was staring at the rabbit with a hesitant look.
"Kill it Crona. It's your dinner. Do it or you won't eat."
"Yes! Kill it! Kill it now! Show your strength!"
"But…I don't want to. I…can't."
Medusa merely stared at Crona.
"Then you don't eat. As simple as that."
She then shot Crona back into her room using a Vector Plate. She would wait for Naruto's return. At least he had his uses. Crona didn't want to do anything asked of her for some reason. Crona has confidence issues, Naruto was full of confidence.
Medusa grinned wickedly. The boy would train until he dropped. He wanted to be the strongest ninja in the world and he worked hard. He was devoted to her and trained to be strong out of love for his mother.
Medusa was wondering what she could do to Crona to make her grow strong like her adopted brother. She was showing toughness and spite to Crona and no progress was made whatsoever. Maybe this was the wrong way of teaching Crona anything.
She then thought about Naruto. He got strong out of love. He grew strong to protect and he was making rapid progress. Maybe Crona needed a little love too. Obviously this way wasn't working.
Medusa would wait until Naruto returned to see what would happen. She had an experiment to try. Maybe Kyuubi was right, a little love could be what Crona needed.
Crona sat in her room. She was sent away again for being too weak. She didn't want to kill the rabbit. Besides, her brother got all the love, why should she try and be neglected?
"Kill him and take his soul! He'll make us stronger instead!"
"He's our brother though. He treats me nicely and everything. I…can't. He's good to us."
"But he's taking all of the attention! Kill him! Get stronger! Make mother proud!"
"But he's mother's weapon. It would anger her."
"Do it anyway! Be a rebel!"
"Stop. Please, I don't know how to deal with it…"
Naruto was returning from his session with Kyuubi. He had learned all of the academy jutsus with ease. He couldn't do a Bunshin to save his life, but that's what Kage Bunshin was for. He was also learning Kage Shuriken and Bunshin Daikuba, but Kyuubi told him to take it easy, he had plenty of time to learn and chakra exhaustion would slow him down.
He listened to the fox, but was surprised when his mother was standing there with Crona. With them was a rabbit.
He was confused, until Medusa asked him one small thing.
"This rabbit is your dinner. Kill it and go eat."
Naruto looked at the rabbit. His ninja training kicked in. He threw a kunai straight into the rabbit's heart, killing it.
"Good job Naruto. No hesitation. You're truly becoming a strong ninja."
Medusa hugged her son and kissed him on the head. She did this while staring at Crona and she saw something that made her grin inside.
"Go make dinner Naruto."
Naruto beamed and left.
Medusa showed another rabbit.
"Kill it and make dinner Crona."
Crona stared for a second and then brought out Ragnarok and killed it.
Medusa smiled and hugged Crona and kissed her on the head as well.
"Good job Crona. You are getting strong like Naruto. I only want you to work harder ok? If you do, you'll get the same attention he does."
Crona looked up to Medusa and did something Medusa thought she'd never see.
Crona smiled. A true smile.
Medusa smiled on the inside.
Love is the key. Show some affection and they'll be devoted and do what I want. This is going to be so easy for me. I can't believe it. I should have done this a long time ago. I wonder if anyone else is silly enough to be hard on their child after seeing it hamper their growth…
Meanwhile in Konoha, one Hyuuga Hiashi sneezed.
Doesn't matter, both will be strong. Very strong. My plans will go off without a hitch.
Crona and Medusa walked inside to help Naruto make dinner.
As they prepared their dinner, Naruto decided to make small talk.
"How was your day today Crona?"
"It was better than most days. I'm doing much better now."
"You sound a lot better too! Something good must have happened today!"
"Not until the end. It did make the whole day better though."
"That's good! I'm happy for you! You look a lot better! I know mother can be relentless sometimes, but she means well."
Crona was silent for a second, but added her agreement after earlier.
"That she does. I see what you mean now. Medusa-sama does want the best for us. Perhaps Medusa-sama loves us after all…"
"I told you! Mother wants us to be strong because she wants the best for us! She loves us, she just has a unique was of showing it!"
