Whose Fic is it Anyway?

Hosted by Kali Gargoyle


The camera pans over an audience of humans, mutants, and Foot soldiers and pauses on a young woman wearing a black pantsuit and holding a microphone.

"Hello readers! And welcome to Whose Fic is it Anyway? Tonight's guests are..."

The camera switches to a shot of the stage where four humanoid turtles are sitting in chairs. They do a close up on each as their names are called.

"Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo, and Raphael."

The camera goes back to the host. "I'm your host Kali Gargoyle. Let's get on with the show!"

The camera follows her down the flight of steps to her desk where a mug of hot cocoa is waiting.

"Okay, if you haven't seen this show before, this is how it works. Our four players will try to make up funny stuff on the spot based on reader suggestions. YOUR suggestions. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check your local listings for show times, or check out this webpage for a list of rules and games. Keep in mind I won't be doing ALL the games, cause some just wouldn't transfer to fiction very well, and I just don't like some."


"So, this is going to be another reader submission story. Send in lines, scene ideas, and stuff you would like to see. I'll be taking direct email for this one, so if you'd rather do that instead of leaving it in the review, do that."

[email protected]

Raph crosses his arms. "Tell me again why we're doing this?"

"Because she's an omnipotent psycho?" Don replies.

"And she has a tazer," Mike adds.


UK Whose Line is owned by Hat Trick Productions.

US Whose Line is owned by ABC.

TMNT are owned by Mirage Studios.


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