Author's Note: Hmm, I've already been given 9 reviews since I posted. This makes me happy. X3 So, I went on ahead and posted the next chapter. I keep forgetting to credit things to Ara, because I'm a forgetful bitch, but … she's the one who gave me the line for Robin, which she'd talked about a man being at a disadvantage last chapter! XD I wanted something for Robin to say, but couldn't think of it myself. So, she gave me that line~! ;) Thanks Ara~! I WUB UU! BFFs FOREVER! K3K3K3 Anyways … This … I swear it! Is the last chapter! XD So, enjoy it while it lasts. I do hope you guys like it! :D This is actually where I mostly listened to Disturbed: Darkness, actually. Not really last chapter. I pretty much wrote it all as one chapter, but it had gotten too long! XD It had more then 5k words after I had cut it. So, a lot of you had made some assumptions well … I do think of these things … GEEZ! Have some faith in me before you assume and make suggestions … ;_; Because then when I do come out with the next chapter ... it's not so fun for me … Makes me feel like I can't do it myself … Even though it had already been done … Anyways … enjoy the last chapter of my fic~!

The Blood of My Enemy

Chapter XXI

"This place haunted 'r somethin'?"

"No, it is not," replied Hancock to Garp, coming up towards them with a curious, but concerned look on her very beautiful face.

"Then what was that?" asked Ace, looking back to where he'd been pushed.

"I honestly don't know," replied Hancock softly, bringing a knuckle to her lips.

Sitting in a chair, Dragon just watched and listened from a distance, wondering himself what was going on. First the old man, and then Ace? He'd been sitting in the chair the whole time, not seeming inclined to move from it. He hadn't really spoken to anyone either, and he was content to stay that way. One minute his chair was under him, and the next, it had been pulled right out from under him. "Gaah!"

His cry caught Garp's and Ace's attention, both looking over to him. Then, something grabbed Dragon's tie, making him stand up again. His eyes were wide as he looked down at his tie, but it didn't stop there. He was then pulled out towards a group of people, and then shoved right towards them. He stopped himself, just before running into them, though they had backed away. "You all right?" A man, a vampire man, asked, looking at him in astonishment.

"Yeah …" replied Dragon quietly, straightening up his tie. "This some kind of joke?" he asked, looking to Hancock, who was slowly approaching them, though she looked just as puzzled as they did.

"Oye!" called Garp as he and Ace ran to him, Luffy coming up beside him.

"That was weird!" said Luffy, gaping at his father, Nami just behind him.

"What the fuck is going on?" asked Ace, looking up at his grandfather.

"I'm not sure," replied Garp, looking thoughtful.

"I've never seen anything so weird and cool all at the same ti-"

Everyone quickly looked over at Luffy when his words suddenly cut off. However, they all frowned when they saw the shocked look on his face. "Oye, Luffy!" called Garp, but then stopped when he'd been about to approach him when he saw tears suddenly appear in Luffy's eyes. "Luffy!"

"Oye, Luffy, what is it!?" exclaimed Ace, looking worried.

"Luffy?" called Nami softly, looking worried for him.

His expression slowly changed from shock to sadness, the tears thickening before they finally fell. Then his arms slowly rose up, both wrapping around himself as he closed his eyes, causing more tears to fall. "Luffy, Luffy, what's wrong?" asked Dragon, coming to stand in front of him.

"Mom," he chocked out, baring his teeth. "I felt her … all around me … Like … she was hugging me … I swear, I felt her … She was here …"

"Wha …?" whispered Dragon, now gawking at his son, looking as if he didn't believe that was possible.

"Oh, Luffy …" whispered Nami as she stepped in between him and Dragon to hug Luffy, who hugged her back, burying his face into her neck. "It's all right, my love." she continued to whispered, staring off ahead of her … right into the mirror from before. Blinking, she stared right back into the faces of three nude women she was pretty sure didn't belong there, all three smiling mischievously. Gasping softly, she quickly pulled away from Luffy, turning to look behind her to the others to see if the women were there, and of course, they were nowhere to be seen. Turning back, she saw the three women smiling warmly now, one of them looking directly at her. "Oh!"

"What is it, Nami?" asked Luffy, wanting to know, eager to know.

"There," she whispered, pointing to the mirror, "in the mirror …"

They all looked to the mirror, as did everyone in the room. When the four spotted the women there, smiling back at them warmly and lovingly, they lost all color from their faces. "Mom …" whispered Dragon, Luffy and Ace. However, the first to move was Garp, though slowly, as he approached the mirror. And just as he approached it, she approached it too, but from the other side. The other three finally and slowly followed after the old man, but stopped, content to just look upon them in the mirror. However, Dragon's eyes had then shifted to his woman as both faded and saddened.

