Author's Note: All right so … I watched Underworld: Rise of the Lycans on opening weekend … and when I got home, I totally wanted to do a lycan!Luffy and vamp!Nami RP … So! I voiced my needs to Al, and she readily agreed to give me what I wanted, and thus this RP was born. Aah! That sounds so dirty! Fufufu! X3 Anyways, I really liked how it was all going, but unfortunately, Al did not … So … she left me and this still growing child … The whore … -_- So, I decided to raise this baby on my own … We got pretty far though. I will let you all know where I took over by myself once I get to that point. I will be editing it and fixing it up until then. Since it was an RP, it's going to have a different setup and flow. So, if it seems a bit choppy, or maybe doesn't quite make sense, this is why. I tried my best though … I'm sorry … T_T Also, I want to stress the fact that the characters are not 100 percent like their original counterparts … This is an AU after all. So, please … if you feel the need to express this fact to me in a review … DO NOT BOTHER! That's why you need to read A/N's … to prevent yourself from looking like a complete ijit … -_- Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own nothin's … but I sure do loves it! -^^-

The Blood of My Enemy

Chapter I

Nami froze, staring at the man in front of her. The air was starting to chill around her, and she backed away slowly. He approached her slowly, his head raising and golden eyes appeared under the brim of his hat, "You'll do nicely."

"Wha-What …?"

Sanji growled, his teeth starting to descend as he bore them. He jumped over rooftops in search of the other vampire, knowing the bastard wouldn't hesitate to drain the human and leave them for dead.

Nami tried to step back, but he caught her eyes, and her foot started forward instead, heading for him though her heart beat faster with fear, "No ... What ...?" He smiled, dipping her back before plunging his fangs into her throat, and she stiffened in his arms, gasping silently as her body arched, "Haah!"

Catching the scent of blood, Sanji bit down, his fangs almost piercing the skin of his lips, and he headed for the direction of the scent. Jumping down, he spotted him and the human girl he was feeding from.


Nami shuddered as he extracted his fangs, but she felt too weak to resist, moaning as she closed her eyes. Frowning, Mihawk said, "What're you interrupting for?"

"Don't you dare drain that girl completely! You know it's forbidden!" Sanji growled, his fangs descending completely, and his lips curled up into a snarl.

"The bodies in the castle shall not die. This one isn't there, however." He dropped her to the ground, "I'm done anyway."

"It doesn't matter! The ones brought to the castle are tributes from the human leaders! We do not want to break such a frail treaty by killing these! And there is plenty of blood there that you need not come in search of it yourself!" Sanji exclaimed, walking up to grab the front of his shirt and pulled him forward, "The council will be hearing about this!" He said into his face with a hiss before shoving him away and going to the girl.

"So save her then," Mihawk said, brushing away, "I don't care either way."

Sanji turned to bare his fangs at the man's back before looking back down at the sickly pale and cold girl. Lifting her up, he then jumped up to the roof top, quickly running across it to head back to his horse. Nami moaned, her eyes rolling back slightly before managing to focus on him, "Who …?"

"Don't worry, little angel … Everything … will be fine …" Sanji said with a soft frown, but he didn't look down at her. Jumping down from the rooftops, he startled his horse, who snorted at him in complaint, "Sorry, boy. I didn't mean to scare you." He said, petting the animal, who quickly forgave him with a soft nudge, "Come, we must hurry." He then gently laid Nami over the animal, pulled himself up, carefully pulled her into his arms to rest against his chest and then turned him while kicking his heels to start for the castle in a quick gallop.

Once he made it back, he took her inside of the castle and to the courtyard within. Laying her down gently, he grabbed a shovel and began to dig a hole. Then turning back to her, he pulled out a knife and slit his wrist and held it above her lips for her to drink. 'Such a beautiful girl too.' After quite a bit of blood went into her body, he then wrapped up his wrist, jumped into the hole and lifted her up to bring her in with him and then attempted to bury them both.

Shivering, she closed her eyes, barely able to even groan. Nami couldn't even tell if she was in pain anymore, "Uhhh ..."

Sanji attempted to stroke her hair as he lay with her, "Shh, little one. Everything will be all right soon."

