Hello there agian. Well this update was much sooner then the last one, and I promise the the next one shouldn't be too long either. I would just like to thank those of you who are actually reading this Fic, because it is you guys that are keeping it alive and pushed me to finish this chapter. And, believe if or not but I have actually tried to revise this chapter, so hopefully there are only minimal errors that I just happened to have missed.

Well, anyways....Happy Readings.

Chapter 17: I Don't Care What My Friends Say, I'm Yours


When we're all younger we are told and forced to believe that our prince charming will come to find us and take us away to our own personal happily ever after. That he will be the man of our dreams, the father of our children, and our best friend. Well you would think that with my past background that I would have given up on this fantasy.

For awhile there I had. My parents spilt, Mike was far from perfect – so as you can see, I didn't have the best track record for believing in that sort of thing.

However, these past few weeks my life has reached its high. I was happy, sincerely happy and far beyond eternal bliss. My friends, Alice and Rose, were at their highs too. Rose had Em, Alice finally had Jasper, and I had my own personal prince charming – Edward.

Okay, call me lovesick, call it puppy love, call it being naive or even call it clichéd, call it whatever you want, but I'm happy - full blown out, hands down, sunset on the beach side, happy. I can't even remember the last time that I was actually this happy.

Alice called it a miracle that I was genuinely smiling when I came downstairs the morning after Edward was in my room. Rose referred to it as the apocalypse of time. But to me and Edward it was just us being us.

At school that next week, everyone stared at us as we made our way around school. Lauren and Jessica glared, Angela smiled, and Mike looked uneasy. I had accepted Mike's whole relationship with Jess, but he still seemed to have a problem with Edward and me.

When I had invited Edward over to dinner to meet Emily, Sam and Jacob two weeks after Halloween as my new official boyfriend, saying that it was a little awkward and went terribly was a major understatement.


Edward had come earlier to help me prepare for dinner. Alice was spending the night at the Hale's and Charlie had to work the late shift.

I was standing in the kitchen when I suddenly felt two arms snake around my waist and lift me up in the air. "No, wait! I'm going to spill the sauce!" I screamed and laughed as he twirled me around in the air, causing me to practically kick the pot off the stove.

Edward kissed below my ear and chuckled. I continued to scream as he spun me around and around in the kitchen, "Edward stop, you're going to drop me," I laughed and squealed as I felt myself beginning to slip in his grasp.

It didn't faze him at all as he lowered his neck down so he could whisper in my ear, "I would never drop you Bella." And despite the fact that I was slipping lower and lower to the floor, I new he meant it.

"Ahem," a voice cleared their throat from the doorway, forcing Edward to put me down as we turned to face whoever it was that was now in my kitchen. Emily, Jacob, and Sam were standing there, silently watching me and Edward's encounter.

Emily and Sam both looked knowingly, but Jacob on the other hand looked rather, well annoyed. It had been Jacob that had cleared his throat.

I blushed furiously as I pulled myself out of Edward's warm embrace and made my way over to them. "Hey, you guys I didn't hear you come in," I greeted as I hugged the happy soon to be married couple. "Well, I guess not." Jacob snidely commented as he glared daggers at Edward.

"Jacob," I hissed under my breath while throwing him a death glare of my own. He tore his eyes from Edward to finally meet mine, and they instantly softened as he smiled down at me. "Hey Bells, how are you?" he finally said while taking down his tough guy facade and opened his arms to me. I smiled in relief as I greatly accepted his warm and familiar embrace, "I'm good Jake."

It was Edward's turn to awkwardly clear his throat. I stepped away from Jake then, and realized that I was now standing in an area most would call No Mans Land in a battle – I was smack dab in the middle between Edward and Jacob's glares.

Alice had warned me that this would inevitably happen, but I brushed it off, honestly believing that both Edward and Jacob were both man enough not to start a pissing contest over it.

"Bella what are you making, it smells absolutely delicious," Emily cut in, undoubtedly saving my life from that awkward moment. I smiled a silent thank you to her before I responded. "I'm making lasagne; we're just waiting on the sauce before I throw it in the oven."

I turned toward Edward and smiled up at him, "Edward can you take Emily and Sam into the dining room while I finish cooking, please." I knew it wasn't necessary since both Sam and Emily had spent enough time here, but I needed to talk to Jacob alone.