"…That she does."
'It appears the witch has shown Crona affection. Maybe the kit will change the witch for the better. Then again, I won't be surprised to find out the witch was faking it to manipulate them. If she is, it's her demise. I warned her.'
Medusa listened to the small talk with a smile. Her children believed she loved them, that was good. One thing, however, was starting to bother her.
She was getting attached to her children. This was not planned. Her children were getting strong and Medusa was starting to get attached to them. How could she manipulate them when they showed so much devotion to her? When she hugged and kissed Crona, she felt the attachment to her, especially after Crona smiled.
Was Medusa developing maternal feelings? She couldn't. She had to use them to release Kishin later. They were her tools. Why was she getting attached? She couldn't.
Yet, it was natural for mothers to bond with her children. And why couldn't Medusa be a mother and revive Kishin? It might make her stronger. Love was a source of strength, Naruto was a prime example.
She definitely needed to talk to Kyuubi again. Soon.
That night after dinner, Medusa walked into Naruto's room.
"Mother, what is it?"
"I need to discuss some matters with Kyuubi."
"OK mother. Good night."
"Good night."
Medusa soon found herself in front of the cage once again. Kyuubi looked at her. Naruto was not around, he was sleep from his training.
"Why are you here witch? We have nothing to discuss. My warning stands as is. From what I gather, you're showing affection to Crona. What caused this?"
"I noticed Naruto getting stronger out of love, so I tried it on Crona. Works like a charm. But…I have a problem."
Kyuubi smirked.
"And what might that be witch? Feel like you're getting soft? Showing attachment to your precious children?"
"This is not funny demon! I had no intentions of showing attachment! I have plans I need them for!"
"And what's wrong with showing maternal feelings? Too high and mighty for that? If you forgot my warning, faking it is a very bad idea."
"It is below me."
"Then you are a fool walking into your own demise. You can love your children and still go through your plans."
"I cannot afford to screw up my plans because my children are in trouble and I have to save them. Maternal instincts are foolish."
"If you truly love them you'll make sure they're strong enough to handle themselves. If you don't love them, they'll be weak because you neglected them or they won't go along with your plans as easy, if at all. Your choice."
"So which one sounds stupid witch? Weak or hateful children complicate things."
"You know the answer to that. This is an unexpected development. I could become stronger due to this though. Naruto is showing amazing progress."
"Because his mother loves him and has faith in him. Correct?"
This was a trap and Medusa knew it. However, she answered honestly.
"His mother does love him. His sister too. Perhaps I've been wrong. Maybe a little love is the answer."
Kyuubi grinned.
"A little love goes a long way."
Medusa grinned.
"Yes it does. Yes it does."
Kyuubi shifted. He needed something.
"I do have a small request though."
Medusa was surprised, but didn't show it. The demon never had a request.
"The Black Blood. I'm interested. Can you inject Naruto with some? I think it will be beneficial. To be able to do that with your blood will be a wonderful thing in the ninja world."
"It could make him mentally unstable."
"That's what I'm here for. I assure you, I'll take care of it."
Medusa grinned. Black blood in Naruto? Her weapon is getting better and better.
"I'll inject him when I leave."
"Good. Now, go be a good mother. If you don't, my jaws will be waiting for you."
"Your jaws are going to be angry. I won't be there."
"I hope so witch. For the kid."
Medusa walked back in Naruto's room with a needle full of Black Blood. She injected her sleeping son with it.
What are you up to fox? What's your plan? Why do you want this for him? I'll find out soon enough…
"Ah, there it is. Black Blood. Now, I know the witch can stop this, but let's see what happens when I add…my own personal touch."
Kyuubi injected some of his chakra into the blood. It started taking shape and the figure that formed made Kyuubi's eyebrows raise up. The figure, clearly a woman, took shape. She had red hair like the chakra given, but Kyuubi recognized the figure immediately.