Her eyes fluttered after a moment, looking up at his face, "Wha ...?"

"Shh, sleep now. All will be explained when you awaken once again." He whispered in a calming and deep voice, stroking over her hair more softly.


Sanji leaned against the rock, waiting for the girl to awaken. He had only to stay with her that first night, but after that, she was fine alone. The sun had risen and the shields to the courtyard had closed to protect them from the sun. It was only a matter of time now before she awoke. He didn't look forward to telling her that her human life was now over, and a new one was to begin. His features softened, staring down at the dirt filled hole. Then suddenly, a hand came through, and he quickly crawled forward to grab it and pull her through before releasing her and sitting back.

Groaning softly, she blinked up at his face, feeling an odd ache in her mouth, "It ... It's you ..."

Sanji blinked at her slowly before standing and offering her his hand, "Come ..."

She slowly reached up to take it, and she reached up to touch her cheek when she stood, realizing that it felt like something should be happening to them.

"The discomfort will go away within a day ..." He said, pulling her up gently from within the hole.

It was blushing. She wanted to blush, looking at his face and how gently he was treating her. However, there was no heat. There was no blush, "Am I sick ...? I feel strange."

Closing his eyes slowly, he then shook his head, "No ... You're not sick, little one," and then he opened them, "You're dead ..."

Nami blinked, staring up at him before realizing that she remembered where she had seen his face before. After that man had gotten a hold of her, he was all that she could remember for a time. "You ... didn't save me ...? I thought you did ..."

His eyes slowly shifted down, "I saved you from an eternal death ... but not from death itself," and then back up at her, "I made you ... into one of us."

She opened and closed her mouth, staring at him before she blinked, and felt her mouth along her new fangs. Her eyes started to widen, breath she didn't have hitching in fear, "No ...!"

His eyes saddened a bit as he just watched her, "I am sorry, little one. I did try to stop him, but I didn't make it in time. He will be punished for his crime. I've already spoken with the council about the matter ... They wish to meet with you ... later. Right now, we should get you cleaned up. I will explain everything after it. After all, you will now be my ward."

She glanced about, feeling slightly lost before looking down at her dirty dress, and she felt tears in her eyes - the first real thing that seemed real that night. "Ward ...? ... I can't go back ...?"

"No, I'm sorry ... You're life as a human … is over." And he did indeed sound sad.

She bit her lip before wincing slightly, and touched her lips, surprised to find no blood before she broke into tears, "Ooh ..."

"Come, do not cry …" He said, wiping away her tears gently, and then lifting her chin for her to look up at him, "It's not so bad." Her cheeks tried to flush once again, but her eyes remained sad, and after awhile she nodded. "I will take you to bathe, and ... after you must feed ..." He said, backing away from her and holding his hand out to her again. She cringed at that, but took his hand, slowly following after him.

"I will teach you our ... culture, the rules, our history, everything you will need to know, and above all else, how to use your new abilities." He said, leading her inside the castle and up some stairs before coming to a door. Opening it, inside there was a large bath inside, "I will have some new clothes brought to you, and then I will wait for you outside." and then he left, closing the door behind him.

Nami hugged herself as she stared at the tub, but she sighed, and slowly stripped.


Two Years Later …

"Strike at me again, little Nami!" Sanji exclaimed, kicking a leg out towards her, and then swinging his sword. He wasn't usually a sword user, but she had to be taught how to use one, and only he could do it.

Nami dodged him swiftly and then swung out, sweeping his blade from his hands with a twirl before closing in to strike at his gut, "Haah!"

Jumping back, he disarmed the girl easily, grabbed her wrist and twisted it to bring her back to his front, her blade coming to her throat, "That was a good strike, little one. You were able to disarm me." He said, leaning down to next to her ear. She stiffened against his front, staring at the blade before she drooped a bit, sighing. Chuckling, he let the blade drop from her throat before releasing her, "I think you're ready, little one."

Blinking, she slowly turned to face him, "Really? I can go an' fight now?"

"Mm, I believe you are prepared, yes." He said with a gentle smile, "They are but beasts, and not very bright. I believe you will fell many."

She beamed up at him, finally able to flush a bit, pleased by his words, "I'll do my best!"