Edward looked down at me and grinned, but it didn't reach his eyes, he picked up that I only mentioned Emily and Sam. "Sure," was all he said as he walked past me and directed Emily and Sam into the dining room that they already knew so well.

I turned my back to Jacob as I went back to the sauce I was stirring earlier. Jacob stayed at the door and didn't say a word. "What was that Jake?" I finally asked him.

He came and stood beside me at the counter when he finally answered, "What was that? Bella, what's going on with you? Here you are, playing house wife with this guy that you don't even know when Charlie isn't home. You've blown the La Push gang off twice for him, and here you are acting like it's no big deal. So why don't you tell me what's going on here Bells?" he demanded as he stood up straight looking down at me.

I couldn't believe he was doing this to me again! This was the second time we had had this exact same conversation, and it was suddenly starting to feel like Déjà vu.

"Cut the crap Jake! This is feeling a little like Déjà Vu don't you think?" I yelled. I suddenly remembered that the others were only in the next room over so I took a deep breath and decided to start again. "Look, I'm sorry I blew you guys off a couple of times, I agree that was wrong, but both times I wasn't even with Edward, those times I was with Alice. But it still wasn't right. So don't judge Edward alright, he doesn't deserve that. So just grow up Jake and deal with the fact that I'm actually happy."

I huffed before I continued, "And I'm sorry if all I wanted to do was introduce you to my boyfriend, so can you please be civil for me?" And with that I left the room, leaving him alone to muster over his thoughts in the kitchen.

I walked into the living room and saw Edward and Sam discussing the latest ball game stats and talking about meeting up sometime to watch a game together. I threw a smile at Edward and really liked that he was getting to know my friends. Edward looked up and saw me standing at the foot of the steps watching him and winked back at me, causing my stomach to flip in the process.

I suddenly felt my head start pounding in on me. Damn, a headache, I thought to myself. I trudged my way up the stairs and walked straight into the bathroom, hoping that I would find what I was in search for. But just as I predicted there was no Advil, Tylenol, or Motrin in sight. Damn Rose, always making sure there was none in my reach, just like I was a little kid.

Desperate to end that never ending pounding in my head, I called up Alice knowing that she would give in, unlike Rose the solid rock who couldn't be budged. Alice picked up on the first ring. "Hey Bella, how's your dinner going?" she excitedly asked as soon as she answered.

I sighed, "Well Jacob basically killed the mood, now I have this pounding headache, and I need you to tell me where you keep your Advil." I said as I rummaged through Alice's room.

Alice was silent on the other end, and I knew she was reluctant to give in with about the whole thing. "Look, Bella, maybe you should just go downstairs and sit with Edward. I'm sure your headache will go away after that," she pushed. I sighed annoyingly, "C'mon Alice, I can't make it through the rest of the night otherwise."

"Bella, this was your idea, your dinner. Okay, you'll be fine, I bet that as soon as you go and talk to Edward your headache will be gone and you won't even need anything." I groaned, "Alice, I'm serious. I'm having feminine craps too so I'm extremely moody right now." I was mentally curing both Jacob and Alice in my head; Jacob for causing the pain and Alice for not supplying me with a quick fix.

"No Bella, now get out of my room or I will call Rose and you can talk to her about it," she threatened. I sighed, and was forced to give in. "Fine, but Alice, you don't fight fair." Alice laughed lightly on the other end, "Hey, I was instructed not to fight fair by the general herself. Now, try to have fun Bella, and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I was beyond irritated with Alice at this point, so my head was only pounding even more. "Yeah, whatever. Bye you evil pixie." I hung up my phone and slammed her door shut behind me and made my way down stairs to attend to my guests.

Dinner was ready an hour later, and the five of us were sitting in the dining room, silently picking at our food on our plates. Alice was right, as soon as I was near Edward my pounding and painful headache went away, but sitting at the dining table with the uncomfortable silence only intensified it even more.

"So," Edward began, looking toward Jacob, "Jacob, um...Bella tells me you ride a motorcycles." Jacob grunted as he shoved his salad into his mouth, "Yeah," was all he said, abruptly ending that conversation.

