Okay guys. I doubt this is what any of you are after – especially those of you still interested in this particular fic, but I have started a re-write of this fic under the same title on AO3 under the author name APurpleAvacado.

Basically, I have started to rewrite this fic because from the point I was at in this version of the story, I began to realise that some scenes would be handled much better in the third person perspective, but that is not to say I won't go back and finish the original (because I love being inside Szayel's head), but I won't make any promises to do that any time soon. I'm just really inspired for Bleach at the moment and this is my way of getting back into the swing of things after what was basically a five-year hiatus in regards to this fic. Life has a way of doing that. I have never fallen out of love with this fic though, I can say that much.

I'm also just putting this message here because I really don't want anyone to think someone is ripping me off, because that is most certainly not the case. I'm still me and both versions of the story are mine.

The plan from here is to basically post a chapter of the new version of the story until I catch up. From there I may update the original and then the rewrite alternatively. Who knows?

I'm really sorry I have been out of the game so long, but that's life.