"I will speak with the council today. Why don't you go and wash up, little one? It will be dinner time soon." He said, picking up the other sword to put them away.

Smiling, she nodded, drooping a bit when his back was turned, but she went to leave the room, and headed for her bathroom with a sigh, "Yes, of course …"

It didn't take much convincing to allow Nami to join the battle against the lycan. However, Sanji was still worried about her. Was she really ready? Would she be able to keep up and keep herself alive? Or would she fall by the claws of those beasts? And now here they were about to ride into battle.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, little Nami?" He asked, not looking at her as he steadied his horse.

Nami gently stroked her horse's neck, talking softly to it before she smiled at him, "Of course."

Finally looking over at her, the blonde and pale man couldn't hide his concern for her, but he smiled anyway, "Good. Just remember to keep your guard up, and there's nothing wrong with running if you're outnumbered, and remember that I'll be there to protect you if anything goes wrong." He rambled on in his worry for her safety.

She beamed softly at him, "With you there, I'll be fine then. But I'll keep my eyes open - don't worry."

He released a bit of a breath with his smile and nodded, "Of course, little one."

Then facing forward, the castle gates were opened and the many horses neighed as they were led outside of the castle walls. Sanji's slow paced heart was pounding to almost the rate of a normal human as his worry for her built. He'd grown to care about her a great deal over the past two years, and he didn't want anything to happen to her. Digging his heals into his horse's back, he then began to follow the army leaving into battle.

Nami sighed, kicking her horse's sides to follow after him. He didn't seem to notice her beyond that she was his ward. It was a bit disconcerting, and she had hoped that one day, the handsome vampire would take notice of her. As they rode onto the battlefield, Sanji turned glances on her to make sure she was all right. If she so much as mentioned that she wanted to go back, he wouldn't hesitate.

Pursing her lips at him, she then sighed before blinking ahead at the small contingent of lycans before them, and her lips softly parted at finally getting to see the beasts. There was a variety of different colors of them, some black, some grey, some white, some a pale yellow, and many other indistinguishable colors.

Facing forward, Sanji's eyes narrowed and his fangs descended. Withdrawing his sword, he sped up his horse as the lycans began to spread out through their army, jumping up and taking down men straight from their horses, "Get ready, little Nami!" Sanji cried over his shoulder.

Nami brandished her sword, holding it away from her horse as she urged the horse to continue on faster, "Haah!"

As soon as they broke through the lycans, Sanji began to swing his sword, cutting a few of the beasts apart and kicking them as they tried to knock him off his horse before one managed to finally tackle him off from it. However, as he landed on his back, his sword cut straight through the animal, and he quickly stood to fight his way through more, cutting, kicking, and using his agility and speed against the horrid creatures.

Galloping straight into the horde, Nami chopped down at beastly limbs and heads, finding little of her skill mattering in the battle. Suddenly, she was pulled down, and she whipped her sword, slicing through the beast's neck about halfway before she tried chopping it off completely before she could rise again, the beast's blood spraying across her face and armor.

As Sanji fought off the many beasts unfortunate enough to come at him, he would occasionally glance Nami's way to make sure the young vampire was safe. Seeing that she was holding her own all right, his chest swelled with pride from her strength before slamming his leg into another beast, which came his way.

However, one of the beasts rose up onto his hind legs before charging at the unsuspecting girl. He rammed into her and slammed her against a tree, holding her there. He bore his sharp teeth with a deep growl and his snout snorted before it sniffed the air around her.

Nami shrieked as she hit the tree, and gaped up at the creature, trying to slip out from under his arms. A low growl escaped his slightly gaping jaws, and then the beast clenched them, seeming to acquaint himself with her scent and features while holding her firm. Swallowing hard, she tried to push back into the tree, feeling blood she didn't have rush away from her face as her eyes shifted to Sanji, "Sa ... Sanji!"

The beast looked behind him to where her gaze lay, and then looked back down at her. He bore his jaws further, but they seemed to curl upward into an eerie grin before a growl that sounded horrifically similar to a chuckle came out of his mouth with a huff of the hot air mixing with the cold. Then, somehow, he was no longer a beast, but a man holding her against the tree, and he was indeed grinning and chuckling with mischief, "He's too busy to come to your aid ..."

