Chapter 5

Pale blonde ringlets bounced as the child scampered around the marble hall of the manor, his cupid bow lips curved into an 'o' his small cheeks flushed with color as the small pattering feet pattered about on the cold floors, the sound of heavy boots following him throughout the large house. Throwing open a door, the child slammed it behind him, pressing his small hand into a statue's chest, causing the door 'click' closed behind him, locking it to intruders. He continued to flee, every door he can to he sealed, fear and excitement making his heart pound within his chest, until he made it to his parent's chambers. He opened the door, quickly sealing it behind him, feeling a large warm comforting hand settle on his small back, scooping the small child up into strong arms, and into the safety of the inner sanctum. Lucius cuddle the him close, tucking his blonde head under his chin, his grey eyes darkening as he heard the intruders rummaging around the door, looking for a way to open it. Severus stood from the bed, his dark eyes narrowing as he grabbed his wand from the bedside table, covering his nakedness with a dark robe waiting in the chair by the lamp, taking his son from Lucius's arms, tucking the scarred child into the bed, placing a placating kiss on the little blonde's pale forehead.

The older blonde quickly dressed, pulling a robe over his naked body, pulling his hair back from his face with a black silken ribbon, quickly grabbing his wand, his mask flitting easily over his pale features, hardening them. He looked pointedly to Severus, motioning the dark haired man to come to him, bringing him in for a kiss, their foreheads touching their breath mingling as they looked into each others eyes.

"You need to leave, love." said Lucius.

Severus shook his head, his mused hair flying. "I can't leave you two here to fend for yourselves."

"You must....They cannot know that you are with me, else your life is forfeit to either master." the blonde explained impatiently, pushing his lover to the hearth.


"No buts, my love." he stated, grabbing a handful of floo powder, and throwing it into the fire, calling out the name of Hogwarts, before pushing his lover in with a hastily given kiss.

As the flames took him, the door to his bedroom opened, Lucius Malfoy drew his wand, hexing the first wizard he saw. The man yelped, his legs frozen in place, unable to move. The blonde made his way to the large bed, lifting his young son from the covers, tucking the scarred child under his chin, his wand gripped tightly in his hand, his grey eyes flashing silver in the firelight, as aurors poured into his room, their navy robes billowing around them as they helped their trapped comrade.

Fudge came from within their midst, his blue beady eyes focusing on the pale man before him, his garishly expensive robes fluttering around him as he pointed accusingly at the man and his son.

"I do hope you have a good reason as to why are have destroyed many doors in my home, awaken my son, and myself?" asked the Malfoy patriarch, as he pulled his son closer to his chest, feeling the little boy shiver against him, tears gathering in the child's dewy eyes.

"We have a warrant to search your home for any and all dark artifacts." said the man smuggly.

"Where is it?" asked the blonde, quirking a perfect brow in haughty question.

Fudge looked stricken, searching his robes in search of the all important slip over paper to hold over the pureblood before him. He looked up at the aurors, his eyes pleading. The men searched their own robes, each coming up empty, causing the embarrassment to grow within the room.

Lucius cleared his throat, gaining their attention, as he pulled the small boy closer to his chest. "It would seem that you broken into my home with out reason, and without invitation. I can now press charges for you breaking into my manor and ransacking it, as well as frightening my son. You may now leave gentlemen." he said, his wand aimed at them, his eyes cold and dark as they all backed slowly from the room.

The blonde escorted the group of aurors of the grounds, his eyes or mask never wavering as he watched every single one of the offenders leave, all the while holding his son close, feeling the boy cuddle up to sleep, as each floo'd away to the ministry. When they were all gone, the taller blonde sighed, seating himself in a plush chair, by the fire, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he relaxed into the soft material, ready to fall asleep in the chair with his child snuggled up against him.

A gentle hand woke him with a start, causing the child in his arms to jolt awake, a whimper escaping the coral pink mouth as he looked around, his large grey eyes scarred and confused. Severus shushed him, taking the toddler in his arms and snuggling the boy close, his dark eyes staring down into the silver grey of the patriarch.

"Come," he said soothingly, rubbing the boy's back,"you can sleep with us tonight, alright, Draco. How does that sound, hmm?" asked the dark haired potions master, as he waited for the taller blonde to stand.

Draco nodded his head, his platinum blonde ringlets bouncing as he nodded his head, before tucking himself into the crook of his father's neck, sighing sleepily as he was carried off to bed. Lucius followed close behind, tucking himself under Severus's other arm, wrapping his arm around the taller man's waist as they walked through their destroyed manor.

"Merlin," whispered Severus as he surveyed the damage."What were they looking for?"

"Their wits," Lucius said, looking dispassionately at his favorite chaise, now toppled over and the fluff spilling over like a stabbed bear,"they seemed to have lost them on their way over, and thought that my chaise would be able to spare some."

The dark haired potions master sighed, placing a kiss on the pale blonde head of his lover, before making his way up the large grand staircase, turning into the west wing of the house, Lucius following after him, stripping himself out of his robe once they arrived in their chambers, tossing the silk into the nearest chair, before snuggling into his bed, holding his arms out for Draco.

The little boy smiled brightly, leaning forward into his bearer's arms to be cuddled as his father cleaned the clinging soot from his body. Lucius held the boy close, proceeding to kiss the child all over his face, delighting in the ticklish giggles the toddler spewed from between his cupid lips.

Severus joined them quickly, pulling the duvet up to their chins, tucking them both into the large bed.

"Papa," said the boy, wriggling out from the mountain of pillows, his grey eyes flashing with wonder as he sat himself on his father's chest."tell me a stowry."

"Draco, Draco, Draco, not tonight." complained Severus, running his fingers through the little blonde's hair."Papa and Daddy are very tired, little one."

"But....." the little boy began, a small sob cutting him off in the beginning of his sentence.

Severus looked over at Lucius, his dark eyes pleading. The grey eyed mage smiled smuggly.

"Alright," conceded Severus, taking the boy into his arms, pulling himself up into a sitting position taking a book from the bedside table."What shall we read tonight, my little love?" he said with a fond smile, placing his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Draco cuddled close, leaning against his father's chest in order to see his book, his lips up turned in a smile.

"The one about the boy who never grew up!" the child whispered, his grey eyes alight with excitement.

"Peter Pan it is, my little one. And then a song, and off to bed." Lucius said, leaning into Severus's side, running his fingers through the mass of curls on his little boy's head, before planting a kiss on to the waiting lips of his lover, before the man began his story, knowing that this is what he wanted their life to be. Filled with stories, love, and stolen kisses, he would make it last as long as he could, he would fight for it as long and as hard, until the breath left his body, and Hades took him away, he would fight for their life together.