Guess who's back! Sorry for the late chapter folks. That's what happens when one works on three stories at the same time. Yes, I'm a busy girl, ain't I? *winks*Anyway, let's get down to buisness, shall we?

First off, I would like to thank SyctheRider for reviewing my last chapter.

Second, I regret to inform everyone that I, in fact, do not own Pokemon.

Third, enjoy the chapter!

It was a quaint little house, built many years ago. Erosion caused by wind and weather had worn down the white sandstone bricks, some of the slabs beginning to crumble. And yet somehow, someway, that edifice had managed to keep on standing.

It was there that Dusk spent all his days, the place that had been his home since the start of his adulthood.

At the present moment the Dark-type Pokémon was busy overlooking some maps of the region. He meticulously scanned the atlases, his yellow eyes moving along the penned trails.

A sudden knock on the door snapped his attention from the maps. With a soft grunt, Dusk pushed himself into a standing position and sauntered over to the door. He placed a black paw over the wooden entrance and gave it a small push. The door swung open, the hinges creaking a little as a young Charmander was revealed to the Umbreon's world.

"Ah, Charcoal. What brings you to my door this fine afternoon?" Dusk asked, pleased to see the young Fire-type Pokémon. "Did you have a successful mission?"

Charcoal nodded. "Yep. Timber and I reunited two Pokémon friends. Not only that, but we've got a new team member. A Shinx named Thunder."

"Ah, very nice. Good job to you both," Dusk said, quite satisfied at Team Comet's latest achievement.

"Thanks Dusk," the Charmander replied. However, instead of a glad look on his face, sadness had crossed his visage. Sadness that the Umbreon had no trouble picking up.

"Something troubling you, Charcoal? I would imagine that someone in your situation would be happy that you had a successful assignment."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, Dusk. I am happy. However…" Charcoal hesitated a bit, trying to think of what to say next. "You see, when we were coming back from Perilgren Forest, we were ambushed by two S.O.D soldiers."

Upon hearing this, the black-furred Pokémon leaned forward, his eyes wide. "Again? Did you all make it back to Cobalt alright?"

"Kind of. The soldiers pretty much forced us into a battle with them before we could escape. We won, but Timber got injured in the fight. He'll be fine, he just needs to rest in the infirmary. But here's what's really worrying me. I think the Shadows of Darkness Army is after him."


Charcoal meekly nodded in response. "Uh-huh. They keep asking for him. And, shortly before we both met, he had been running from the army. So far he's gotten away from them, but I'm worried that one day…" the Fire-type Pokémon halted his story then and there. The young creature just could not go on with his tale.

Dusk, understanding Charcoal's plight, did not force the Charmander to go on. However, he did ask a question that had been on his mind ever since the S.O.D army had been mentioned;

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to. However, there's something I think I need to ask you. This last time you met up with the Shadows of Darkness Army, where were you guys?"

"The outskirts of the city."

"Hey Charcoal, can you tell me why we're here?"

Those were the words asked by one Timber Treeko as he and his teammates awaited the start of a meeting. One that had been declared ever so suddenly. Right after Charcoal told Dusk where Violet and Ivan had ambushed them, the Umbreon suddenly grew ridged, as if an Electric-type Pokémon had just cast a Thunderwave attack on him. When asked what was wrong, the black-furred Pokémon did not answer. Instead, he muttered something about starting a meeting, immediately.

"A meeting for what?" Charcoal had asked.

"No time to explain now. See if you can't get Timber and…Thunder to come," Dusk had explained, almost forgetting the name of the little Shinx that was now part of Team Comet.

"Hey Dusk, are you feeling okay?"

"No time to talk now, I must be going," the Umbreon had simply stated, rushing out the door like he had some sort of agenda that desperately needed to be completed.

For a while, Charcoal had just stood there in the doorway, his mouth hung open just slightly as he watched the more experienced Pokémon vanish from his field of vision. "I wonder what's up with him…" he said to himself, head cocked to one side. "Well, I'd better not question it," the adolescent Charmander had stated, shrugging those orange-skinned shoulders of his seconds after.

Back in the present, Charcoal glanced at Timber and expelled a soft sigh from his mouth. "I wish I knew, buddy. All I know is, poor Dusk seemed pretty worried about something. I suspect it has something to do with the Shadows of Darkness Army because he first started acting weird when I mentioned them to him."

"The S.O.D. Army?" the young Treecko asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did you tell Dusk how we managed to mop the floor with Violet and Ivan?"