She gaped at him, looking up and down his body before her face warmed, and she tried to punch him in the gut. He sensed her action easy enough before catching her wrist and bringing both up above her head and chuckling again, "You must be new. Ah, the joys of fresh meat ..." His voices was low, and then his grin turned a bit more devilish, causing the scar under his left eye to rise up more into it.

Her mouth dried staring at him before she bore her fangs to hiss and snap at him, "Stay away from me!"

"Ohoho! You're a lively one. Ah, wait ... but you're not alive at all, are you?" He chuckled at his own quip, "Such a pretty human you used to be too. I bet you would have tasted much better when still alive." He said, giving her one more good sniff along her neck.

Looking over, Sanji noticed that Nami was nowhere in sight of where she used to be. Turning a bit more, he finally noticed a naked man holding her pinned to a tree and his fangs quickly shot down. He hissed, lunging forward towards the foul beast that dared touch her and dispersing of any beast stupid enough to get in his way.

Nami growled, struggling against his grip to lash out at him, "Let me go! Let me go!"

The beastly man released a horrible and devious chuckle as his teeth suddenly sharpened into canines from top to bottom, and his eyes darkened fully, black as coals. "You killed many of my brethren just now, young vampire."

"Little Nami!" Sanji cried, jamming a silver dagger into the beast's back.

"Aah!" The nude man cried, throwing back his head from the pain before turning towards the one who dared stab him.

Sanji left the blade in his back, and then he plunged a second one into his gut, slamming him down into the ground to hold it there. The lycan yelped and squirmed as the blade in his back was embedded further in. The handle jamming into and bruising him as it met with the hard ground.

Then Sanji smirked down at him, giving the blade in the beast's gut a twist, "You got careless beast ..." Sanji hissed, baring his vampiric fangs against his sharp canines. The scarred man growled and scowled back, trying to lash out, but Sanji prevented this, snatching his wrist and slamming it back into the ground and holding it there, "Can't change back, now can you. How I love silver."

Panting hard, Nami slowly headed for them to steady her legs before she spit next to the beast's head, "Beasts like you deserved it!" The lycan shifted his eyes to hers before he bore his teeth more viciously with a deep growl and his entire eyes once again lost their white and blackened.

"And you're not just any ordinary dog, are you?" Sanji observed with a nasty smirk, "Unlike the other mindless beasts, you have the ability to appear as a human man. It is indeed rare to see this change." The lycan snorted after shifting his eyes back up to Sanji's, "But you're still an animal. Just look at you, mindless beast. Not a stitch of clothes to cover himself with."

The beast merely smirked with his canines and chuckled, "Who needs clothes ...?"

Boring his teeth into a disgusted scowl, Sanji stood, pulling the beast with him and never removing the blade from his gut, the lycan's blood spilling forth nonstop. Then he held the creature's hands behind his back before leading him away towards his horse. The other beasts had already begun to retreat back into the forests, and the single lycan/man shifted his eyes to watch them with a deep frown.

Nami shuddered moving over to look for her horse before she gasped, and knelt beside the weakly flailing horse, "Oh, you poor thing ..." She hesitated a moment before snapping its huge neck.

Sanji tied the beast's wrists together with rope laced with silver before tying the rope to his horse's saddle, "You will come in handy back at the castle, dog." He said before turning to Nami, "Come, little one. You can ride with me."

She petted his neck a moment before sighing and rising to join him, "Of course ..."

The lycan growled and even snapped at her as she past, but Sanji kneed him in the gut, "Down boy! A dog should never growl or snap at his master! It's rude ..." Then he turned back to his horse with a chuckle, "Come." He said jumping onto his horse, and then offering her his hand to help her up behind him. The lycan pulled the blade from his gut, wishing he could reach the one embedded into his back.

She took his hand to pull herself up behind him, "His master ...?"

"From now on, we will all be this dog's masters. He's a rarity … and I'm sure the council will have much they will want to do with him."

"I am no one's slave, blood sucker!" The beast roared deeply behind them.

"Mm, and from now on ... I think we shall use him to help you train." Sanji said a little thoughtfully. "I think we will start first thing as soon as the next dusk falls. You still need a little bit more training before you're allowed into the field again. You came too close to death today, little one."

