Bella is twelve years old when her parents mysteriously disappear while driving to the police station. Edward finds Bella crying and left alone at her house. What will Edward and the other Cullen's do?

Rose and Bella are OOC. (Out Of Character)

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or its wonderful characters.


"Bella, Charlie and I are going to the police station to go set everything up for your dad. Will you be okay alone?" My mother Renee called.

"Yeah mom, I'll be fine, have fun." I responded.

I am Bella Swan and I just moved to Forks, Washington from Phoenix, Arizona. I am twelve years old and am living a perfect life. My mother, Renee, and my dad, Charlie, are the best parents a girl could ask for. I kept unpacking thinking I would live a non-complicated, perfect life here. Boy was I wrong.

EPOV (2 days later)

"Bye everyone, I'm going for a hunt." I called at a normal voice knowing they could here me.

Okay Edward, have fun. I heard Alice think.

I am Edward Cullen, your not so typical vampire. I live in a house with my creator, Carlisle, and his mate Esme my "parents." I also live with my four other siblings Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett. They have all found their mates, but unfortunately I have yet to find one. I am still waiting for my true love.

I was walking by some houses on my way to my favorite forest when I heard crying. It was a girl and it didn't sound like "my boyfriend left me," crying, it sounded like true pain. I decided to go to the window and see what was wrong.

What am I doing? You don't even know these people, what is wrong with you Edward? I thought as I was scaling up the side of the house to an open window to where the pained cries were coming from.

I looked through the window only to meet the eyes of the most beautiful person I have ever seen! This girl looked about twelve or thirteen she had beautiful brown hair that went to the middle of her back, beautiful big brown eyes that were red and puffy from crying, and the smell. Oh the smell! It was the best smell I have ever smelt in my entire life. (And that's a lot for someone who has lived for a century.)

"W-who are you and w-what are you doing here? P-please, don't h-hurt me!" she cried shakily as she backed away from me.

"I'm Edward Cullen and I will not hurt you, I swear. Are you okay?" I asked.

She shook her head no and said, "I moved to Forks two days ago and my parents left to go set things up at the police station because my dad was going to be a new police man here and they never came back!" she started sobbing and fell to her knees as she covered her face with her small hands. "I don't know what to do!"

This girl does not need to suffer like this. I took her tiny frame in my arms and she sobbed into my chest. "Shh sweetie, it's okay. Everything will be fine."

"How can you say everything will be fine? For all I know my parents are dead and I don't have any other family left, my grandparents died and my parents were only children and so am I. And I haven't even lived here for even a week so I don't know anyone. W-where will I go?" she started sobbing even more, if possible.

What should I do, it's not like she can live in a house full of vampires. I'm sure Esme will love her and so will Carlisle. Alice would love a new shopping partner, Emmett would love a new little sister to protect. Okay I'll talk to Carlisle. "Sweetie, do you want to come with me to my house, I need to talk to my father about this."

"Okay, thank you Edward" she whispered.

"Your welcome, now this will seem very strange to you but hop on my back, close your eyes, and hold on tight. I promise I will explain to you later." She looked at me with confused eyes, but got on my back anyway. Within minutes we were back at my house.

"Oh. My. Gosh. That was so cool!" she said as she slid off my back.

"I agree" I held out my hand and she took it as I led her inside.

Do you like it, hate it?

If I get at least 5 reviews i will continue the story.
