I always promised myself that I would never do a Twilight FanFiction, however the other month in class (math class of all places) I had this story in my head that never left. So when I got home I got out my lap top and started typing. This is what came out, I have more chapters to this story already written, but I don't want to continue it till I know at least more then 3 people are interested in it, then I will continue posting more chapters up.

Basically this is another Edward and Bella story, but Bella is the more popular student who has lived in Forks her whole life. Her mother left a few years ago, and shes dating the star of the football team; Mike Newton. When their relationship hits rock bottom, Bella starts bonding with quite Edward Cullen, and discovers a lot about herself, friendship, and love while thier relationship blossoms.

Yeah it's been done several times, but not by me. So R&R if you would like me to continue. I will post Chapter 2 up too tonight, because I feel that Chapter 1 isn't as good as the second, or the third. But that's just my POV, I would love to hear yours. So heres my first Twilight FanFic.


Chapter 1: Brown Eyed Girl


That annoying alarm clock that my mother bought me woke me up at six-thirty in the morning. I hated that damn thing as much as I hated her leaving me here to rot. She left me and Charlie three years ago, and moved across the country, and I absolutely despised her for leaving me behind.

Me and my mother were always close, we did everything together, and I just couldn't understand why she didn't take me with her, or at least give me the option to go with her.

So there I was, with Charlie in good old Forks, Washington, where I had resided for all of my sixteen years on the planet. I attended the only high school in Forks, with all the other two hundred and fifty students.

I rolled over to violently punch that damn alarm clock, when I opened my eyes and seen a picture of me and Mike Newton. My boyfriend and I had been going out since my mother left. He understood what I was going through at the time and was there for me when I felt most alone. I smiled at the thought of how kind he'd been, and how that goofy smile of his always made me die a little inside.

I got up then, and proceeded with my morning ritual. For the day I picked out my dark skinny jeans and my red blouse. I would have loved to wear the blue one, but Mike always told me how good I looked in red, and I wanted to give him something to really smile about today.

I walked down to the kitchen where my cousin Alice was already waiting. Alice moved in with me and Charlie over the weekend, and today was her first day at Forks High School. Alice moved in with us after her father got another job and was relocated in China. Alice really didn't want to move, and Charlie noticed how lonely I was, especially with being the only female in the house. So he voluntarily opened our doors to Alice.

"Morning Alice," I greeted at I walked around the counter to make myself a bagel. Alice and I were always close, and I was really looking forward to living with her. She smiled her bright smile as she nodded her little pixie head and swallowed her juice with a big gulp.

"So when is Rosalie getting here?" She asked as I buttered my bagel. I always used butter; I could not stand cream cheese. "Around eight o'clock, we still have twenty minutes till she gets here." Rose and I had been best friends since we were nine, and according to her twin brother, Jasper, me and her, ruled the school. I highly doubted his antics. He was always over analyzing and blowing things way out of context.

Just then Charlie walked into the kitchen. "Hey girls," he greeted with that big fake smile he had worn every day since my mother left. "Alice, you excited about going to school today?" She smiled at him sweetly and nodded. "Yeah I am, and thanks again for taking me in Uncle Charlie. I really appreciate it. I don't think I would have lasted a day in China." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. I laughed at her as I imagined little Alice trying to get through the big city alone.

Rose was there at eight-fifteen as I had predicted, and Jasper was in the car with her this morning. I took notice when he couldn't stop staring at Alice as she climbed into the back seat beside him. "Hey Rose, you remember Alice." Rose smiled, "Yeah, hey Alice." I looked at Jasper as he was still staring at her with his eyes popping out of their sockets. "Jazz, this is my cousin Alice. Alice, this is Jazz, Rosalie's twin brother." Alice extended her hand out to him and smiled that always friendly smile of hers. "Hey, nice to meet you Jazz, I'm Alice." Jasper snapped out of his trance long enough to shake her hand and look coherent.

Rose went on and on about her shopping spree the day before, and pointed out her new blond highlights, which I noticed as soon as I got in the car. She looked gorgeous in her denim jacket and pants. Rose always looked good, especially when she didn't even try.

