Acatsuki Disaster chapter 2

Hinata's eyes stirred open as she slowly adjusted to the mild light that shown through the window. She looked down to see Lavender staring at her curiously. W-was I d-dreaming? the sudden thought of that almost to real encounter with probably the hottest killer, made her cheeks flush. S-surely I had to have been dreaming...was I? her blush deepened, at a strange thought that mysteriously appeared in her head. Lavender sat there purring, then it finally occurred to her when her bare foot brushed against cold water. Somehow I doubt this will work, but doesn't hurt to try... She picked the cat up and placed him on the water, and of course the cat was replaced by a silver haired man with cat ears and a tail. It didn't take him long to respond.

"Geez, what the hell's your problem, low blood pressure?"

"Uhm, I-I actually wanted to ask you something..."

"Go on..." he swayed his hand for her to continue.

"Who is this leader?"

"Ohh him, that lousy son-of-a-bitch, cast this forsaken jutsu on us!"

"W-what do you mean by us-" she was interrupted by a hyperactive masked boy that hugged Hinata, she noticed he also had cat like features.

"Goddamnit Tobi, I was just about to get my chance!" He roared, a comical vein popping above his head.

"Awe, man you always ruin the fun." Tobi hung his head crying anime tears.

"As I was saying, how'd you like my first impression baby?" he came closer to her, a mischievous smirk played across his lips and mimicked a growl.

"Uhh, um I uh..." Hinata was speechless from his sudden action.

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" he purred into her ear, she felt his hot breath against her cheek, which caused her to blush again. "Heheh, just teasing ya babe." he chuckled as he slightly backed away.

"I was wondering, a-are the other cats like you?"

"Pfft, yeah like I am the only one." Hidan scoffed while rolling his eyes as in 'no duh', and he itched his left ear with his pinky to flick nothing with his pointer.

"Oh...I get it, Tobi knows that we get cat tails and ears when we touch cold water!" the masked boy announced rocking in his place like an impatient child.

"Well what do ya know, the thing actually works." came an unknown male voice that made Hinata jump, however the other two recognized the voice.

"No one asked for your opinion, Deidara."

"Woah, does Hidan need a hug?" the one named Deidara chuckled as his yellow tail flicked.

"Fuck off blondie!" a vein appeared over him, and he lunged tackling Deidara who yelped in alarm. A cloud of dust formed as the two fist brawled, and a few hisses were heard. A moment later Hidan walked back into the room brushing non existent dirt off his hands, he kept kept that cocky smirk and he sat next to Hinata. Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment and excitement, then he leaned toward her. "Ya know babe, you're just to cute." he stroked her indigo hair. Her heart was beating rapidly, she gave a feint squeak and buried her head into his sculpted bare chest.