After writing the beginning of a shipping fic, and a pair of crack fics the little sadist in my head hasn't stopped bugging me due to it's malnourishment. So I came up with this.

I may have to push the rating up a notch in a few chapters. You guys will just have to tell me if it's too high. I really have no idea how disturbed something has to be to become an M. I guess we'll just wait and see how it turns out.

Chibi Sadist: Now read the goddamn story before I fork your eyes out and pour boiling water into the bleeding sockets!

NinthCircle: ............... ignore him, he just wants attention.

Disclaimer: Camelot owns Golden sun, etc, etc, etc.

Noble Intentions

Chapter 1- Golden Sun

He witnessed the streams of light shining over the summit.

"The Golden Sun...... It's beginning......"

He could feel desperation clawing at his throat.

Alex stared. The gaping hollow in the ground where Mount Aleph had been moments before seemed to pull at him, calling him. It was as if he had shared a bond with the temple that could have easily been his grave. Sol Sanctum, the shrine that the Wise One had so uncaringly sacrificed to seal him and the power of the Golden Sun away.

The shaft of light struck the mountaintop. He could feel the power flowing through his body. Unimaginable, mind-numbing power. Power he had desired for his entire existence. At long last, he could finally pull his tortured life back together.

Pure ecstasy encompassed his mind. He could not believe it, it all seemed so surreal. The landscape surrounding the mountaintop appeared to warp, change colour. Flashes of light flew before his eyes. An incessant humming filled his ears. His body started shaking. Dizziness wrapped itself around his mind. It was all too much for him. He threw back his head, and laughed.

He shuddered, memories of his painful struggle off the disintegrating mountain returning to him. The rock beneath his feet giving way while attempting to drag himself off the numerous edges of Mount Aleph. The tremors that shook through the mountain, battering his broken body. The many boulders that flew past him, several striking him on his arms, legs and back. He remembered feeling his own broken bones puncture skin over his body, and his blood painting the ground underneath him.

The Wise One had been planning for this. It had known all along. The link between his newfound powers and Sol Sanctum was strong. All psynergic methods of healing or escape were beyond him. The temple itself was pulling at him, tethering him from his freedom. However, it didn't stop him. Nothing would stop him ever again. Least of all this mountain.

He crawled onwards as the mountain fell apart around him. Through all the chaos that reigned around him, towards the exit of this nightmarish labyrinth.

He surveyed the town underneath him. It seemed so small and vulnerable from where he was standing. Pathetic, even.

A malicious feeling spread across his chest, taking hold of his mind. An almost alien-like hatred echoed throughout his body. He knew he should have felt surprised, horrified even, but it somehow felt natural. It was as if he had felt this way his entire life. He grinned as thoughts of domination and power embraced his consciousness. He raised his arms into the air, preparing himself for a taste of his newfound power.

"Storms, Rise!" he commanded. "Unleash yourselves upon Vale! This world shall know of my existence!"

Nothing happened.

"What...? I should be-"

He felt a prickling sensation running his neck.

"Alex..... so in the end you really were just another power-hungry monster. It's a shame, but I'm going to have to end you."

He whipped around. There, floating ominously in front of him, was the Wise One. It's eye seemed to pierce Alex's mind, making him feel exposed, helpless.

And angry.

How dare it try to stop him? It had no idea of what he had gone through! It couldn't even begin to conceive his suffering!

A growl rose from his throat. Fury shook his body. His eyes narrowed, he raised a hand towards the Wise One and began sending pulse after pulse of pure psynergy. He watched as it was forced backwards, and began feeling laughter build up in his throat.

And the whole time he could feel himself slip towards the brink of insanity.

"What? Not even the great protector of Vale can match me now? Ha! Look, you can't even-"

A sudden surge of psynergy encircled him, lifting him into the air. His eyes widened in surprise but there was no time to do anything else. He was slammed onto the hard, unforgiving mountaintop. He felt the crack of bones across his chest. He coughed violently, bringing the taste of blood into his mouth.

"Alex.... you are not all powerful. I, during the formation of the Golden Sun imbued a portion of it into the Mars Star. With its release upon the Mars Lighthouse, a section of the power you sought was directed into young Isaac."

Alex quietened as the realisation struck him. He had never obtained the full power? Then what about him? What about his eternal life? What about his limitless power? What about..... everybody he had promised?

That final thought shook him to the core. How.... how could he possibly have forgotten? He felt the malice drain from his heart, leaving behind the sickening feeling of guilt. He had sworn that he-

"Farewell Alex. If you manage to survive this, I truly hope that you will repent your sins. If you do, I may chose not to make another attempt upon your life, despite the obvious threat you pose to Weyard. Realize yourself, and you may even become a blessing to this land."

Alex watched the Wise One leave. He couldn't die here. There was still so much he had to do. He had to escape this mountain.

The strange malice he had felt moments before had already been forgotten.

He could not stay here for long. The Wise One would undoubtedly make a reappearance soon enough. He didn't trust it. He had no idea of what it really wanted. He tore his eyes away from the ruins and gazed towards the moon-lit remains of Vale.

Vale. The once beautiful, peaceful village had undergone a brutal transformation. Giant gashes stretched through the town. Houses, bridges, everything had been torn apart. And it had all been a direct result of his desires. He had come here for the Golden Sun, but he hadn't even obtained that. He felt as if the village had been sacrificed for nothing. As far back as he could remember, the Golden Sun had always been his goal. The hope it gave him had always reassured him. The hope of rebuilding something that was thought to be unrepairable.

"Don't worry," he whispered to himself. "I'll bring us all together again. No matter what."

He had to find Issac, persuade him. He had known what it was like to have a family pulled apart. He would understand him. There was no way he couldn't.

First, however, he needed a place to rest. Before the Wise One returned he would need to escape, otherwise his desperate scramble for survival would have been for nothing. Summoning the last of his strength, he focused his psynergy together and warped away.

The innkeeper of Vault was staring out a window, lazily surveying the dark outline of houses. Very few people arrived at the inn this late at night but there was little else to do anyway. He stretched back, yawning.

Suddenly, a bright light shone out from beside the well, highlighting the room in a sickly blue colour. The innkeeper jumped in surprise and squinted out the window towards the source of the light. A moment later it dimmed, leaving behind the body of a bleeding, ragged man.

He sat there stunned. The man took a few small steps forward, then groaned in weakly in agony and collapsed. The innkeeper's eyes widened in shock. He ran forward, throwing open the door and rushed towards the heavily bleeding man, desperately calling out for help.

Yeah, I've done the whole 'not sticking to the game script word-for-word but essentially the same things do end up happening anyway' thing again. I dunno though..... when I do that, I end up feeling disconnected from the actual story (being un-canon, is that the right word?), but using the actual game script just feels uncreative. Ah well.

REVIEWZ!! I live off them! Talk about how much you hated/liked the fic, what you think's going to happen, my inappropriate use of the letter Z, anything!