She glanced back at the beast before wrapping her arms around Sanji's waist, "All right, if you think so."

The lycan bore his teeth at her into a scowl, but had lowered his head to stare up at her with his pitch black eyes. Then Sanji dug his heels softly into the horse's rear, and it started off into a slow pace. The lycan began to walk, seeing no other choice, but then there was a loud howl within the trees, and he quickly turned to look towards them, his eyes saddening for only a split second.

Nami glanced back, blinking at his expression, but then looked up, brow furrowing sadly before she sighed, "My poor horse - they're going to eat him, aren't they?"

The lycan man forced his gaze away from the trees before looking back up at her with a smirk, "It would be an awful waste, wouldn't it?"

She scowled down at him, "That's awful! He was a beautiful animal before you beasts touched him!"

"And now he's a really tasty one. I should thank you for feeding my family." He said with a deep chuckle, and his smile turned more roguish.

"Shut up!" She said before pressing her face into Sanji's back.

Sanji released a breath, shifting his eyes to the side towards her before sighing, "Do not let such a foul beast's words trouble you so, little one. His words are meaningless and worthless." He said, reaching down to clutch one of her arms gently, letting his hand slide over it to hug with his own arm.

The prisoner chuckled behind them, still keeping up with the horse's slow trot. "Should you really be talking, blood sucker? Was it you who turned this poor girl? I can smell her youth."

"Master Sanji saved me!" She said, scowling back at him, "And stop smelling me, animal!"

"Saved you!?" The beast exclaimed, looking highly amused by this, "You look pretty dead to me, vampire!" Then he bellowed in laughter.

"Still your tongue, beast, or I shall do it for you!" Sanji hissed, turning his head towards the beast, but not all the way.

"Ooh, is this a touchy subject then?" The beast asked with a nasty grin.

"Dead or not, at least I'm not buried and gone ..." Nami said softly, burrowing further into Sanji's back.

"So, is that what you call allowing to be turned now-a-days? She actually ... accepted your curse, vampire?" He asked Sanji, still smirking.

"Silence!" Sanji ordered, becoming angry.

"Oh, but I thought my words were meaningless and worthless." The beast seemed to be enjoying his game. However, Sanji quickly twisted his body, letting a silver blade slip from his fingers and sink between the lycan's ribs.

"Gungh!" He grunted, falling to his knees.

"I said silence, beast ...!" Sanji quietly seethed, his fangs completely extended. Then he kicked his horse's side, forcing the lycan to get back onto his feet, least he be dragged.

Nami gripped Sanji's back, gaping slightly at the treatment before she looked at him, "Master ...?"

"Don't worry. He won't die from such a minor wound, isn't that right, beast?" Sanji asked without even looking at him.

The lycan merely chuckled and held up a thumb, "Mmm ..." He growled, still in pain, "I'm fine. Just stings a little bit."

"Unfortunately, the beasts are far harder to kill then a few stab wounds with silver." Sanji muttered under his breath.

Nami turned away, biting her lip, "I'm not worried about a beast that would kill beautiful horses."

"Good and you shouldn't be. Such foul creatures do not deserve sympathy." Sanji said, his voice laced with that of ice.

"Well said, blood sucker ... I'm sure the humans you drink from would agree." He growled in retort with a deep scowl on his face.

Nami lowered her eyes, "You'd kill them outright!"

The lycan merely smirked, letting a quick and quiet breath snort from his nose, but he said nothing at all.

The horse finally entered the castle gates, and Sanji helped Nami down before dismounting and approaching his prized catch. He quickly untied the rope from his horse before dragging the naked lycan along behind him, "Come dog. The council will wish to see you, but we must dress you first."

"I don't need clothes ..."

"Yes you will." Sanji replied back without caring, but then he turned to Nami, "Why don't you bathe and dress so that you may come with me to see the council about the lycan?"

She flushed slightly, looking away from the beast's naked body, "Of course ... yes ..." Nami turned away stiffly, heading for her rooms.

The lycan turned to watch her before huffing, but then was harshly pulled forward, and turned to see the pale, blonde vampire scowling at him, "Do not let your eyes wander, beast, or I will pluck them from your skull."