I threw Jacob another glare; it had to have been about the hundred and fiftieth one of the night. Jacob looked up at me and smiled, but it didn't look friendly. "Edward, what are you doing after high school?" Oh no, Jake was now playing the father figure. "Jacob," I warned, but Edward cut me off.

"No it's okay Bella. Actually Jacob, I am thinking about going to school in Alaska." Jacob scoffed, "Bella doesn't like the cold, have you considered that?" he snarled. But Edward being the gentlemen that he was remained cool and simply responded with a polite, "Yes I'm aware of that, that's why we've both applied to other school's in the country together as well," I smiled at him and squeezed his had under the tabled.

"Besides Black, you don't need to tell me who Bella is, I'm quite aware of who she is already," there was General Edward. Edward was starting to defend himself against Jake's accusations.

"Edward what are you doing this May?" Sam cut in, saving the rest of what was left of dinner. Edward smiled at him and shook his head, "Nothing other then finals, Sam." Sam nodded once then offered, "Well then, you should come to our wedding. It's in La Push in May, and it's going to be at the cliffs. It should be fun, and since Bella here is one of Emily's bridesmaids-"

"Wait, what?" I asked as I looked back and forth between Emily and Sam. Emily huffed and looked over at Sam, "I wanted to ask her." Then she looked over at me and smiled lightly, "How about it Bella, would you like to be one of my bridesmaids?" she asked looking hopeful.

I grinned, "Of course! I would love nothing more then to stand up at your wedding," I grinned at her, and then I heard Edward chuckled to my left. "Yeah, now that I know Bella will be there wearing one of those big dresses, I'm definitely going," he laughed.

I kicked him under the table, "Hey, don't tease. I just might be more graceful then you think," I defended myself. There was a long silence at the table before everyone broke out into laughter. "I don't think you could be graceful if you had to save your life," Sam kidded as he held his side from laughing.

Jacob pushed himself from the table and stormed out of the room then. We all watched him go in silence, and it was me that got up and went after him.

"Jacob!" I called angrily after him as he slammed the front door behind him and in my face. I screamed in frustration as I ripped it open and chased after him down my walkway, ignoring the rain that was pouring down.

"What the hell, Jacob!" I screamed, "What has gotten into you, can't you see me happy? You of all people should know what it's like for me to be happy, how much this means to me." I was on the verge of crying when he finally turned to look at me.

"Of course I do! That's why I'm leaving Bells! I always wanted to be the one to make you this happy, but I never was." He was screaming back at me now, not holding anything in. "Even as you sit here and play the little old housewife with Sam and Emily, I can see that I will never be the one to make you happy. Don't keep me here to see that Bella, don't force me to watch what you have that I can't!"

He was still screaming at me and clearly beyond livid as the rain pelted down on the both of us.

We stood in front of each other, trying to calm our ragged breathing. "I'm sorry Bella, but I can't just stand and watch by anymore. I was able to be here for you for years, but not anymore. I'm done." He whispered, clearly tired and broken from everything.

As what he was saying to me slowly registered, the others joined us outside. Jacob got into the back of Sam's car as Emily came and stood at my side. "He'll get over it Bella, I know her will. I'll call you later, dinner was excellent," she whispered into my ear as she ran to the passenger side of the car, avoiding the rain. Sam was standing on my left side and squeezed my shoulder apologetically before he got into the driver side of the car.

I just watched them pull out of the driveway to head back to La Push. I closed my eyes and let the rain wash away everything. The pain I felt for hurting Jacob, worrying Edward and Alice, and for becoming so weak earlier. I almost relapsed, and it would have been my fault and my fault only I was weak.

But what really hurt me was Jake. This whole time he had an agenda, he was trying to get me to love him this whole time when I already did. He was my friend, my brother and confidant. But this whole time, for him that was never enough, so he was never really my honest friend. He had always wanted something in return.

I turned and headed back into the house, not really noticing Edward standing on the porch waiting for me. He threw a blanket around my shoulders and pulled me close to him, I was too frozen to question where he got the blanket.

I walked into the dining room where we had been before, and quietly started gathering the dishes. I still hadn't said a word, till I suddenly felt Edward turn me into him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, and I uncontrollably lost it. I cried into his chest.

He moved us into the living room and sat me beside him on the couch, and he just let me cry it out. After what seemed like hours, I finally stopped when I knew I wasn't capable of mustering up anymore more tears.