When he finally reached the mirror, Garp stopped, and she stopped at the same time at the same distance as he. "You …" he whispered, which made her smile wider, and it seemed she'd even laughed. Smiling faintly as well, his vision blurring with tears, Garp took another step, slowly raising a hand to press his palm into the mirror. Her smile softened, once again, as she also lifted up her hand to press it against his. Suddenly, he understood everything. He understood what they were trying to say.

"So … your mom's in there?" asked Nojiko quietly and seriously.

"Yeah," replied Ace softly, staring right back at his mother as she smiled at him.

"Which one is she?" she asked, looking at the three women inside, though she knew the one in front of Garp had to be their Grams.

"The one … on the right," he whispered, tears coming to his eyes finally.

Looking to the one he indicated, she smiled and said softly, "She's very beautiful. You look quite a bit like her."

"Yeah, she is," he replied back just as softly, but then he released a humored breath as he smiled wider. "You tryin' to say I'm beautiful?"

Smiling wider and laughing softly, she replied, "Maybe."

They both watched as Rouge smiled wider at them before nodding her head softly while closing her eyes, and then she was gone. Gasping softly and losing his smile, Ace quickly stepped forward. "Mom!"

"Oh …" breathed Nojiko, also losing her smile and frowning sadly.

Both Dragon and Luffy approached the mirror then, but remained behind their grandfather, and Luffy's mother and Dragon's mate stepped up a bit. Her smile widened and glowed as she tilted her head to the side. She looked proud of them both. Her hand came up, and she pressed it gently against her lips. Then she pulled it back, blowing gently against it to blow them both a kiss, and then she was gone as well.

"Aah!" cried Luffy, reaching out towards the mirror, but Dragon's head just lowered, knowing it was going to happen.

Knowing what was happening, though he couldn't see it, for his eyes never left hers and hers never left his, Garp's tears finally began to drift down his cheeks, knowing she was next to disappear forever. Her smile widened, and she gave him a nod, a nod which, at that moment, he dreaded, because he knew why she was nodding. Swallowing hard, he just stared back at her, and she waited. Finally, but hesitantly and shakily, he nodded back to her. Her smile brightened, and she removed her hand from his, taking a few steps back. She looked to each Dragon and Luffy before resting her eyes on Garp again, and then she too …. was gone.

The moment her image was no longer in the mirror, Garp's teeth clamped down tightly. He wasn't ready yet, not just yet. "Oh, Luffy," whispered Nami, coming up to wrap her arms around him, and he again buried his face within her.

Finally removing his hand from the mirror, Garp took a step back, staring at his own reflection, though it seemed so foreign to him. "Do you know why?" Dragon suddenly asked, having seen the exchange between them.

"Yes," whispered Garp, still staring into the mirror.

"Then why?" whispered Dragon, stepping up closer to his father.

"We've done … what we'd set out to do … We've killed the vampires responsible for what was done to them … We've avenged their deaths … and put them to rest for good," whispered Garp, but his words carried on throughout the eerily silent room. "They're telling us … that they want us to move on now … For … four hundred years … we've put our lives on hold for this … but," started Garp, shaking his head a bit, "not yet … I'm not ready to move on … just yet. Maybe … one day … soon … But … not today."

There was a soft collective sigh within the crowd, but then suddenly, everyone's attention was drawn to the doors that had suddenly burst open. A group of men walked inside and looked around. However, they looked just as confused as the group of people inside, staring back at them. "Huh … well this ain't right …" The man in the front spoke as he looked around, but then he turned around to another man. "They ain't here. Maybe they're elsewhere? But I don't sense or smell 'em."

The man he spoke to stepped forward, and Nami gasped in horror, hiding behind Luffy. A scowl had formed on Sanji's face as his fangs shot out with a growling hiss. "Oye, Nami, what's wrong?" asked Luffy, turning to look at her.

"There's no way they could just … not be here." spoke the man with the golden eyes as he surveyed the room.

"Mihawk!" exclaimed Sanji, taking a few steps towards them, his eyes starting to glow red.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" spoke the first man, who'd been the first to speak upon entering the room. He stepped up, holding out his palms. "We're not here to fight anyone-Ah, well, we were, but they aren't here anymore."

"Luffy, that man … with the gold eyes … he's the one … who killed me," whispered Nami, still hiding behind Luffy.

"What!?" bellowed Luffy, turning back to the men, his eyes blackening and his canines sharpening. Hearing Luffy's outburst, Ace, Garp and Dragon quickly moved towards him, ready to fight if necessary.

Nojiko moved next to Nami, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Nami?"

"Whoa!" exclaimed the first man, gaping at Luffy in surprise, and even jolting back as he turned to the golden eyed man. "You never said there were gonna be lycans here," he said, but the golden eyed man looked just as shocked.

"They … are not supposed to be here," he said, looking at all the black eyed and growling faces. "They've been at war for four hundred years," he whispered to him, looking very confused.