"Not in those exact words, but yeah, I suppose. Why do you ask?" the Fire-type inquired, his orange-skinned cranium tilted to one side.

From Timber's mouth came a small snicker. "Because," he began. "I'm kind of hoping the purpose of this meeting is to tell everyone that we of Team Comet have been handpicked to personally take down the Shadows of Darkness Army."

Thunder had to disagree with the adolescent Wood Gecko Pokémon. "Shinx, shinx, shinx." he said, shaking his head in the process.

Timber tilted his head to one side as he listened to the Flash Pokémon's retort. "Still wish I knew what you were saying. Speaking of which, how early did you pull him out, Charcoal?" he asked, remembering how the two suddenly showed up at the infirmary around a couple hours after they left.

"There you are, Charcoal. What took you so long?" the grass-type had wondered. "Did you decide to stay with Thunder to see how the class runs?"

"No, I went to Dusk's home and I told him about our day," Charcoal explained. "But that's not what I came here to tell you. Timber, how are you feeling right now?"

With a grunt, the Wood Gecko Pokémon sat up in bed, a grin on his face. "I'm feeling pretty good right now. Those Oran Berries are miracle-workers!"

It was then that the Mightyena nurse next nearby spoke up. "That's very good to hear, Timber. In fact, if you feel well enough, you may leave the infirmary if you so wish."

Hearing that, Charcoal suddenly spoke up. "I kind of need him too, since all able Pokémon are to come to the meeting hall immediately. I actually had to pull Thunder out of his class a bit early," the fire-type had explained, jerking his head in the direction of the door.

"Is that so?" the nurse had asked, watching as Timber slid off the bed, his feet hitting the dirt floor with a small thump. "It must be pretty important if that's the case. Unfortunately, I'm need here, so I can't come. But you two enjoy yourselves."

"Something tells me that's not going to be possible…" Charcoal had thought, grabbing the arm of one Timber Treecko. The Wood Gecko Pokémon had no time to object before he was pulled forward at a pretty good clip.

"I asked you about that, but you were in a pretty big hurry and didn't answer me," Timber stated in the present time.

"Ah, yes," Charcoal began, clearing his throat. "I reckon I pulled him out fifteen or so minutes early," the Charmander stated, answering Timber's question at long last. Out of the corners of those blue eyes of his, he saw something enter the meeting hall. And when he did, he almost couldn't believe the sight. A tall Dragonite walked into the room, his build one of great strength. To Charcoal, there was no mistaken it-everything about this Dragon-type Pokémon just screamed 'Guild Master.'

His posture straight and true, he walked over to a wooden podium, his gait one of firm steadiness. The Dragonite's hands were clasped behind his back, ivory claws interlocking. When he at last reached the podium and faced the audience of several hundred, the various Pokémon in the stands could see the serious in his visage. And yet…there were also thin rivulets of warmth and compassion seeping out of that rigid façade.

At the other end of the stage opposite from the side the Dragonite had entered, was a Wartortle. In his hands, were several pieces of paper-if one was right in front of the Turtle Pokémon, they would have noticed that a few pieces of parchment had deep creases in them, like they had been folded, then pressed down at the pleats. The Wartortle greeted the Dragonite with a nod, and then with a cough, began to speak.

"Greetings fellow Pokémon. We apologize for any inconvenience this sudden meeting may cause, but we have something of utmost importance to tell you all. And here to chair the meeting is Cobalt Guild Master Draco," the Wartortle finished, gesturing towards the Dragonite standing behind the podium.

"Ah yes," Draco began, taking the papers the Wartortle handed him just then. "Greetings all and welcome to this meeting. We have recently gotten reports that the Shadows of Darkness Army has been spotted close to the city. Now for those who have never heard of the Army, allow me to explain. The Shadows of Darkness Army, also known as the S.O.D Army, is a group of malicious Pokémon. Their one goal, is to wreak havoc. Now, these sinister Pokémon have a couple major difference between others. For their skin is a jet black color, giving rise to their name.

"No one is sure what causes this change, other than an altering of the Pokémon's genetic code." the Dragon-type continued. "Many theories abound. Some suggest that a corrupt Psychic-type Pokémon very high up in the S.O.D ranks may telepathically manipulate something."

"I hope that's not the case," a group of Psychic-type Pokémon thought, their musings sent telepathically through the minds of the rest of the Pokémon in the audience.

Draco resumed speaking. "Like I said, it's only a theory. Others, however, believe it could be the work of some sort of mysterious artifact. And it's not just the color of the skin and that changes, For when a Pokémon is forced to join the S.O.D army, they lose their very spirit."