"I'm sorry, Edward. This was a disaster, but I just wanted you two to get know each other. I honestly didn't think that he would react that way," I muttered into his chest.

Edward simply shrugged it off. "It's okay Bella, really. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, because I knew the moment that I saw him how he felt about you."

I was confused, "How did you know, you just met him?" I asked as I pulled back a little to look up into his eyes.

"I knew because I feel the exact same about you, only it's stronger for me." I felt my eyes tearing up again. I leaned up and placed my lips on his and kissed him slowly and tenderly, my silent thank you.

The more I thought about it Jacob was right, I shouldn't have flaunted Edward in front of him, playing housewife and acting like I had just won the lottery. But when I was with Edward that's exactly how it felt, like I had just won my own personal lottery, and there was no way in hell I was giving it up – not for anything. I wasn't going to feel sorry for it either.

"You're amazing you know that," I smiled up at him. He grinned and kissed my forehead. "You're beautiful inside and out, Bella. So, don't worry about Jacob Black, he'll come around." He assured me. I just nodded weakly and agreed with him, but secretly I wasn't too sure, all I knew was that when I was around Edward everything felt right and all the headaches in the world went away.


That night changed everything. Edward and I were closer, Alice watched me more closely, Emily and I talked constantly preparing wedding details, and Jacob and I didn't talk at all.

But regardless of everything, I was still ecstatic with the way my life was at the moment. Alice still hadn't told Rose about my panic attack at dinner, and Edward and I went on just as we were before.

"So, my uncle is coming home for Thanksgiving, and Alice couldn't be more excited. What are the Cullen's doing for Thanksgiving?" I asked, trying to sound as non chalet about as possible. Carlisle and Edward were still not talking to each other, and although this really worried me, Edward continued to convince me that it everything was okay.

Edward and I were sitting at the water tower, five days before Thanksgiving. I was sitting on his lap with my back to his chest, looking out at all the colourful leaves, while Edward was trying to distract me by sucking on my neck right below my ear, completely avoiding my question.

"Ed...ward," I mumbled trying to focus on what I had asked earlier. "Hmm?" he asked, lightly playing with my ear lobe in between his teeth. "Well, what are the Cullen's doing for...Thanksgiving?" I slurred.

Edward only squeezed me closer to him and sucked harder behind my ear, which I was now sure was going to leave a mark. "I don't know," he muttered, clearly focused on what he was trying to accomplish.

"Hey," I chuckled, "You aren't going to distract me that easily Mr. Masen."

But Edward didn't cease his motions; he only chuckled into my hair and smiled against it. "Is it working Miss Swan?" he asked as he tilted my neck back so I was forced to look into his eyes. He was winning this battle and he knew it.

"Well, that's beside the point. Now just answer the damn question." I demanded, earning and annoyed groan from him. "Look, I'm doing my best work here Bella, and your completely dismissing it," he teased with a smirk.

"Trust me I'm not," I whispered as I kissed him, but quickly pulled away before he could get ever more into it. "Now answer the question, or I won't kiss you till you do."

Edward looked smug, "Trust me Swan; you would cave before I did." I smiled, which I hoped looked to be wicked, "Try me Masen," I said through narrowed eyes, challenging him.

"Ugh!" Edward groaned in frustration, "Fine, Esme is contributing to the community feast, but the day before that we are having our own dinner at the house on Carlisle's day off."

I smiled and kissed him again, but pulled away once more. "There, now was that so hard."

"Excruciating," he whispered against my lips before he took my bottom one in between his.

I smiled and kissed him back completely voluntarily. I felt his tongue slide along my bottom lip, begging and pleading for entrance, and I didn't even have to think once to grant him it.

I few minutes later when we pulled away for air I asked, "What are you contributing to you aunt and uncles dinner?" Edward only looked at me suspiciously, "Who said I'm going?"

I scoffed, "Well Edward, why wouldn't you go? You have a lot to be thankful for, like Esme and Carlisle for taking you in, having a nice roof over your head, your cousin who's been your friend since you lost everything..." I drifted off, hoping that I hadn't upset him.

Edward leant in and kissed my nose, "Thankful for you," he added to my thought from before. I smiled and rolled my eyes, happy that I hadn't insulted him.