"It's you."

Everyone then looked to a pale and shocked Robin as she stared at the men, standing in the doorway. "Ah, you mean me or him?" asked the first man as he pointed between himself and Mihawk.

"The red haired man," she whispered, stepping up close to him, completely ignoring Mihawk.

"Ah, yeah, right. You mean me," said the red haired man, pointing to himself again with half a smile. "Name's Shanks and these are my men. Mihawk here's a long time friend of mine."

Mihawk slowly turned his head towards Nami, staring at her intently before slowly making his way towards her. Luffy gave a threatening growl to warn him away, and Sanji had run over, blocking her off as well. Gasping loudly, she then clung to Luffy tightly, burying her face into his back. "You stay away!" exclaimed Luffy, his face coming out more prominently. Even Ace, Dragon and Garp had begun to growl at this man.

"I assure you," Mihawk started as he slowly waved his hands palm out in front of him as he made his slow approach, "that I did not come to finish the job. I will not harm the girl. It was a necessary evil, I'm afraid. I knew I was being chased, and I needed to distract my pursuer," he said, looking to Sanji now. "I knew he would care more for the girl and want to save her instead of chasing me."

Sanji's face changed from anger to confusion and even slight embarrassment, "What are you talking about?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at him.

"There was a reason I left the castle," replied Mihawk, and Shanks came up beside him.

"He was trying to get to me, I'm afraid. Things seemed to be getting out of hand here, and I'd sent him here to … well … spy … basically. He was trying to find me to tell me, but no one could follow him. Took him more than two years to find me too," explained Shanks.

Coming forward slowly, and to everyone's surprise, Usopp looked absolutely shocked to see them. Another man with blonde hair and dreadlocks stepped out from behind Shanks. "Usopp … I've heard you've been looking for me, son," he said, with a large smirk.

Watching the man intently, Kureha's eyes then shifted to Usopp. It was the man Usopp had been searching for all those centuries past … his father. There was no mistaking the resemblance. What would Usopp do now that he was face to face with him? "Yes … I've been looking for you," replied Usopp, finally, though his voice was deep and heavy. One second he was there, and then in the next, he was gone. Everyone gasped when he suddenly appeared in front of the blonde man, his claws extended and his arm raised to strike.


"It's all right," said Shanks, raising an arm to stop anyone from interfering. "Let them handle this. I believe it's a family matter."

"Oye, Usopp!" cried Luffy, watching him around Mihawk, who had also turned to look.

However, having seen it coming, Yasopp stopped him easily as he skidding back from the force of Usopp's attack. "Very nicely done, Usopp," he said, smirking wider up at his son.

"Do not compliment me," seethed Usopp, his fangs extended as he struggled against his father's hold, his nails extending further. Then he brought up his other arm, trying to get his other set of claws into his gut. However, he was easily caught. Quickly, Yasopp shoved Usopp down onto his back and twirled him around so his back was facing him, pulling him up against him. Then his own elongated nail came up to Usopp's throat, making him stiffen with a hiss.

"Usopp!" cried Luffy, but he didn't move. His own father wouldn't kill him, right? Everyone else gasped, watching in complete amazement. Everyone had heard of the long nosed vampire. Everyone knew he was one of the oldest and most powerful of the vampires. None had ever known anyone to be strong enough to best him so quickly.

"Now you listen to me, son."

"No!" cried Usopp, baring his fangs with his eyes lowered towards the hand at his throat. "Do not lecture me! I had to watch her die! Where the fuck were you!?" he continued, his voice dark and angry.

"I wasn't going to lecture you, Usopp! I'm pretty sure you're beyond that point …" said Yasopp, keeping his nail to his son's throat. "She knew what she was doing. It's what she wanted! You were still so young. There's no way you would have understood!"

"I know that you could have saved her!" screamed Usopp, looking furious as he began to struggle, the nail at his throat, piercing his skin and causing blood to trickle.

"Stop it!" yelled Yasopp, grabbing his throat instead as his nails shortened again. "She didn't want to be saved!" he yelled down at his son, and he looked troubled.

Ceasing his struggles, Usopp sucked in his breath as his eyes widened. "What?" he whispered softly, looking as if he didn't believe his words.

"Don't you think I would have tried to save her!? Change her like I had been changed!? Even though … I did not have a choice in the matter … and your mother accepted me back anyways. Do you not think I would have done anything to save her? She had told me … it was her time. She had told me to explain it to you when you were old enough to understand. I never got that chance. I had to leave. I couldn't remain there. They were beginning to realize I was no longer human. I had to leave, but you had a chance. She told me before she left to live the dream I'd always had. And so, I did. I'd intended to come find you, but you had already gone. I'd no idea where to, and the next thing I know, centuries had passed … and word caught my ears of a long nosed vampire, who was searching for me."