The lycan merely scrunched up his nose with a snarl and snorted loudly to the man, "Just try it, dead man."

Sanji then dragged him into the castle and towards the dungeons. He knew he would find what he needed down there. On his way down, he ordered some guards to bring down some clothes. They took off to get them while he approached a room within the dungeons, all the while dragging the lycan man behind him. More guards within the room looked up and quickly stood at attention, blinking at the naked man he dragged behind him.

"I need one of those special collars." Sanji said, which made them gape at him in confusion.

"My lord?"

"Just get it!" Sanji exclaimed, frowning at the man, who quickly went to retrieve it.

A spiked collar was placed around the lycan's neck, the sharp and silver spikes aimed right at his throat. If he were to turn, he would die immediately. Then he was forcibly bathed, which he did not appreciate. He was given brown tight leather pants with a dark reddish tight leather vest and boots to wear ... which he was forcibly dressed in, and the strings holding it together left some of his chest bare down the middle. Then his wrists were shackled together in the front. Chains now also attached to his shackle, Sanji dragged the lycan to the large and round council room by them. Word had already been sent to expect him, and the rare breed of lycan.

Nami sighed as she finally climbed out of her tub to dress herself into a black brocade gown, and pinned her orange hair back before she went to find her master. When she found them, she dropped in behind them, trying not to look down at the new tight breeches on the beast. The double doors opened to allow them admittance, and Sanji stepped inside, giving the chains a harsh tug to drag the creature inside after him.

"Councilmen, I bring you the rare breed of lycan!" Sanji exclaimed as he bowed to them, tugging the animal more into the room.

"Ooh, are you sure this man is a lycan," A dark and long haired beauty asked, quirking her brow, "He looks too good to be a mindless beast."

The lycan growled and bore his canines to the woman, "I am not a mindless beast, woman ..."

"And he speaks very well." Another dark haired woman spoke, but her hair was much shorter. She sat up as her blue eyes bore into the beast.

Nami flushed slightly as she caught Arlong staring at her more than the lycan. She looked away, trying not to shift too much. Crocodile grinned, "Aah, interesting scrawny thing. You'd think they'd be bigger even as men."

The hair on the back of the lycan's neck stood on end as his fangs extended further and his eyes blackened completely, "And yet it wouldn't take me long at all to make quick work of you, corpse!"

"Ooh, he's very feisty." The long black haired woman, Hancock said, leaning forward completely, exposing her cleavage. "How savage!"

"Kishishishi! Very interesting indeed. Perhaps we could use this lycan to our advantage. Perhaps we can make more of them, but we'll need more humans!" Moria spoke, looking over the scrawny lycan himself, "This is a young one. What is your name, beast?"

"Heh!" The lycan scoffed as he smirked, "I'm Luffy."

"Luffy ..." Robin, the short dark haired woman repeated, tilting her head slightly, "I've heard this name before.

"Oh?" Moria questioned, but the raven haired woman said no more.

Blinking, Nami raised her head, trying not to glance over at Arlong as she did, "Shahaha ... I've not. Looks like some brat to me."

Luffy lunged for the man, letting his anger get the better of him, but Sanji yanked back on his chains, and the young lycan yelped, sounding quite a bit like a dog, and landed hard on his back, hissing when he tried to keep the spikes from sinking into his skin.

"Kishishishi!" Moria laughed, slapping a hand onto his knee, "What a way to discipline the little pup!"

Luffy growled, grinding his canines together as he forced himself to his feet, glaring at the fat shallot. "Ooh, he's so cute! I wish to keep him as my pet!" Boa cooed leaning forward more and licking over her fangs.

"Nonsense!" Moria bellowed, "Good work, Sanji! Take him below and put him into a cell. We will start working on making more of him."

"Yes, Master Moria." Sanji said, bowing to the man, and then tugged back on Luffy's chains to make him follow.

Nami bowed to them, making sure her bust wasn't exposed to Arlong too much before she trotted after Sanji, and whispered when they were out of the room, "Make more of him ...?"

"Lycans are like vampires. Their ... curse is infectious. If they bite a human, they become one of them." Sanji explained, dragging Luffy along behind him.