At those last few words, chatter had begun to erupt from the audience like lava from a volcano.

"They lose their spirit?"

"The essence that makes them, them?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Draco allowed a brief moment for the Pokémon in the audience to speak, before continuing with the meeting. "Yes, those who are forced to join the Shadows of Darkness Army pay one of the ultimate prices in losing their spirit."

As he listened to this, Charcoal thought back to when Cyphon, Violet, and Ivan had paid them a 'visit'. How they acted almost like normal Pokémon. Well, as normal as one working for something like the S.O.D Army could be, that is. However, both Dusk and Draco had said that a Pokémon who is forced to join the Army looses their spirit. If that was the case, shouldn't the Amy's soldiers act in a way akin to mindless robots?

Of course, Dusk did say that a few Pokémon, as unbelievable as that may be, actually joined the Army on their own will. Therefore, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume that those like Violet, Cyphon, and Ivan had decided to willingly become warriors for the Shadows of Darkness Army.

As he thought about all this, young Charcoal Charmander almost missed a very important announcement;

"… Now, as I mentioned before, a couple S.O.D soldiers were spotted very close to the city," Draco continued. "This is the first time such a thing has happened. Because of this, I'm afraid I am going to have to put a restriction on Exploration Teams. Until I say otherwise, Beginner and Intermediate Teams are not allowed to travel out of Cobalt City without a Pokémon from one of the Advance Teams as an escort."

"Did you hear that?" asked Timber, elbowing Charcoal in the shoulder. "We have to have an escort from now on! Hmm…maybe we can find away to advance in the ranks quicker then we're supposed to be able to…"

"I don't think that's possible," Charcoal explained. "See, I read something about this place before I came here, and it said that Exploration Teams only advance at the end of that year."

"Really?" the Wood Gecko Pokémon asked, tilting his head to one side. "Bummer. Isn't that right, Thunder?" he inquired, turning his head to look at the Flash Pokémon in question.

"Shinx , shinx," the electric-type Pokémon said with a nod.

"Hold it," Charcoal said, raising a finger in the air. "Guild Master Draco has something else to say. Sounds important."

And important it was.

"Also, those who have yet to graduate from the guild, are hereby forbidden to take any missions in and around the Slatehelm Mountains. I haven't the power to stop anyone from going there on their own terms, but…........."

Timber heard no more of the Dragonite's speech. For the Wood Gecko Pokémon now felt incredible ire welling up within him. Indignation that, had he had a smidgeon less control of his actions, would have erupted like a volcano, its lava a tributary of words he would later wish he could take back. Instead, he kept his feelings bottled up-outside-Externally, the grass-type just looked mildly annoyed.

Internally however…

"Ugh! The nerve of that guy! Just because he happens to be the Guild Master, does not mean he can just forbid us all to take missions in the Slatehelm Mountians. It would be one thing if he said we couldn't go without an escort. But in general? Preposterous! Absolutely preposterous!"

"And so," Draco began the tail end of his speech. "That's all I have to say about this matter for now. Everyone is free to go about their normal routines as much as possible. Thank you all for your time and patience."

"Can you believe it? We can't go on any missions without an escort, and we can't take assignments in and around the Slatehelm Mountians…at all!" Timber cried, resisting the urge to pound his fist against the stone wall of their room. "What is with this guy? Forbidding us to go near the Slatehelm Mountians. I mean it's ridiculous!"

Of much more understanding, was Charcoal. "Now look Timber. The Guild Master had a very good reason for doing what he did. He's just trying to do what he can to help make sure no more Pokémon are forced to join the Shadows of Darkness Army, that's all."

"Shinx, Inx," Thunder added, nodding his head in agreement.

The Treecko simply shrugged. "Eh, maybe. But still…"

With a smile crossing his visage, Charcoal laid a hand on the Grass-type's shoulders. "Don't worry about these new rules too much. Hopefully, they will only be temporary."

But as he thought about it, the young Charmander had a bad feeling that 'temporary' in this context might mean until the S.O.D Army was disposed of. Such a feat like that may as well take years to perform. And though Team Comet would most likely graduate from the guild long before that, and thus wouldn't worry about these 'ridiculous rules,' as Timber so kindly put it, Charcoal felt bad for the future guild recruits. They would not have the freedom Team Comet had these first couple of weeks. The freedom to learn from their mistakes, rather than have them corrected before they happened by more skilled explorers. They would not experience any real growth, and because of that, would not be as successful as they could be.

"Yes, hopefully."