It was the kit's birth mother. Uzumaki Kushina. Irony was truly something. The kit had both mothers. Well, at least the shape of one.
Finally, the figure opened her eyes. They were black, just like the blood given to him.
"Hmmm. Not bad. Not bad. You must be Kyuubi."
"And you're the Black Blood. It's a pleasure."
"My name's Loki demon. That's what I want to be called. Trickster. Heh, just wait until he starts using me! He's gonna be super strong! We'll rip opponents to shreds!"
"Yes we will. That we will. Now tell me, what do you do?"
"For one, I make his blood a weapon. If he bleeds, he can make his blood spike and stab opponents. I can also protect him by making his blood thicker and absorbing damage. Blood armor if you will."
"Interesting. I figured you'd be…wilder like Ragnarok."
"I think it's your chakra keeping me rational. It's nice, but in battle, he'll become a blood thirsty warrior under my influence. He'll throw caution into the wind and he might injure his body on purpose to get more blood out. That's quite dangerous for him. He could bleed to death if he's not careful. He seems reckless."
"Do you know who I am?"
"…This is going to be a beautiful partnership. I see why you wanted me. I was wrong to ask such a question."
Kyuubi grinned. Naruto was going to be extremely powerful. Kyuubi could close major wounds and light ones could be used for Loki.
"Well, since we're stuck here, let's get to know each other."
"Well for one, I can be referred to as liquid insanity…"
"But my chakra made you a bit more rational and not so much obsessed with the idea."
"Something like that. I suppose your chakra made where I won't be on him all the time, pressuring him to give in. Just made me more…able to negotiate. It's good having a little sanity. I like this body too, his mother was an attractive woman."
"You're also immune to the witch thanks to me."
"Well, get comfy, the kid will be here tomorrow."
"Heh, I'll teach him to embrace insanity and bloodlust. It'll be great!"
"Yes it will. Heh."
Naruto woke up the next day feeling odd.
'HI! How are you this morning!'
"Don't panic kit. It's Loki. She's the black blood in your body."
"I have Crona's black blood inside me?"
"I asked the witch for it. Loki will be helping us train you."
'YEAH! Now cut yourself! I'll show you what I can do!'
Naruto looked unsure.
"Just do it kit."
Naruto cut himself a little. Black blood came out his veins.
'Now will it to spike!'
Naruto willed it to spike…and it spiked.
'I know right! I'm awesome! I can impale enemies that get in your way! You won't have to take crap from no one!"
'Sorry. Anyway, I can also be use defensively too. Your blood can also be armor. Plus I can make you a little…crazy if we sync, but I'll teach you that later.'
"Now let's go train. We have work to do."
"Yes Kyuubi-sensei."
Medusa looked at Crona. Crona looked at her mother.
"We have training to do."
"Will I be able to get another hug Medusa-sama?"
"If you do well Crona."
Crona got a look of determination in her eyes. She wanted her mother's love.
Medusa noticed the look and was proud. Crona would be strong. She wanted Crona to be strong. As a mother and for her plans.
The family was bonding. Slowly but surely, they were bonding…
End Chapter 3!
Author's Notes: Loki is my version of Soul's Imp. She's a mixture of black blood and Kyuubi's chakra. She's wild, bloodthirsty and a bit insane, but Kyuubi's chakra gives her a little rationality. She represents the killer instinct and bloodthirsty state people go in.
Yes, Medusa is starting to bond with Naruto and Crona as a mother would to her children. The three of them are going to grow together as a family. A crazy one, but a family nonetheless.
And yes, Crona's a chick.
Now, I was asked if Naruto is going to save the world and whatnot. He isn't. If anything, he'll be partially responsible for releasing Kishin. In terms of saving the world, he won't be thinking among those lines, he'll just want to save those close to him and avoid being captured by ninjas in black robes with red clouds. If anything, his loyalty lies with Medusa and Crona. Hinata will be added to that list later, which will make for interesting developments.
Next chapter, Naruto will be 12. What will six years of training under Loki and Kyuubi do for him?