Lucius sat silently in his office, his pale face buried in a book, his dark grey eyes searching the page, combing the text with sweeps of the portals to his soul, soaking in the knowledge that lie within those innocent ink stained pages. Smiling slightly, the blonde reached forward, quickly writing in his notebook in elegantly scrolled letters, placing the quill at the edge of his mouth, lightly nibbling on the feathered tip. Looking up at the window, staring out at the night sky, his darkened eyes taking in the starry sky. Standing from his plush chair, the blonde stretched, popping his back, rubbing the soreness from his strained muscles, running a hand over his swollen stomach. Looking down at his protruding stomach, a small smile curved his lips, as he felt a hard kick to his belly, laughing as the baby did a somersault.

Stepping onto the balcony, Lucius's smile widened as he breathed the night air, feeling the freshness of the night consume him, feeling it caress his body and baby, giving them rest when he wouldn't have thought possible. Sighing, the blonde looked up at the sky, the moonlight falling onto his body. Rubbing his stomach, Lucius looked over at the lake, watching as the water reflected the moon's light, distorting it's pure light into a shadow of itself. "Where's your sire, hmm little one? Where's that troublesome man?" Lucius whispered, his eyes searching the horizon for his lost lover.

Two arms intertwined themselves around the blonde, gently craddling the swollen stomach tenderly, caressing the baby within."I'm here." came the reply.

Lucius shivered against the strong body, feeling the warmth and strength behind him, smelling the mandrake root, dragon's tongue, and moon flower clinging to the boy behind him. Or man, was a more appropriate term for the specimen that stood snuggled to his back.

"Where were you? weren't there when I woke up." stated the Malfoy, standing as striaght as he could without leaving the warmth.

The darker man held tighter, placing a kiss onto the blonde's hair, breathing his scent in, reaffirming their bond. "I found out the Potters had a boy." said the deep voice, as he placed yet another kiss onto the pale neck of the shorter man.

Lucius snorted, turning from the warmth, to look Severus Snape in the eyes.

"Bullshit." he said harshly, his grey eyes flashing mercury silver.

Severus sighed, running his hand through his dark hair, feeling all the potion fumes weighing down his dark hair, making it greasy."It's not what you probably think it is."

"Then what is it? You going behind my back, probably pledging your allegiance to that old man."

"And what if I did?!"

"He's using you, Severus!" yelled Lucius, shoving the darker man from him, his cheeks flushed with the effort to scream at his lover.

"Well, at least he doesn't want to sleep with my lover!" yelled Severus, angry flashing through his dark eyes.

"Like using all of your skills is any different from whoring! He wants your potienal, he wants what you can give him!"

"Can't you, for once, think about the baby! What about him? Will the dark lord, want our baby as some kind of blood sacrifice!?What will he do when he finds out this child is mine!?!"

Lucius threw his hands up, walking past his dark haired lover, into the manor, out of the light of the moon, and into the firelight, his skin positively crackling with his magic and that of his lovers.

"Have you thought about what they do to dark wizards, Severus?" Lucius whispered fiercely,"What the good light wizards or dark wizards will do to our baby when they find out that you've switched sides?"

Severus stood frozen in the doorway, his dark eyes staring at the back of his lover, watching the transition from moonlight to firelight, the shadows that both lights produced when combined on the canvas of his lover, creating a picture of balance between light and dark. "What will they do Lucius?"

"All you need to know, is that you or I will probably never see our baby again. They will tell us that their was a complication at his birth and that he died. They have a multitude of these stories just waiting to be used!" Lucius panted, his hand rubbing his stomach in an effort to calm the baby inside.

Severus sighed, taking in the picture of his scared lover, rubbing is pregnant belly, his heart melting as he realized that he had caused the discomfort. Stepping forward, Severus pulled the blonde into his arms, his nose nuzzling his lover's pale hair. "I'm sorry, we should have talked about this, I'm sorry." he murmurred, gently rocking the tired blonde.

Lucius shuddered, holding the tears in check as the lover held him tightly against his chest. Sniffling, the blonde looked up at the reaven haired man, a watery smile making its way onto his face.

"I never realized that you were so scared, Lucius." Whispered the darker man, hugging him closer, trying to hold his own tears in check, trying to stay strong for the other smaller man.

Lucius just shook his head, tears slowly trailing down his alabaster face, creating tracks, bathing is pale cheeks in tears. "It's not just me you have to worry about, the baby, and everyone else following us is also at stake. We can't make any more rash decisions now that we have more than just ourselves." said the blonde, taking his lover's hand and placing it onto his protruding stomach, looking into his dark eyes as the man felt their baby move. "We have to be careful."