"Yeah there's that too. See why wouldn't you go to your aunt's dinner?" Edward sighed, "Don't push this Bella; you know Carlisle and I aren't getting along. Besides, I was hoping that I could spend that day with you."

I rolled my eyes, "Nice try Edward, but I do think that you should go to dinner with your family. It's the holiday's you and Carlisle need to reconcile."

Edward stared at me for a moment or two before he pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear, "Only if you're there. I can't face the wolves alone; I need you there with me."

I smiled and I was grateful that my back was to him so he wouldn't see me blush. "Edward Cullen, are you asking me to Thanksgiving dinner with your family?" Edward laughed, "Yeah, I guess I am Miss Swan."

I was grinning and beyond joyful now, "I'd love to. Don't worry Edward, I promise I'll never leave your side." I felt Edward smile as he leaned forward and started nibbling on my earlobe on the other side. "Good," he muttered as he continued to where he had left off from earlier. "You can bring the cranberries," he said, as he started tickling my sides, making me scream and laugh like a little three year old.

When I got home that night, Alice ran downstairs and grabbed my wrist, pulling me by Charlie before I could even get out a 'Hello.'

"Alice, what's going on?" I asked hesitantly as she dragged me into her room. "Silly Bella, I need your opinion. I'm working on my dress for the Winter Formal next month and I don't know if I should add the orange or the red or the purple or the yellow ribbon and Rose isn't home so you're the best I got and what do you think?"

Alice spoke so fast, she didn't even break once for air. Before I knew it I was standing in front of a half finished dress. "The Yellow ribbon would look best." I said breathlessly as I stared at her dress in amazement. It really was beautiful. Alice definitely had a career in fashion.

"So you and Jazz are really going to this thing next month," it wasn't a question but more so an observation. Alice nodded repeatedly, "Yeah he asked me last night." I stared at Alice blankly, "But Alice, you've been working on this for a week...?" I questioned her, and she grinned again.

"Well, I wanted my dad to see how good I am when it comes to making dresses this weekend, when he comes around for Thanksgiving," she beamed as she turned to add the yellow ribbon to the dress.

"What about you and Edward? Going to the Winter Formal?" Alice chirped as she scrutinized her work before turning back to me.

I shrugged, "We talked about it briefly the other week but he hasn't officially asked me." Alice quirked her eyebrow at me, but didn't press on the matter.

"Alice," we heard Charlie call from downstairs. We both got up and went to meet him downstairs. "Yeah Uncle Charlie?" she asked as we rounded the corner to the kitchen.

Charlie looked up from the kitchen table and gave Alice a sympathetic look. "This package just arrived for you," and he got up and left us standing there in front of a large box.

Alice gaped down at it. "Oh I wonder what it is," she squealed with wide eyes. She tore apart the wrapping paper and tore up the cover of the box. Inside the box was a remarkable gown and a card addressed to Miss Brandon that Alice pulled up and instantly began to read.

I gaped down at the wine coloured dress and looked up at Alice who now had tears in her eyes and turned wordlessly to walk upstairs. She dropped the card on the table, and left it there with the gown.

I watched soundlessly as Alice walked back up to her room, not saying a word to me or Charlie. Charlie and I both shared a confused look, before I picked up the card on the table and read it to myself:


I know I promised that I would be there for Thanksgiving dinner, but something has come up and I won't be able to make it. I'm sorry, and I'll see you in the New Year. I have also sent you with Vera Wang's newest evening gown from their latest line, and I hope you wear it to that Winter Formal you were telling me all about. I'm really sorry Sweet Pea,



He wasn't coming. Uncle Brandon wasn't going to make it for Thanksgiving. I repeated those words over and over again to myself till I was able to comprehend what Alice was going through. She had been looking forward to her dad's arrival for weeks; this had to be killing her.

I picked up the dress and slowly made my way up to Alice's room. When I knocked lightly on the door and opened it to let myself in. I found Alice on the phone, desperately trying to convince her dad to change his plans.

"But, Dad you promised," she said through her tears. "Yeah I know, but things always come up and we haven't-"

She looked just like the little girl she still was on the inside, and in that moment I thought of my own mother and our broken relationship. I quickly pushed all those bottled up emotions back into their hidden box in the back of my mind and tried my best to focus on Alice.

