Walking on Dead Rose Petals

I was reading Walking on Glass by Alma Fullerton, and it gave me an idea for this one! I am having an emo stage since the loss of my boyfriend and the father of my son. Well, here you go. A journal from prison by Shadow the Hedgehog. I own NOTHING!

Day 1 (Why the hell am I doing this again?)

Why the hell am I doing this?

Why am I suddenly writing a journal for some shrink?

I wouldn't be doing this if Amy didn't kill herself because he didn't love her.

Why must she suddenly do such a rash action?

I did what I could to show her I care.

Why am I caught up with all this guilt?

My must all that is great to me be yanked away from me?

I knew I should've just admitted it to her.

Writing in this journal won't help, like is does help anyways.

It won't bring Amy back to me,

And it probably will keep me in prison for trying to kill that faker.

The more you read, the further you invade my mind.

All I can say, is prepare yourself.

Prison life is bloody hell.


My 1st since my disappearances, so people who oppose this, don't bother this pregnant hedgehog.