"I'm not doing that ..." Luffy growled from where he was, and Sanji turned to raise a brow at him.

"Not doing it?" Sanji asked, and he even sounded a bit confused, but Luffy just looked away from him.

"What, is that a waste of food too?" Nami curled her lip slightly, walking taller.

Luffy didn't answer her and just kept walking. Sanji's eyes narrowed to the beast before dragging him down some stairs. At the bottom, he informed the men of their new guest, and they quickly prepared a holding cell for him.

"Here you go." Sanji said, shoving him inside, "And it's about feeding time." He continued as a guard brought over a human man.

Nami frowned slightly, glancing at the man before looking away, "That's disgusting ... how could they ...?" She drooped, "Ooh, my poor horse. It should've never happened to him."

They brought the man inside, and Luffy looked shocked before he immediately turned angry, "You gotta be fucking kidding me!?"

Sanji's eyebrows rose up high, "What the hell are you talking about, beast?"

"I'm not eating this human! I don't eat humans!" Luffy yelled angrily, his canines only descending slightly.

"Good ... because I'm not sure I fancy the idea of being eaten by another man. It's ... not my style ..." The human said before walking over, plopping down, and it seemed promptly went to sleep.

Luffy only gave the human man a glance before looking back over to Sanji, who actually looked surprised, "Don't ... eat humans?" Luffy merely growled, backing up against the wall instead of answering.

Nami frowned, looking over, "But you'd eat a poor defenseless horse! You're still a beast!"

"It's an animal! And one that was already dead! A human is a human! Unlike you undead creeps ... we don't eat humans or drink their blood!" He yelled at her, becoming more angry by her care for a horse more than a human, "Why do you care so much for a damned horse ... and make such a big deal over the stupid animal ... but won't say much when a human man could get eaten? Are you so enticed by your human's blood as your food, dead girl?" He growled low under his breath, and his canines descended more, and his eyes darkened.

"Whoa!" The green haired human man sat up, having thought he was just another man, "What the hell are you?" He still remained calm, even if a little alarmed.

She scowled, baring her fangs, and felt a thrill through her as they extended to their full length, "Of course I'm disgusted! We don't outright kill our humans! That horse was my friend as much as any other upright, speaking creature! Your beastly friends are probably eating him as we speak, and I couldn't ... I probably couldn't have even buried him in a safe place because they'd just dig him up! How dare you speak to me like that when I have the heart to grieve for my friend!?" At that last part, she broke into sobs, and turned to leave quickly.

"I didn't kill your damned horse, and we don't keep our humans as slaves to feast on gradually either!" He screamed after her, but Sanji walked in and decked him across the face.

Luffy let out a deeper yelp, slamming against the wall before a low and deep growl of a wolf came from him. Then he lifted his blackened eyes and canines to Sanji before lunging for him to swipe his claws at him, but Sanji used speed and agility to step back out of range from him, and Luffy's chains stopped him. Even so, he snapped his jaws at Sanji with another deep growl, "Blood sucking corpse ..."

However, Sanji didn't say anything, nor did he argue, but then he shifted his eyes to the human man. "Then perhaps you don't need to eat anything ..." He said before lifting the human man up to his feet.

"Oye, not so rough, pale boy ..." The green haired man complained. Then Sanji shoved him out before closing and locking the door, "He doesn't eat ..." He said to the guards with a frown before leaving.

Luffy slunked back into the cell before his back touched the wall, and he slid down it into a slump. Nami wiped her tears away, trying to concentrate enough to hide in the shadows as she was taught, but her sniffs were clearly audible. Hearing the sniffs, Sanji turned to the sound before slowing walking over with a frown, "Little Nami ..."

Blinking, she looked up at him before coming out to embrace him, laying her head on his shoulder, "Master ..."

"Don't let the creature's words bother you so, little one. He is but a beast." He soothed, rubbing her back tenderly.

"It's not his words ... I just can't stop thinking of my poor horse ..." Nami quieted a bit, closing her eyes as she leaned into his arms. "What is it ... a bite for each monster?"

Sanji relaxed, a soft smile crossing his lips and holding her tighter, "All these tears for a horse, my little one?" He said gently wiping them away, "You have always been so kind, sweet little one." He said in a voice so soft and full of affection for her.