"I love you too, and thanks for the dress. I'm sure I'll put both Lauren and Jessica to shame," she chuckled. "Bye Dad."

She flipped her phone shut and whimpered. I walked into the room and sat down beside her on the bed, placing the Vera Wang of the floor beside her. Alice stiffened and stood up taking the dress in her hands, "I'm going to go and try this on," she said in between her tears.

Alice closed up after that. She focused on herself in the mirror escaping the true emotions and hurt she felt. I didn't push her, I didn't want to. I knew she would open up about it when she wanted to, because that's how Alice was.

As I was getting ready for bed that night there was a light knock on my door. Excepting it to be Alice, I opened it right away, only to find Charlie standing there with an envelope in his hands.

I smiled up at my dad and let him in. Taking a seat at my vanity table, I continued to finish brushing out my wet and tangled hair from my shower. Charlie took a seat on the edge of my bed and smiled at me. "How are you doing Bells?"

I grinned and turned around to face him, "I'm great." Charlie nodded once, "That's good. Everything with Edward is good? Things with Jake are good? Sam and Emily are good? How's school?"

I cleared my throat, "Edwards great, and I'm sure Sam and Emily are doing good because the wedding plans are rolling smoothly, school is as good as it will ever be, but Jake and I are still at a rough patch, but what else is new right. What's going on dad?" I asked once I finally answered all his questions.

Charlie hesitated before he forced himself to continue, "Your mother called me yesterday," my breathing hitched and I stopped and avoided Charlie's eyes. "She wanted to know why you weren't returning her calls, and she wants you to go to Arizona for Thanksgiving."

At his words, the only thing that went through my mind was Edward's dinner, I couldn't let him down; he needed me. "I can't go, I have dinner with the Cullen's, and I can't miss that."

"I'm sure they'd understand Bells," Charlie said in a hard voice.

"No, I said I already made other plans. Besides, why are you pressuring me into this? I'm not going Charlie, I already promised that I would be there, I'm bringing the cranberries," I was panicking now and running out of reasons to stay. I knew Charlie would force me to go if he felt that I should, and I knew he did. He felt bad that I had lost all contact with Renee.

"Bella, you really should go-"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "What about the Community Feast, that's a Forks Tradition dad. And you and I both know that Forks has been my family more then she has in my entire life," I hoped that he could hear the desperation in my voice.

"That's the thing about traditions Bella, they're always there. It'll still be here next year."

"But I won't. I'm going to school next year dad; this is my last Forks Thanksgiving Community Feast for awhile. What about Alice? She was just crushed today when Alan told her that he wasn't coming, if anything she needs me here more then ever this weekend." I knew I was getting to him because he was starting to fidget with his fingers and stared running his hand through his receding hair.

"Alright Bells, you don't have to go this weekend, but you do have to go after Thanksgiving, even if its just for a couple of days, you're going. You mom sent this ticket for you, so you have to use it. But you're telling her of the change of plans, because I'm not talking to that woman again," he sighed as he got up and walked back to my door.

"What makes you think I want to talk to her?" I grumbled under my breath, but Charlie heard me. "I know she hasn't been the best mother in the world, but she's still your mother Bells, whether you like it or not. She's the only one you got."

Just like that my happiness came crashing down.

I should have known that based on my track record it wasn't going to last. I was only a senior in high school; it was destined to end sooner or later. But as long as I had my prince at my side, I knew everything was going to be fine. Even if I had to spend a couple of days in Arizona without him, because I knew he would be here when I got back. He would always be there for me, no matter what.


These past few weeks had been perfect. Although Carlisle continued to warn me to keep my guard up with Bella, I knew that it wasn't necessary. Bella and I had been completely in our own world for weeks, and we just enjoyed each others presence.

The next morning after I had left Bella's I had a blasting headache thanks to Jack and Hennessy, but I didn't care. I still wore that happy ass grin that I had on the night before. Emmett saw it but didn't say anything, Esme saw it and smiled knowingly, and Carlisle sneered, aggravated that I had given up on Dartmouth, and I know that he now had a feeling as to why I had.

When Bella and I first walked into school that week, my arm was thrown casually yet intimately around her shoulder, and her body was inclined toward mine, and although we received nothing but glares and overly confused looks, Bella ignored them; actually I don't even think she fully noticed anyone of them.