Usopp remained still, just listening to his words, though he still looked in shock. "I was … already engrossed in other things. I couldn't come find you myself, but I knew that one day we would meet. I've wanted to tell you. I'm sorry," continued Yasopp, frowning down at Usopp sadly.

Breathing heavily, Usopp remained silent before finally swallowing hard and nodding. After a moment, Yasopp finally released Usopp, who quickly got up and to his feet, Yasopp doing the same. They faced each other for a long while, but then Usopp gave another nod, readjusting his hat to hide his eyes. "I understand. The last words … she spoke to me were … 'One day, you'll understand.' I didn't know what she meant, but I guess I do now," he replied in a low voice as he slowly righted his clothes.

"So, we're good then?" asked Shanks with a grin, his arms out a bit with his palms raised.

Slowly looking to Shanks, his eyes boring into him, Usopp then gave a very slow nod. "Good!" exclaimed Shanks with a bigger grin. Looking towards Mihawk, Shanks then came closer to stand beside him. "Little lady, I'm sorry about what happened to you. However, look at it this way. You can now live an eternal life without sickness! He took your life," he said, pointing to Mihawk, but then pointed to Sanji, "and he gave you longer life," he said before shifting his eyes to Luffy, both curious. "And it would seem … your death changed the future. The union of a vampire and a lycan … seems to be what put this four centuries old war to an end … You see, little lady, your death … saved many lives. Your death ended the war … even if it took two years to accomplish. What is two years versus four centuries? Am I right?" he asked, smiling at Nami.

Blinking and gawking up at them man in astonishment, Nami then looked up at Luffy, who looked just astounded. Looking back up to the red haired man, Nami finally said, "I guess … that's true."

"So your death did not go in vain. You should be proud, little lady, the both of you should. You ended this war. Your love saved everyone here," said Shanks, motioning to the room. Everyone else looked just as amazed. "You sought the blood of your enemy … but found love instead. Quite the plight if I've ever heard one and that could go either way," he said with a chuckle, though his words seemed to confuse everyone. "I do believe I prefer this way better, because of the both of you … not only was the war ended … but you are now able to coexist with each other. No longer are you enemies … but friends.

"I admit … we had come to put an end to the three's reign … but even if we had … it would not have ended the hatred between the two races. I will have to thank the both of you. Though, it would be rude to thank the both of you for happening to fall in love, wouldn't it? In any case, we didn't mean to ruin or interrupt your celebration! Please, continue!" exclaimed Shanks with a grin. Everyone looked between each other, but didn't really move otherwise.

"You a vampire 'r somthin'?" asked Garp, his brow raised as he eyed Shanks. The blonde man with the dreadlocks was obviously a vampire, and so was the man with the golden eyes, so did that make them all vampires? Everyone else also watched, interested in his reply.

"Ah, no," replied Shanks. "Not a vampire."

"A lycan then?" asked Dragon, more interested now.

"Um … no … not that either," said Shanks, but then quickly raised a hand, "and before you ask! No … neither am I human. But that's beside the point! And it's really not important!" he said, raising his hands palm out and keeping his grin, but everyone had started to murmur, looking shocked and surprised. Not vampire, lycan nor human? Who was this man? What was this man?

"Not any of those …?" asked Garp, gaping at him.

"Seriously! Continue your celebration! This all makes me quite pleased!" he said, clapping his hands together and holding them with a bright grin.

"Do you know what he is?" whispered Hancock to Robin, but Robin shook her head.

"No, I've only heard about him," she whispered back, still staring at Shanks. "However, I do know that he is possibly the oldest being on this planet."

Gasping softly, Hancock just stared back at Robin as if her life had frozen on the spot. The oldest being on the planet was standing in that very room with them? "Come, come~! Play the music, and where's the booze!?"

"Ah, there's some here," said Franky, eyeing Shanks suspiciously.

"Great!" exclaimed Shanks, clapping his hands together again as he motioned for his men to come join him for a drink, and the music began to play again.

Looking back to his father, Usopp and Yasopp stared at one another for a long time before Usopp closed his eyes and lowered his head, turning and walking away from him. "Usopp," called Yasopp. Usopp paused, slowly turning half his body to look at him, half of his face hidden under his hat. Yasopp smiled and said, "I'm proud of you."

Staring back at him for the longest time, his face completely blank, Usopp then slowly blinked his eyes closed and faced forward again to keep going. Sighing softly, Yasopp just scratched his head, and the rest of Shanks' men came over to him to pat him on the back, reassuring him that Usopp would come around. Then they headed off with Yasopp for the booze with their leader.

"You all right, Usopp?" asked Luffy, looking concerned for the long nose man as he passed him.

Shifting his eyes to Luffy, Usopp gave a small smile and nodded. "Yes, thanks for worrying for me, Luffy. Don't think there's many that I can say who do," he said, his smile genuine, no matter how small before continuing on.