When we got to the school, Mike met me at the front doors by planting a kiss on my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into his eyes as he did the same to me. "Hey, sweets, how was you night?" I pondered that thought. "It was good. Me and Alice watched a movie and reminisced. How was yours?" He shook his head, "It was boring. Me and the guys just played a little game of one-on-one. It would have been better if you were there though. Nothing is ever as good as it is when you are around." I immediately felt my cheeks redden.

"Walk me to class?" I asked hopeful. Mike hesitated. "I would sweets, but me and the guys were going to skip class and head on over to the mall. There's this sale on surfing items and..." I cut him off by pulling my arms back from around his neck. I had enough of this. He was always sweet on the surface, but then he pulled this damn shit; every time. "Okay, never mind, just....forget it." I walked into the school, leaving him standing there with the guys, looking a little grateful that I hadn't pressed him about it. Truthfully, I had had enough.

As I walked myself to class, again, I felt a little embarrassed that this was the case. I shouldn't have had to put up with Mike treating me like this, it wasn't fair. I waited for Alice by her locker, she had asked me to take her to her first period class since she had no idea where to go, and being new to any school can't be easy.

"Hey, where's Mike?" She asked with only curiosity in her voice. "Don't know, don't care," I simply answered. "Come on, I'll show you where your class is." Alice had music, and I wished her luck. Mr. Peterson would surely give her a hard time; he gave everyone a hard time.

In first period all I wanted to do was scream. Mike had ruined my good day. He usually did when he was a totally clueless jerk. I did everything for him, and he always blew me off right after sweeping my off my feet. I just had to make it through the day, and then tomorrow would be another fresh start – hopefully.


My life in Forks was dull and monotonous. After we moved here five years ago, Uncle Carlisle and Aunt Esme had never been happier. Emmett had never been more popular, and I had never been more bored.

As soon we got here, Emmett had asked Rosalie Hale out. No nerves on that guy. Both Jessica and Lauran asked me out, but I simply turned them down nicely. I had told them that I wasn't ready to start dating, especially since we just moved here. But since then, I still hadn't dated anyone, and I had heard through the grapevine that they both thought that I was gay, but they were both completely wrong. I just wasn't into girls like Stanley, Hale and Swan, girls that were full of themselves, with their jock boyfriends, and designer clothes. They were the reason I hated going to Forks High everyday.

Emmett was on the phone with Rosalie, like he was every morning. That guy was totally whipped. Carlisle was already gone to the hospital, and Esme was just leaving for work. Uncle Carlisle and Aunt Esme took me in when I three after my parents died in the accident. They were practically my parents, and I had nothing but full respect for them. Emmett was their only son, and was also a complete air head. I think they enjoyed at least having a nephew that brought in the high grades.

"Morning Edward, there eggs on the oven if you're hungry, and I won't be home till late, and Carlisle probably won't be in till later too. I have this conference and he's picking up the night shift. So it will just be you and Emmett here for supper. Please, try not to kill each other," Esme quickly rambled as she got her briefcase in order. "Yeah, okay. I'll be sure not to get any blood on the walls either," I rolled my eyes at her. She smiled and kissed my cheek; Esme was always so kind and caring, "Good, be sure to watch the drapes too. See you later," and with a final grin, Esme left for work.

Emmett came into the foyer then, still on the phone with Rosalie. "Aw, come on babe, can't they take her truck?" Emmett whined as he past by me indifferently. "Well Jasper can walk...No I can't walk...But what about...Oh come on...Yeah, you're right...I love you too...Okay see you at school, love you, bye." Yeah, he was totally whipped.

"So Rose isn't picking me up today, and the Jeep is down. Can I hop in the Volvo with you today?" I was annoyed with Emmett; he knew I hated it when he rode with me to school. He was always complaining about my music, and well, pretty much everything. "Yeah okay, but we listen to what I want to listen to." Emmett laughed and punched my shoulder, "Sure thing little cousin."

The school parking lot was busy as usual first thing in the morning, and I parked in my usual spot; far away from the air headed popular sell outs. Emmett rolled his eyes at my spot, and left without a word.

I glared at him as he walked up to Rosalie, and noticed Bella Swan's cousin, the new student at Forks High. The short pixie like girl was walking beside Bella and had Jasper Hale on her left. She already had a full on admirer. When Bella started talking to her boyfriend, Newton, her cousin turned her full attention to Jasper, it was clear that they were flirting. Great, another air headed popular sell out.