When she asked me over to dinner to meet her friends from La Push, I didn't hesitate to say yes. I wanted to meet the people who had such an impact on her life, and was more then surprised when she asked me to meet them.

My first impression about Jacob Black hadn't been wrong. He was in love with Bella. That much was obvious, but when she dismissed him like he was a brother to her and nothing else, I knew she didn't share the same feelings. But apart of me, and a large part of me, worried that some day those feelings that she didn't currently have would make an appearance, and I would lose her.

When I met Sam and Emily, I really liked them. Sam and I had a lot in common, and he and Emily were perfect for each other.

During dinner however, Jacob started to interrogate me, and I could see that it was starting to both annoy and worry Bella. I tried to assure her that it was alright, but I was trying really hard to keep myself from going off at Jacob.

Before I knew it, Jacob had finally lost it. And I felt pity for him.

A big part of me worried that one day I would be in his position. That I would be on the other side of Bella's arm, that I would be questioning her choices, and that I would lose her to someone else, just as Jacob had. This was my biggest fear, that I wouldn't be good enough and that every unspoken thought that Carlisle had would come true. But of course I never told Bella this; I just lived in the moment.

After I had invited Bella to Thanksgiving dinner and dropped her off at her house, I stopped at the store to pick up the yeast the Esme had asked me to grab for her. But when I walked in I wasn't greeted by a friendly face.

Jacob Black was at the back counter, stocking the shelves. I tried to avoid him to the best of my ability, but unfortunately when I walked through the door, the bell above it went off.

Jacob turned and glared at me before he went back to stocking the shelves. I quickly made my way through the aisles till I found the product I was looking for and walked back to the front counter.

I paid the cashier and made my way out to the car, and I was almost to the Volvo too until I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. "How is she?"

"She's doing well," I stiffly answered, still refusing to face him and look him in the eye. "But you would know that if you tried to talk to her every once and awhile," I bit back. Jacob scoffed, "Really? Well maybe if you weren't around I would. Just like I used to be," he snarled.

I finally had it. I viciously threw the bags that I had in the back of the car and turned to finally face Jacob Black head on.

"Do you have a problem with me, Black?" I spat down at him.

Jacob laughed, "For a smart guy you can be really daft sometimes Cullen. Of course I have a problem with you. Bella has been alone for a long time, and I've always been the one that was there for her, and suddenly you come out of no where and jump in to take my spot, so of course I have a problem with you."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You've been there for her, really? Are you aware that her mother has been trying to talk to her, and that was practically a month ago! Where were you then, Black? Bella and I were barely talking then and she came to me, where were you? You haven't been in her life for a long time Jacob, so don't beat her up over it when clearly it was your fault, she doesn't deserve that."

I turned on my heels and away from him and back toward my car. I didn't have to waste my time or my breath on him. "You don't know her, Cullen. There is a lot more to her past then what you know, and the fact that I know what it is just kills you," he barked. He was trying to get under my skin, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let him.

"You may be right, Black. But that's the difference between me and you; I'm not going to force her to tell me, because I know Bella will tell me on her own when she's ready."

I slammed the door to the Volvo before I had to hear anymore of his whiny bullshit.

Esme was standing at the door waiting for me when I got in, "Edward what took you so long, we're going to have to wait longer for the bread now." I just handed her the bag and walked upstairs without a word.

"Edward?" she called after me, but I was already too far up the stairs to want to turn around to talk.

Carlisle walked into my room after dinner, without knocking, and stood at my door, waiting for me to acknowledge his presence.

"What?" I annoyingly asked finally giving in. "I wanted to talk to you about that account," he started. I shifted in my seat waiting for him to continue. "Where are you looking to go to school, Edward?" he asked me for the first time. I rolled my eyes, "I was thinking about going to Alaska, but now I'm not really too sure."

"Does this uncertainty have anything to do with the chief's daughter?" he asked. I sighed, "Her name is Bella, Carlisle. And no, this has to do with me."

Carlisle contemplated on whether or not he believed me, but something must have convinced him. "Alright Edward, I believe you. How about we make a deal," he offered, but something was telling me that if I agreed I might as well have been making a deal with the devil.

Carlisle continued once he seen that I was hesitant; "I'll sign over the account to you and stop pestering you about Dartmouth, if you break it off with the chief's daughter."