"Wow, this has been one strange evening," said Nojiko with a sigh.

"You're tellin' me …" muttered Ace, looking over from his grandfather to Shanks and his men.

"So, seeing as you've been fighting in a war since you were old enough … did you ever learn how to dance? Your grandfather's pretty good at it," said Nojiko, turning to smile at him, and then she burst into laughter when Ace gave her an appalled look. "Oh, come on! What's that look for? Because I asked you if you knew how to dance, and of course you do? Because I asked you if you knew how, but you'd rather be caught dead doing it? Or because I danced with your grandfather and said he was good at it?" she said, grinning up at him.

Snorting quite loudly and inelegantly, Ace turned away from her, it seemed, refusing to answer her. Smiling wider in amusement as she watched him, she then said, "Okay, so it's either you just wouldn't bother yourself with dancing, or you're now jealous of the old man, who's not so old anymore and quite gorgeous." She took great pleasure in watching his jaw flex and his eye twitch, and then he looked down at her with an even more disturbed look.

"You're crazier 'n I thought," he said, his voice sounding disconcerted.

Bursting into laughter then, her cheeks flushing to the action, she then said, "So, now I know it's because of your not so old and good looking grandfather."

Snorting again, he looked away again, but fully to the other side. Maybe if he just walked away now and didn't look back, it'd be for the better … However, he didn't move, just listened to her laughter and remained where he was. "Oh, come on! You're making this way too easy!" she said, still laughing.

"What're you talkin' about?" he muttered, giving a sigh.

"So, do you know how to dance or not?" she asked, grinning up at him.

"Yeah, I know how … sorta …" he said, sounding slightly annoyed. "It's been awhile … Our Grams … used to like tryin' to teach us when we were little …" he continued, but his voice had softened when talking about his Grams.

"Well, then … dance with me," she said, moving to stand in front of him with a smile.

She had to admit, he looked very nice in his suit. He wore a black waist coat with matching slacks, a black vest over a white button up shirt and white silk cravat. His brother, grandfather and father wore similar suits, which all looked just as good on them. Thanks to him, she wore a beautiful dress that used to belong to his mother. It was a gold color with sewn decorative flowers in the same color thread. It came tight just under her bosom, where a beautiful brooch rested, and the gown flowed down all the way to her slippered feet.

Blinking twice, he stared down at her for the longest time with slightly larger than normal eyes, though he didn't speak right away. After awhile, he finally nodded and said, "Yeah, all right …"

Smiling wider, she rose up her hand to offer to him, and he took it, leading her out onto the dance floor. "So, I couldn't help but notice that you and Luffy have different mothers," she said as they finally turned to face one another and begin the dance.

"Ah, yeah …" muttered Ace, not meeting her eyes.

"Did your father-"

"No!" exclaimed Ace immediately, cutting her off. "It's nothing like that. We … have different fathers too. But my pop died … before we even made it to their den. They took us in … and Dragon and Garp treated me like I was theirs. My mother got taken in by our Grams, like as if she was her daughter, and she treated me like I was her grandson, like Luffy. After … my mother died … Dragon took me in fully as his son. Luffy and I … we took to each other right away. We were like brothers. We are brothers, even if we're not related by blood."

"Wow, that's really nice. They're all- … You're all good men. You know, Nami and I aren't actually sisters either. We were taken in by the same woman, but … she died when we were young. We learned to look out for ourselves, but occasionally, a man named Gen would help us out as well as other villagers. I didn't think about it before, but Gen is probably worried about us. I told him I was going to go looking for Nami when I'd left with Dalton, even though I told Dalton to let him know I was okay," said Nojiko, looking down as she thought about the things she said.

They both went silent after Ace nodded his understanding, just slowly moving to the sound of the music. Watching them from a distance, Nami smiled as she leaned against Luffy, idly rubbing over her still flat stomach. "They look kinda cute together, don't they?" she asked him with a soft giggle.

"Ah, yeah, I guess'o. I'm kinda surprised he's even dancin'. He never really liked doin' it, but Grams used to make us. Thought it was embarrassing," he said, watching Ace curiously.

"Well, maybe he likes her. I really think my sister likes him," she said with a warm chuckle.

"You think so?" asked Luffy, watching Ace intently now instead of curiously.

"Yeah, I do," she replied with a nod.

"You know … you remember when we were talkin' about Zoro when we first went to see the old man? And Ace said it been a few hundred years, and I'd not, uh … touched a single woman?" asked Luffy, flushing a bit in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I remember that," she said, giggling softly again as she looked up at him.

"Well, he was stupid for sayin' it … cuz neither has he," said Luffy with a pout.

"Eh? Really?" asked Nami, tilting her head to the side, curiously.

