
I'm Sabrina:D

This story came up when I was studying mathematics for the test I had the next day. (Oops! I was trying to study... I am useless at mathematics:( )

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

I do not own Twilight. Stephenie Meyer does.

Chapter 1

Bella Swan

3months. 14 weeks. 92 days. 3months had already passed the day since he left me in the woods. I was still alive, human, but it was only my body. I had no life in my body. My soul was definitely destroyed.

I started to go to school after 2 weeks of crying. I knew I could cry more than that, but I had to pretend that I was okay for Charlie, and that was the only way I could stay here in Forks. May be it was stupid to just stay here after losing true love in the same place. May be I should have gone and live with Renée and Phil. But I couldn't. Staying here was the only way I could believe that he and his family existed. I didn't want "as I'd never existed" to come true even though my human memory would fade, and someday I would no longer be able to recall my angel.

Then I froze. I froze for what I had just thought by myself. Human memory would fade and someday I would no longer be able to recall my angel…

I sat down on the floor and started to sob. I didn't want my memory to fade. I didn't want forget my happy memory. The happiest memory I had, and the greatest time in my whole life.

"Bella? I made some toasts for you. They are in the table. I am going to work now, okay?" Charlie asked from outside my bedroom. His voice was full of concern.

"Thanks, dad." I said quietly. I didn't want Charlie to worry more about me though I knew I wouldn't be able to eat.

As I tried not to think about my happiest memory, I realized that I was sitting on something hard. I moved slowly and saw what it was. It was my History book. Suddenly, I remembered what my grandma once said to me when I was little.

"Grandma, how did people know about the past things?"

"People in the past always wrote down what happened in their country or in their life, dear."


"Because they didn't want to forget the things they went through, and wanted people in the future to learn from their experience."

I chanted grandma's words many times until the words sank in.

There was actually a way to prevent from forgetting the things. Writing. Writing a book.

So I stood up and made my way to the desk. I grabbed a notebook and a pen, and started to write.

Today was my first day at my new school...

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