A.N: This is just a random idea I came up with. Emmett is a bit OOC but it makes the story funnier. Also, the funniness comes later in the chapter. It begins in Nessie's point of view. Okay, I'm done.

Disclaimer: First Twilight fanfic so I'll keep it simple. Me no Stephanie, me fan.


I glanced at the clock, anxiously waiting for school to finally be over. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Finally, the bell rang. I grabbed my things and hurried out the door of the classroom. At my locker I was struggling to hold the tears in. I dumped my locker's contents into my book bag and quickly tore through the school hallway. As soon as I was in the safe cover of the forest I broke into a full in-human run. At this very moment I was glad I had inherited my father's speed. Big hands grabbed me from behind. I screamed. "Nessie," Jacob's familiar voice greeted me, why didn't you wait for me after school? I told you I'd meet you." Then he saw my tear stained face. "Ness, what happened?" he questioned. I just buried my face into his warm chest and cried. Next thing I knew, I had cried my self to sleep.

"Nessie, wake up!" a too perky voice screamed into my ear. "Emmett, be quiet!" I heard my father growl. I moaned quietly. I felt a cool hand brush some hair away from my face. I opened my eyes. I quickly regretted it. Staring at me, not an inch from my face was a very excited Uncle Emmett. I screeched. He just laughed. I felt so angry now. I couldn't help my self. I punched him in the jaw. "Jeeze, Ness, what the hell did I do," he said, rubbing his jaw. My mom laughed," That's my girl!" She brushed more hair out of my face. "Ness, your uncle's got some big plan to "cheer you up", at least he thinks it will. He's been sing the Teletubbies song all afternoon, so I couldn't tell you," my dad said. "Come on, let's go downstairs!" Emmett cried, and dashed down the stairs. Jacob picked me up and dashed downstairs with me in his arms.

Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Jasper, Aunt Alice, Aunt Rosalie, Mom, and Dad were all gathered in the large living room. Uncle Emmett was jumping up and down on the coffee table. Grandma was yelling at him. She loved that coffee table. Jacob sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap. Dad glared at him. I groaned. Whatever Emmett was planning wasn't good. I knew Aunt Alice couldn't see his plan because Jacob was here. "Emmett, tell us what you're thinking so we can get it over with," I growled. "Well, miss cranky pants, I have the perfect plan to make you not cranky. We are to have a……………. GAME WEEK!" I groaned. This couldn't end well. Grandma and Grandpa got up," We're leaving, goodbye." "Lucky," I muttered. Jacob squeezed my hand," Come on, it could be fun!" I just growled.

A.N: Okay, it's kind of short because this is the kind of the introduction. Okay, I'll start typing the next chapter as soon as I post this one. Also it won't always be Nessie's point of view. You'll find out what happened at school later in the story. And I need some game ideas. I want to do games like truth or dare, not board games. Okay, please review! Oh, and if anyone can suggest a better title, please do.