"Yeah, we didn't have the time to … or have the want to. We spent all our time trainin' to fight in the war. We were just focused on that, not on findin' mates. Couldn't really feel as if we could just … move on with life, while the vampires who'd killed our mothers and grams were still alive. I guess … that's why they want us to do that now …" he replied softly, his expression changing to one of sadness.

"Your mother … she seemed really happy for you," said Nami softly, her voice holding much warmth as she smiled up at him.

"Yeah, I could … feel it … She was happy," he said, also smiling warmly as he looked down at her. Not really caring if anyone saw, he leaned down to kiss her softly, and she gladly reciprocated.

After awhile, she pulled away. "Would you dance with me, Luffy?" she asked, smiling up at him lovingly.

Snickering with a grin, Luffy gave a nod and said, "Yeah! But I'm not very good at it!"

"It's all right, come on," said Nami, pulling him onto the floor.

Ace refused to look at her, looking anywhere else but at her, which made Nojiko purse her lips. So, she huffed and stopped moving. "If you really didn't want to dance with me, you could have just said so. Maybe I'll go ask your Gramps to dance with me. I'm sure he'd be willing since he looks like he's being chased by that same entourage!" she said as she started to move away, but then gasped when Ace clutched her and quickly turned her back, pressing her up against his hard form. Her large eyes quickly looked up at his, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Blinking his eyes and looking just as confused, Ace quickly released her. "Ah, sorry," he said, looking a bit embarrassed as he looked away from her again.

Stepping back only a little, Nojiko just kept her eyes on him, and after awhile, she smiled. "Well, if you didn't want me to go, you could have just said so too," she said, though her voice was quieter. However, she smiled wider when she say his cheeks brighten around his freckles.

"Ah, no … you can go, whatever … You're your own person," he said, giving a shrug.

Continuing to watch him, she seemed completely enraptured with the fact that he just remained standing there, maybe seeing what she might do. He didn't just walk away and leave her to do what she wanted. If she wanted to continue dancing with him, he was waiting there to do just that. And, he was willing to take the embarrassment of being walked away from in the middle of a dance.

Slowly smiling wider, she then stepped back up to him, her cheeks flushing, and looked down to gently place her hand back into his, even lacing her fingers between his while the other rested on his shoulder. When she looked back up at him, he was finally looking right back at her, instead of somewhere else. "No … I want to dance with you," she said, keeping her eyes on his. "It's why I asked." His eyes flickered with softness … maybe even vulnerability, but as quickly as it had come, it was gone. Perhaps it was because he wasn't ready to reveal that to her just yet. But she was okay with that, because neither was she.

After awhile of making a run for it, Garp ended up back with Dragon in which he quickly hid behind his chair. His lips quirking up on one side in amusement, Dragon stared ahead to Ace and Nojiko before finally asking Garp, "Having a little trouble, old man?"

"Ooh, you think you're so funny!" exclaimed Garp in a loud whisper as he looked all around them. "I thought I was done with all this nonsense when I'd gotten old! I was glad to get old! So annoying! Your mother probably thinks it's funny too …" he exclaimed in a harsher whisper, peering around the chair. But then he sighed. That was, if she could see him anymore.

Chuckling softly, Dragon gave a faint nod, his eyes shifting to the searching entourage. "I'm sure she does, and we have incoming," he said softly, watching as the women made their way to him.

"Shit …!" exclaimed Garp as he hid under the table, lifting up the cloth and quickly pulling it back down.

Dragon's smile spread, not because of the approaching women, but because he was quite enjoying this himself. "Ladies?" he called when they neared him.

"Ah, um, Dragon sir, we were wondering if, um …" one of the girls started, her cheeks flushing brightly. Dragon knew the girl well. She'd been born a little after Luffy and Ace had hit their teens. She used to follow them around everywhere, but neither boy had been interested in a tag along. The girl had even tried getting their attention as a mate, but neither boy had been interested. It was a shame too. The girl was pretty.

"Yes? What is it?" insisted Dragon, smiling a little more to the girl, who seemed to become more nervous.

"Why don't you leave the man alone?"

Looking surprised, all the woman, and even Dragon, looked over to the person, whom had spoken. It was a young looking girl, sitting alone at the next table. None of them seemed to recognize her. And by her scent, Dragon could tell she was a lycan, but not from their clan. Maybe one of Teach's old clan members? Even Garp had peered out from under the table to look at the girl. The beautiful girl was staring out to the dance floor with an irritable expression. However, she then shifted her turquoise eyes to them, both unwelcoming.

"What did you say?" one of the other women asked, looking upset at this intrusion.

"I said … why don't you ladies leave the man alone? He's just avenged the death of his woman today. He'd just said good bye to her, not even an hour ago … and you're all hunting him like some kind of prey? Have a little respect and give the man some time to recuperate. I'm sure when he's ready, he'll choose a mate, but I can assure it, it won't be any of you," she said with a scoff as she looked away again in disgust.

