Whatev's Man, I'm Duncan. You might know me from TDI or as a criminal in your neighborhood. Either way, I'm still stuck on this stupid island; I'm dating a girl named Courtney. You know I thought I liked her but now I don't. I mean she was a major turn on when she hated me and always followed the rules, but now she's changed. She isn't super tough and evil like me, the princess in super sweet, too sweet and nice and kind for my liking. Plus she has this stupid name for me, Dunkie Pogo. I mean come on, what's the big deal with her and stupid pet names! We met on the island, we hated each other, then we started to like each other and now she's way too clingy for my liking.

I'm planning on breaking up with her today, I mean I just can't stand it, plus there's another girl that's caught my eye, LeShawna. I know, I know, she's big, I'm small, she hates bad guys, I'm a really bad guy and so on. We have so many differences and yet there's one thing we have in common. We both say what's on our minds, and we tell people right away. That's what I like about her. Plus, I know she'll never change like Courtney. She'll never become super sweet like Courtney. And she will most definitely not laugh at my pranks like Courtney. Why is this a turn off you ask, well, I like a girl who tries to put me in my place, a girl who's not afraid or to timid to face me when I've done something wrong. Just like LeShawna. Plus have you seen her body, her beautiful curvy, hypnotizing body especially her big butt and full lips which I would love to kiss, she's my beautiful LeShawna.

I finally know LeShawna is badly perfect for me.

Yo y'all, I'm LeShawna. I know you know me from TDI or that sassy sister next door. Anyway, I'm still on this boring island and I'm not having the best of times. Why you ask, because of two stupid girls, Heather and Courtney. I'm sure y'all know why I hate that girl. She thinks she's queen of the world and she thinks she can boss us around. Well definitely not me, because if she does, I'll kill her with my bare hands. Plus she has the nerve to call me fat, can you believe that? But she's just for starters. Courtney is my biggest problem.

Why does that girl have to steal the man I love away from me? And yes, I'm talking about my baby boy Duncan. And I know I'm not supposed to be saying or thinking this because I'm sort of in a relationship with Harold (who I'm dumping today), Duncan's dating Courtney and well, I said I liked good guys. But he just changed everything. I hate facial piercings and his got a ton of them, but somehow, they make him look handsome. I hate rocker dude style, bad attitudes and dyed hair (No offence Gwen) but he just makes it work on him. Plus he's body is amazing, I mean have to seen this guy shirtless?

But I have to admit, Duncan is badly perfect for me.

So tell me what you think about this story and review!