Bleached Armageddon

By Inuyoshie

Chapter 147:大家的爱

La Psiquiatra (Maddie)

Of course, Mom found Gin's name hilarious.

"Gin huh? Like Edward-"

"No Mom, it's spelled like the alcoholic beverage," I corrected her.

"Ooooh… so it's like a Screwdriver?" Mom wondered.

"Or a slow screw," Dad added. Gin chuckled.

"Somethin' like that," he replied. "So… what are those?" he asked, pointing to our towering ferret cage.

"Oh yes, those are the ferrets. See… this one is Kahn, this one is Topaz, this one is Attila, this one is Salome and this is Jade," I listed, pulling out a small sable ferret with white tipped paws.

"That one's Jade?" Gin asked.

"Yeah. She's a real sweetie," I nodded, petting her. "She's so mellow,"

"I see," Gin nodded, letting Jade sniff his fingers. Jade squirmed excitedly, ready to totally sniff Gin all over the place. Actually… all of the ferrets were that way, but I was afraid Topaz would bite Gin because she tends to do that. Silly weasel…

"And over there is Balthazar," I pointed to our huge cat. He's a thick furred Maine Coon with pale green eyes and the mind of a dog, I swear. I mean really, if a robber came into our house, Bal would come up to him and be all 'love me!' to the guy. If you scratch him right, he drools. Really? Mom has had cats since she was very little and she has never seen a cat that drools. Bal ran over to Gin and rubbed up against his leg, purring loudly. Gin chuckled and I put Jade back in the cage. Bal doesn't play nicely with the ferrets… he's a hunter.

"Yeah, and we have fish… lots of them. And finches. And a snake," Mom grinned. "We have a zoo here,"

"Finally we have a Sophie," I added as Sophie ran downstairs.

"Gin! Gin!" Sophie cried, hugging Gin.

"How does Sophie know you?" Mom asked.

"Ah… that's an interesting story," Gin grinned. "Thanks for the dinner,"

"Yeah… no problem," Mom nodded, frowning. "But about Sophie-"

"And yer ferrets are cute-"


"Aw look… the bald one's cleanin' the other guy's face-"

"Quit cutting me off!" Mom snapped loudly, getting annoyed. I winced. Here is where the shit hit the fan. "How do you know Sophie?"

"… If I told ya, ya wouldn' believe me," Gin retorted.

"Try me," Mom demanded, crossing her arms firmly.

"Okay…" Gin nodded, and he began to tell what happened. He told Mom about the peculiar amounts of reishi the six of us emitted, and how we accidentally traveled to another dimension, leaving our bodies behind. He explained our mysterious fever that lasted three days, and the weird stone I suddenly had. He quoted my unexplainable depression and finally pulled out his sword to prove that he wasn't bat shit crazy. Both of my parents listened, which is more than what some peoples' parents would.

Finally, Gin dropped the bomb.

"I hate ta break it to yer, but I'm takin' Maddie back," he announced.

Omniciente (Narrator)

"What?" Nicole's parents exclaimed.

"Yes, it's true. I'm taking my woman back," Ulquiorra nodded. Chloe's parents looked shocked.

"Even after all you've done?" Aja's mom demanded.

"Yes," Aizen nodded.

"And by the way, I am male, and Dakota and I are gay," Szayel announced at the end of it all.

"W-w-whaat???" Dakota's mom exclaimed.

"I KNEW IT!" Dakota's sister yelled.

"But, she's only sixteen!" Maddie's dad protested.

"Aw just think of it as early elopin'," Gin shrugged.

"I don't think I approve of Chloe going off with you…" Chloe's dad frowned.

"I'm taking her with me," Ulquiorra replied steelily.

"Alright Nicole! You hooked up with a hot anime character!" Ben congratulated Nicole.

"… are you calling me hot? 'Cuz I don't swing that way…" Grimmjow remarked.

"So Dakota and I will be leaving. I do hope you'll welcome him back when he visits," Szayel concluded.

"I suppose… if that's what you want," Chloe's mom sighed.

"You'll always be welcome back if you need to," Nicole's dad assured.

"If you hurt her God help you I will fucking kick your ass even if you are a god of death," Maddie's mom growled.

Gin opened a garganta. "Ya ready?"

"Yeah," Maddie nodded, taking his hand.

"Come on, let's go," Szayel suggested, opening a garganta.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Dakota nodded as his family picked their jaws up off of the ground.

"Woman, come with me," Ulquiorra announced sexily. Chloe giggled and nodded.

"Alright, I'm getting back home," Grimmjow nodded, opening his garganta.

Aizen opened his garganta and turned to Aja, holding out his hand. "Are you ready to come home, my queen?"

Aja blushed and took his hand gently.

"Yes… let's go home,"

Inuyoshie's after the chapter special

It's done

The Chinese characters up front mean 'Everybody's love'

First of all, I would like to thank all the people who stuck with me and read this till the end… it was one bitchin' of a fic to read. I mean really… if it wasn't a fanfic, it would probably be a frickin' novel. Thanks to all who reviewed, favourited, alerted, authour alerted, etc.

I'd also like to thank my friends in real life who let me use their personas for this story. I had to mess up their personalities a little… well, except Aja. She actually acts like that.

Graah this is so emo! I'm sorry if I make any of you cry. If you don't really like the way this ends, then you can write your own, I don't mind. If you also have a one shot in mind, write it! Go right ahead, its' okay! Just send me a PM when it's posted on so I can read it too.

Now, I realize that this story has become somewhat of an addiction for some of you. And that's okay… because there is help. A new story AA will soon be published… Abyssal Armageddon. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I'm writing another one! It's not Bleach based, but it is the same six lovely protagonists only now in the universe of Tales of the Abyss. I've learned from this story and made AA more logical (no more Spanish chapter titles and POV switching) but it still has all the fun, all the powers and all the totally awkward romance. You don't have to play ToA to enjoy AA either, I've written it in a manner that people who don't' know about the universe can get most of the jokes. I haven't even played the game… I just read the manga and watch the anime (and have a co-authour who's obsessed with the Tales series…)

So yes. There will be more. This is not the last of Inuyoshie you will hear, got it? Yes.

So please… drop a review?

Also, I just ran spell check… and Abyssal is actually a word! I thought I just made that up… ^-^"