"Why you-!?"

"How dare you!?"

"I knew the women from that clan were no good-!"

All the women gasped when a figure suddenly and swiftly blocked the path of the lycan girl. Even she was surprised and gasped. Garp stood, facing the group of women, his expression hard and reprimanding. The women gaped at him, a few flushing brightly. "That clan no longer exists … Only this clan … and she is now a part of this clan. You will not speak to any member of my clan in that way. Do I make myself clear?"

The women gaped up at him, a fear tears entering some eyes. Others, mainly the vampire women, looked away from him. "Yes, sir! I'm sorry!"

"We're sorry!"

"However, she is right. I'm not ready yet to move on, but in time, I will, but that day is not today. I should have said so to begin with," he shifted his eyes away, "but I couldn't bring myself to say so. Anyways, now you know, I'd appreciate it if you would cease pursuing me," he said, though his voice was soft and gentle, not hard and commanding.

"Yes, of course," whispered the first girl, though she looked as if she could burst into tears, and then they moved off.

Taking in a deep breath, Garp then released it as he closed his eyes. That had been what he had tried to avoid. He didn't want to make them cry. However, he didn't want them to insult this girl. When he turned to the girl, she was watching the other girls walk away, but then she looked up at him. "Sorry for telling them anything, but if you hiding under a table was any indication that you didn't want them chasing you around … well … then I don't know what is," she said, her brows coming together in sympathy.

"Ah, yeah," said Garp, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thank you. Though …"

"Though you're surprised I said anything at all?"

"Mm, well … yes, to put it bluntly."

"Yeah, well …" she said, looking away from him, "you looked like you were in trouble. I realize the two clans have been at each other's throats for … a very long time, but … I really don't know much about it. I found this clan only two years ago. I didn't want to have anything to do with the conflict. Quite honestly, I didn't want to have anything to do with the clan, but I was tired of being on my own. On the other hand, I didn't like using the humans as food. So, I ended up hunting my own food anyways. It's too bad I didn't find your clan first."

"Indeed," agreed Garp, frowning down at the girl, who suddenly sighed and frowned deeper. Looking in the direction she was looking at, he saw a few glares in her direction, but when they spotted Garp, they scurried off. Grunting then, Garp gave a look around in the opposite direction. "Ah!" he suddenly exclaimed, making the girl look back up at him again. "Oye! Nate, c'mere!"

A young looking boy turned to look at him, looking a bit confused. However, when Garp motioned for him to come over, the boy obeyed, stopping next to him. "Yes, sir?"

"Nate, I need a favor of you, boy," said Garp, placing a hand on his shoulder as he turned the freckled faced boy towards the girl. The boy blinked, just staring at her curiously before looking up at Garp in question.

"What is it, sir?" the boy asked, wondering what the hell kind of favor he needed from him.

"I need you to watch after, uh …"


"Desini here!" exclaimed Garp with a grin.

"Eh?" questioned Nate, looking down at the girl again, who was frowning now.

"Kinda small, ain't he?" she asked, quirking a brow at the little kid.

"Gaagh!" exclaimed the boy, recoiling away from her, completely appalled.

However, Garp kept a firm grip on the boy's shoulder and kept him facing the girl, even though the kid struggled, wanting away from this atrocious girl. "Small he may be, but weak he is not. He just looks small, but he's been with us for hundreds of years. And he's very loyal."

"Hah!?" exclaimed the boy, almost breathlessly as he gaped up at Garp in consternation. Though, this had gotten him to stop struggling. Loyal?

"I don't need to be looked after. I can take care of myself," said Desini, looking the little bit of a thing over before looking back up at Garp.

"Nonsense! And I'm not just asking him to watch over you to protect you from the vultures that women can be occasionally. It's so that you can make friends within my clan. This way, you'll be accepted easier. Nate here has a sister too, a twin. Don'cha, Nate?" asked Garp, grinning down at a pouting Nate.

"Yeah, but she's off talking to some vampire guy," the boy then looked towards his sister with a low growl, one of his canines sticking out over his lips in his displeasure. Just because he was good looking. He looked devilish to Nate, with his jet black hair and beard, and strange light brown eyes.

"Oye, oye, oye, oye~!" exclaimed Garp, making Nate turn back around again. "The vampires are our friends now!" he said, trying to smile at the young man. "Anyways, she needs friends, and you're friendly … enough. And you're already off to such a great start!" he exclaimed, grabbing Nate's shoulders and shoving the boy more towards the girl, but the boy was looking up at Garp in appalled disbelief.