I was mortified, fuming, and on the edge of losing it. "I can't believe you have the nerve to ask me that. I would never give her up for anything, especially any amount of money. She's not a bargaining chip Carlisle, she's a human being and for the hundredth time her name is Bella. What do you have against her?"

"I know Edward, but I'm only looking out for you. What are you going to do about school and tuition? What happens when she hurts you and there's nothing left for the both of you? It will happen Edward, I know you see it, so don't deny it any longer. I'm just looking out for you, son."

I scoffed, "Son? Since when have you ever considered me your son? AndI got news for you Carlisle, she's looking out for me too, way more then you are. And I am applying for the scholarship, and despite what you may believe, I will get it; I will get it because Bella believes that I will," I grabbed my jacket off the back of my chair and pushed my way past him.

"By the way, I invited my girlfriend over for Thanksgiving dinner, so she'll be here, so you better treat her like the sweet kind person she is."

I turned to run down the stairs but one final thought occurred to me, "I wonder what Esme would say if she knew what you were trying to convince me to do, Uncle Carlisle. Because I'm sure she wouldn't be too impressed with the man that she's supposed to love and who's supposed to love her back. Don't make me test that theory."

"Don't threaten me, Edward!" Carlisle shouted at me.

I smirked at him, "Don't push me Carlisle."

I stormed my way into the kitchen to find Esme sitting on the barstool going over her files for work.

"Hey, Esme I just wanted to make sure that it was okay that I invited Bella to Thanksgiving dinner with us," Esme smiled brightly just like I knew she would.

"Of course Edward, that would be lovely. I'll set an extra seating beside you and Rosalie."

I nodded and thanked her once before I made my way back out to our water tower. I needed to think for the night.

When it was almost quarter to one in the morning, I decided to make my way home, but once again I found myself turning left instead of right.

This wasn't an odd occurrence for me and Bella, every once and while I would climb up into her room and we would just talk, or sleep, or I would hold her as she slept silently for the night. So, I parked my car behind the bush as I usually did and walked around the block toward her house.

Her window was dark so I knew that she was sleeping for the night. I decided to climb the tree anyway; I was too pissed off at Carlisle to want to go home. So, just as I had on other nights, I skilfully and stealthily, climbed up the big oak tree outside Bella's window.

Her window was open a crack, so it was much easier for me to slip it open. Once inside I crouched down in front of Bella's sleeping form and lightly brushed my thumb over her lip once. I watched as her eyes lightly fluttered open and she smiled as soon as she seen me.

That smile always made me lose all doubt. It was just me and her now, no Carlisle, no Jacob, no school or anything else; the world vanished at the sight of that smile. We were together and I loved every minute of it. All my fears instantly drifted away.

"Hey," she whispered against my thumb.

"Hi," I smiled as I played with her pouting and drowsy lip. She moved over and lifted the covers to let me get in beside her, which I so graciously did.

I easily wrapped my arms around her as she snuggled into my chest, right where she belonged; where she fit.

"What's wrong, Edward? You're all tense," she asked. I just shrugged it off, "Nothing, it's all better now. I promise," I promised her as I kissed her hair. "Bella," I asked checking to make sure she was still awake. "Yeah, Edward," I smiled and leaned in to whisper into her ear, "Will you go to the Winter Formal with me?" I asked, hoping to god that she was coherent enough to understand what I was asking her.

Bella sighed happily, "Of course Edward, I love to go to the dance with you."

I grinned and pulled her close to me as she fell asleep just as she had been before I came in and disturbed her.

As I held her close I knew that I was already hers, even if she wasn't mine, I would forever be hers. I loved her, every ounce and every part of her. We might not have been ready to say those words to each other just yet, but I knew what my heart was feeling. I was undoubtedly hers, and completely in for the long haul.

Home wasn't with Carlisle and Esme in that cold big house. This was home. Sleeping in Bella's warm embrace was home, and I knew I wasn't going to move anytime soon.

So, how was that? The Vera Wang dress that Alice's father had sent her should be posted on my profile, and if you'd like to follow me on Twitter and want to find out when my next updates will be, there is a link on my profile to my Twitter page as well.

Please leave a review, they mean the world to me. Both comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.

Just like last time and as always,