She blinked slowly, gazing into his eyes before she flushed a bit pinkly since her blood was trying to warm the rest of her body, "You've been so good to me since the beginning ... Master. You gave him to me too. Of course, I'm upset ..."

His smile warmed even more before he leaned up to kiss her forehead, "Then I shall give you another one for you to cherish, my little one. I will give you more, if it but makes you happy. So, do not cry any longer, sweet little Nami."

Her cheeks bloomed brighter, and she felt the warmest she had even been since her death, "No ... I'd sooner ride him slathered in butter. I don't want to take another poor animal into a battle."

Sanji chuckled, a deep sound within his throat before wiping away the rest of her tears since she'd finally stopped. "Then next time, you can take mine. He's strong, and I know he will protect you."

She blushed faintly, taking his hand gently, "Thank you, Master ..."

He chuckled again with a bigger smile, "You're welcome, little one. Shall I escort you to your room? Dawn will be breaking soon."

Her cheeks flushed darkly, glancing out to a window before she looked up at him again, "Would ... you stay with me for the day?"

His eyes closed a bit, and his brows dipped softly, "It's been a long time since you last asked me that, little one, but I'm afraid I cannot today. There is much that I must do before I may lay my head down to rest."

She opened and closed her mouth before lowering her head, "Oh, I see ... Can I not join you though ...?"

He cupped her chin, lifting her eyes to meet his, "You should sleep. You have training as soon as dusk falls with the lycan. See it as your chance to get him back for speaking so ill of your horse." He said with a smile.

She frowned softly up at him, her still heart dropping in her chest, and she said, "Yes, of course ..." Nami backed away a bit to bow to him, "Since you're so busy, I don't think I need escorting ... Good day, master."

He grasped her hand with his, a soft frown creasing his brow, "I am never too busy to escort you, little one, but if I have upset you, and just do not wish my company at the moment, then I understand." He spoke softly, not lifting her chin to look at him this time.

She dropped her eyes away, whispering, "I always want your company ..."

Closing his eyes and smiling softly, Sanji then enveloped her into his arms in the warmest embrace that he could muster with his cold body, "Sweet little angel," he whispered next to her ear, "and I always want yours. I will be there to wake you as soon as the dusk falls, and I will be there to help you train. I know it's not saying much, but we will still be together, won't we?"

Feeling his bit of warmth, her own body responded slowly, burrowing her face into his chest, "Mmm ... would you dine with me tomorrow night then? Please, Master ...?"

He opened his eyes slowly, his smile softening with his eyes, "Of course I will, little Nami." He whispered tenderly, gently brushing her hair from her face and once again kissing her forehead, "Come, I will take you to your rooms." He said pulling away, but looping her arm through his.

Smiling, she laid her head on his shoulder, lacing her fingers with his as she stayed close to him, and wondered if he really understood.

Sanji's eyes drooped, closing slightly before shifting the slits to Nami, his brows having dipped softly. If he had the breath to sigh, he would be doing so at that moment. Perhaps she was ready after all. He would wait just a little longer.

As soon as they approached the door, he turned to her and smiled, "Have a good sleep, little one, and I shall see you at dusk."

She looked up at him expectantly before dropping her head in a slight bow, "Yes, Master." Nami glanced up at him again before opening the door to step inside, and then slowly shut it.

Lowering his chin a bit, he then turned and made his way back down the hall. He had preparations to make.

To Be Continued …

Author's Note: All right, so, what did you guys think? Does it suck? Because if it does, I don't have to keep posting it … Although … what's better than a naked Luffy through more than half of the story? Yes, he will be naked again … and he won't be the only one! XD So, with that promised, seriously, I want to know what you thought, because if you don't like it, I won't bother fixing up the rest … Anyways, thanks so much for reading! XD

P.S. Oh damn … I guess I should mention who played who, huh? XP

I played:

Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Robin, Hancock(for a time), Moria, and the guards. Later, I will also play as Ace, Chopper, Dalton, and Franky.

Al played:

Nami, Arlong, Crocodile, Hancock(Later). Later she will play as Garp, Kureha, Usopp, and Teach.

If I forgot anyone, I will make sure to bring them up later …