However, Nate then turned to look back down at the girl, his cheeks puffing out in more displeasure. She pursed her lips at his expression. She could look after herself just fine! Maybe she could ditch him later, but by the looks of it, he might end up ditching her first, which was fine by her! "Now," started Garp, looking to the girl over Nate's shoulders, which he had lowered it to do so. His eyes narrowed a bit as he smiled and said, "I know you'll at least try, won't you? It's my way of thanking you for helping me. Surely, you won't turn down my thanks?" The girl's eyes widened, and then her lips formed into a thin and frustrated line.

Then Garp gently grabbed a hold of Nate's chin and said, "And you, boy … are and always have been loyal to me and this clan. I know that you won't let me down."

Nate's expression distorted into a conflicting expression as he stared down at the girl, but then he sighed and lowered his head. "No, sir … I won't let you down," he replied quietly in defeat.

"Great!" exclaimed Garp with a grin as he let him go and started to walk away. "I'm gonna go see about that drink now!"

Watching after his father, Dragon chuckled in great amusement before looking back towards the two. The poor things. The girl was probably regretting saying anything now. Looking to the side, Nate then scratched the back of his head. "Right, so … you eaten yet or anything?" he asked. What the hell else was he going to say?

"No, not yet …" she replied, looking in the opposite direction, back towards the dancers.

"Ah, right … well … I can get ya something," he said, starting to move off, which made her eyes widen and blink and look back towards where he was going.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, standing up quickly, which made him stop and turn to her, looking questioningly to what she wanted.

"I can … get it mysel-I can come too," she said, giving a drooping sigh as she began to follow after him. Giving a nod, Nate waited for her to join his side before he turned and kept going, and Dragon watched them both leave with another chuckle. Perhaps he should do as his mate suggested; socialize. However, he was quite ruthless. They would probably be afraid of him. That didn't stop him though as he stood and moved towards a group of lycan men he knew.

Then, as if once or twice wasn't enough, the doors again burst open, and s single figure walked in. The music stopped, and every eye turned to the doors. Several gasps left women's lips, which were then covered by shocked hands. The men gaped in just as much shocked, for the figure that came stumbling into the ballroom was but a skeleton. The tall skeleton stopped and appeared to look around, though no one was sure, since he had no eyes, and then he said, "Ah! I was wondering if I may ask for assistance! I appear to be dead! Yohohohoho!"

"Oye, Brooke!" cried Shanks with a happy and shocked grin. "It's you! You're back!"

"Ah! Shanks! My old friend! It seems I was raised from the dead to serve in some undead army! But it wasn't for me! So, I left! Yohohohoho!" exclaimed Brooke as he faced Shanks.

"Leave it to you to be able to break out of a necromancer's control!" laughed Shanks, his men and Brooke joining his mirth.

Ace just sighed and shook his head, standing beside Nojiko.

"You know, I'm just not surprised anymore …"

The End …

Author's Note: Well, that was fun! XD I plan on having an epilogue. So, it's not quite the end just yet~! ;) I just don't have the epilogue planned out. So, it may be awhile! XD Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the story and the ending! I really enjoyed writing it, and I'm so glad it's finally over! :D ;_; Though, it makes me sad that it's over … *Sniffle* I got the idea for Brooke at the end about two days ago! XD I wrote it down before I could forget! XD As for Shanks … and what he is … well … that idea also came to me a few days ago~! X3 Though, I borrowed it from the RP Ara and I are doing! XD Did you guys like the little showdown between Usopp and Yasopp? X3 I liked it~! If you don't well … whatever! X(

I also think the AcexNojiko I had was cuteness~! And some of you thought I was putting Nojiko with Garp! XD WTF!? NO WAY! XD Though, Ara and I did put him with someone in the RP we're doing~! X3 Ara popped my Garp cherry. *Blushes* o///o Okay, so she popped a lot of my cherries … Zoro, Robin … Sanji, Vivi … Usopp, Kaya! XD That was fun~! Hmm, who else … OMG! She popped my Shanks cherry! BAHAHAHA! XD She refuses to do Chopper though~! X3 I made fun of her for that one! *Snicker* BUT! We did give Chopper his first kiss~! That was sweet~! X3 Although, Chopper's not a reindeer in our RP, he's in 'human' form. Al, on the other hand, popped my AcexNojiko and my LuffyxNami cherries. Well, LuNa was two years ago! XD AcexNojiko was a few months ago! XP

Anyways, I guess that's all for me. I'll see you guys at the epilogue and my other fics. Oh! Speaking of which, a few of you keep asking about my other fics. I just want to say now that it might be awhile before I pick up another fic. I want to focus on this RP that I keep talking about, that I'm doing with Ara. After we finish the RP, like I said, we're going to turn it into a series of books without the OP aspects. We already, in a sense, have 3 books completed. The RP is well over 400,000 words! XD We've just started on book 4 today~! Or was it last night …? Anyways, I will just see about the other fics. I promise, but it may be awhile! Thanks for the support and reviews throughout this story though! :D It does mean a lot to me! Until next time! :D