First period went by quickly, especially since I had already read all the material over my summer while I was in California at my grandparent's. They loved it when me and Emmett visited; too bad Emmett didn't enjoy it as much as they did.

I didn't remember attending second period, computers were always a bore. Third period always had my full attention. History was the one class that I always enjoyed going to, it was before lunch, and I didn't mind going over the same things over and over again; it never bothered me.

I was sitting in my seat, when the usually vacant seat beside me suddenly had a resident. I looked over to see Bella Swan's cousin, sitting there looking really nervous. It wasn't something I was used to seeing from and air head sell out, they were always so confident. She closed her eyes then, and a crinkle appeared on her forehead, as if she was trying really hard to block something out.

I cleared my throat, and her eyes popped open then, and she looked at me all wide eyed. She smiled sweetly and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Alice. I just moved here from New York." I accepted her hand shake and nodded, I had heard that once over Emmett's phone calls. "I'm Edward, Edward Cullen." It looked like a light switch had turned on in her head, "Yeah, you're um...Emmett's cousin right?" Wow, word got around fast. I bet that Swan had told her that I was Emmett's gay cousin, the one from Michigan. I nodded, "Sometimes." She chuckled, "Yeah, I understand why you might want to keep that information a secret." I laughed with her, maybe she wasn't an air head after all.

Ms. Stringer went on with the lesson about First Nation Treaties, by using examples from the area. Alice looked bored throughout the whole class, by picking at her nails and sighing every now and then. Maybe she was an air head, after all anyone could agree on Emmett being an idiot.

After class, she met up with Swan. Something was wrong; Swan didn't look the way she usually did. In biology she was always happy, especially after lunch. Her and Mike would smile at each other, and I would get the death stare every now and then because I was her lab partner, which wasn't my idea, we were assigned.

But today something was off. She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes, maybe being popular wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Right then I seen someone else, not the brown eyed girl that everyone else thought they knew. But what did I know; I was only the quiet outsider that everyone ignored.

Lunch was just like any other day. I ate at my usual table with not one look in my direction. While I ate I drew in my sketch book for art class. I drew the cafe filled with all the busy students rushing around, and then when I looked up to get another look, I noticed that Swan was arguing with Newton. He had tried putting his arm around her, but she just slapped it off and walked away in the other direction. I caught myself laughing at Newton's expense.

I continued drawing my sketch, all throughout lunch and by the time the bell rang, and I had already finished my assignment. As I walked off to biology, Swan was still ignoring Newton to what looked like the full extent. He looked like a little puppy at her heels.

I sat at our table in the back of the room, and Swan came in shortly after I did. Newton was still begging at her heels, and she simply ignored him with her head held high. "Come on sweets, I've apologized like a thousand times." She still didn't reply. "You know I love you, you're my baby, my brown eyed girl. I need you to forgive me." And she still looked forward not caving at all.

Mr. Banner came in the room as the bell rung. "Mr. Newton please take your seat." Newton looked at Swan one last time, "Fine don't forgive me today, go listen to you're dumb music, shop with Alice and Rosalie for all I care. You will forgive me by tomorrow," he harshly whispered, and it sounded more like an order then anything else.

After he had left our table, she let out a big gust of air that she was obviously holding that whole time, and dug her nails into the desk. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and slowly opened them. She looked pissed, and it was clear she was infuriated.

She didn't speak all class, and when the bell went, she strode past Newton without a single glance in his direction. I knew that he was probably right though, they never stayed mad at each other for more then an hour.

At the end of the day I had seen that my prediction came true, Swan had forgave Newton. They walked out of school together with his arm wrapped loosely around her shoulders. She still looked pissed, but not as mad as before, and he looked really smug.

Alice was waiting with Jasper by Hale's car; she smiled and waved at me as I walked past the red BMW. I nodded back at her; I wasn't going to completely ignore her; I wasn't that pig headed. Emmett caught up with me after he said goodbye to Hale. He climbed into the car without a word like usual, and I drove us home.

My life in Forks was dull and monotonous.


Please keep in mind that this is just Chapter 1. The story will get moving along more so next chapter. Remember, R&R! Thanx.
