Disclaimer: I own nothing--nobody mentioned, or radio stations, for that matter.

Title: Leavin'

By: Shuramai

Summary: Zuko glared at Mai. "I hate you." Crackfic, oneshot.

A/N: In honor of Valentine's Day, even though this story has no romance in it. And yeah, don't worry, I'll get to updating the other fic, soon ;D.

Hear about Jesse McCartney and Zuko? Yeah. Needed to make fun of that, for sure. XDD.

Pop music was supposed to be the vilest, evilest thing ever created in existence.

Backstreet Boys. 'NSync. Justin Timberlack.

Lake, thought Zuko, a grimace on his face as he continued to hear the sound of the music blasting from Ty Lee's car speakers. Timberlake, that was his name, but it didn't matter. Not right now, not when he was dying from--

"Sugar overdose," Mai repeated--even as Ty Lee's smile lit up her face and she was humming the words to some song--"Ty Lee. Please change it on something...different."

I love you, Mai, thought Zuko, almost desperately. If he was the sort of person to be overly dramatic, he would've cried and clung to her, while somehow managing to maintain some form of his masculinity, or he would've probably confessed his love for her right then and there. Instead, all he did was scowl at the radio, and occasionally glare at Ty Lee, while resisting the temptation to stuff his fingers in his ears, or worse.

"Just who listens to Radio Disney?" Zuko finally snapped, and Ty Lee seemed to find the question offensive, as she gasped instead of murmuring the next lines of the song--whatever that song was, Zuko thought, as he had been trying to block out the sound of it for the past several minutes.

"He has a point," Mai murmured, tapping the glass of her window absentmindedly. "Besides, Azula will make you change it once we pick her up--"

"I'm savoring my moment of music, Mai," Ty Lee glanced at her from the driver's seat, and Zuko caught the puppy dog-eyed look Ty Lee shot at Mai, who seemed unaffected by such a gesture anyways. "Everytime we go anywhere, we either listen to Azula's CD mixes, or your music, or Zuko's music--"

"And just what is wrong with my music?" Zuko asked, no, demanded, as he believed his music was perfectly fine, and was definitely better than this crap. "Keep your eyes on the road!"

Ty Lee shot him a glare as she turned her attention back towards her driving. "Nothing, nothing at all. Really, Zuko, I like Metallica and Disturbed."

Apparently not, if you're using that tone of voice, Zuko thought, but he didn't say anything, as he heard another kiddy Pop song suddenly beginning to play, and he resisted the urge to suddenly open the car door and escape, regardless of the fact that the car was moving about thirty or fourty miles an hour.

"Ooh! Jesse McCartney!!" Ty Lee turned the volume up higher, and Zuko clutched his head, his groan audible in the backseat. "I'm leeaavin--"

Zuko grit his teeth, unbuckling his seat belt and deciding that while listening to an absurd, overly effeminate voice of a boy crowing in the radio was one thing, listening to Ty Lee's shrill, somewhat off key voice join in was another. The radio was going to be turned off, even if he had to run the risk of attracting the attention of a cop, and making them get a ticket.

"Sit down, Zuko," Mai yawned slightly,"I like this song."

The Apocalypse was soon to begin, Zuko was sure, even as he froze in shock and gaped like an idiot for half a second.

"Besides," Mai continued, and she smiled slightly as she spoke the words that made Ty Lee stop singing, and instead, made the other girl nearly start cooing, "He sounds just like you, when you sing."