Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end. ~Author Unknown
Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever. ~Author Unknown
(Sorry about the unknown people)
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. ~Attributed to Claudia Ghandi
A/N: Ok, scratch what I said from the last chapter. This is the real ending to the story and if your not happy with it I would gladly do requested alternate endings (That's if it is legal. I would have to check the Rules and Guidelines again to make sure). This is the part of the story where everybody's been waiting for and I'm nervous as a wreck, but I'll do my best. What ever that is.(R&R)
(BGM: Dreaming with a Broken Heart, by John Mayer)
"Damn it!" Kouji pounded the table in the Cooper's House diner.
All the guys were sitting at a circular table with circular seats next to the window. It was getting late, but none of them cared. They thought drinking could solve all there problems since the night was such a beautiful let down (there drinking soda!). JP sat depressed holding his head up as he leaned on the table,waiting for his fifth drink to arrive.
"Sorry guys." Tommy said innocently, realizing that he screwed the guy's night at the dance.
"Oh, its fine Tommy. I guess its not your fault." Kouichi tried to make Tommy feel better since Kouji was still willing to kill him.
"Its not his fault? ITS NOT HIS FAULT!?" Kouji reached over the table to choke Kouichi.
"Aaaaaaaaaah!" he started choking him until a waitress came by.
"Do y'all need to go outside?" she said with an arced eyebrow along with two plates in her hand.
"Oh no! They were just playing, mam. Right Kouji? STOP!" JP said as he tried to break them up.
The waitress left, shaking her head at such immatureness.(Is that a word?)
"Way to go Kouji. You going to get us kicked out!" JP said intensely through clenched teeth.
Kouichi was still gasping for breath due to Kouji's violent actions.
"You know, I never thought you would try to kill your only brother, but now I'm going to have to watch my back." Kouichi was holding his throat to make sure it was still there.
In the diner, you could see people enjoying themselves, while they looked depressed. Everyone was either drinking or clanking cups.
"Gees, what a night" Tommy said still feeling bad.
In the next minute, the bell to the door rang loudly as the door flew open. Jack and Robby were walking over to their table.
"Oh gosh! What do they want?" Kouji muttered to himself where only the guys could hear him.
"Sup guys! Is this a 'guys night out'? Scoot over Tommy!" Robby and Jack didn't look so happy themselves.
"What's up with y'all? And where's Bobby?" JP asked curiously.
"It looks like he decided to leave us for his new girl." Jack said as he looked around for the waitress.
"Yeah, can you believe it? After all we did for him..." Robby pretended to sob.
"Um... isn't that what you wanted for him?" Kouichi reminded them.
"Yeah, but we didn't expect him to desert us like this." Robby responded as he cleared his eyes from fake tears.
"Its ok Robby. Its ok." Jack patted him on the back. These guys should get an Oscar or some sort of award for "best actors on valentines day".
"So where is he now?" Tommy asked...
Bobby and Rosie were having a romantic dinner with candles, Spanish music in the back ground, a romantic dinner with parents supervising them.
Bobby couldn't help but sigh with relief as he put his arms around her, for he felt like he was on cloud nine... maybe ten!
The waitress finally walked over to the guys ten minutes later with their orders of soda for the guys and juice for Tommy.
"Here you go... wait... weren't y'all the guys I had to deal with earlier?" she said as she held her chin as if she couldn't quite be sure. She actually looked cute as she asked them.
"Um no mam. That was someone else." Kouji answered.
She shrugged her shoulders and left, not realizing they fooled her.
"Haha. Stupid!" Kouji muttered.
"Hey don't talk to her like that. She actually looks pretty hot." JP said as he tilted his head to get a "better view".
"Whatever JP!" they all said as they grabbed their ordered drinks.
"Well... I would like to propose a toast!" Jack said s he stood up with people watching him as if he was... weird. There was an awkward silence.
"Sit down! Your making me look bad!" Robby whispered out loud to where his table could hear him.
The guys on the table couldn't help but look at him wondering what the toast could be about.
"Well... as I was saying I proposed a toast.... to long lasting friendships that don't end when a girl comes in their lives." he raised his cup expecting the same response.
"Toast!" They all offered there cups and clanked them together.
"Yeah, and 'man law'!" JP proclaimed, "There will be no more of this fighting for a girl...aaaaaaand, lets not let another girl get in between us again."
JP held two of his cups for them to raise there's for assurance.
"Man Law!" They clanked cups again and began to drank, until a hot girl walked by and gave them a wink.
"OMG! Did you see that?" JP exasperated as he looked at each one of them, "She was winking at me!"
"No she wasn't idiot! She was winking at me!" Kouji explained as he gradually placed his cup down.
"Well clearly, she was looking at me. Sooo... she obviously digs me!" Robby explained as he put down his cup too.
They all looked at each other, knowing what was about to happen next.
"OUT OF MY WAY!" Kouji said as he pushed the others aside.
They all sprung up from their seats and went after the girl except Tommy.
"What ever happened to not fighting over girls anymore?" JP shouted to the guys who were running faster than him. "Man, I need to lose some weight. Oh gosh now I need a chicken wing!"
he walked back into the diner to get some food.
Meanwhile, Tommy was in the diner all by himself as he watched out the window at his fellow comrades.
"I wonder where Takuya's at?" Tommy asked himself...
Takuya was in front of a soccer goal in the park with jeans on and a red polo shirt. His hair was all matted up, but he didn't care. He felt like he had not much to live for, as he looked around wondering if anyone was watching him. As he finished surveying the premises, he kicked a soccer ball over to him. He lined it up with the soccer goal, in front of him, with his feet.
"Now if I make this shot, Zoe likes me. If I don't, then Zoe doesn't *gulp* like me!" he muttered to himself as he took five steps back.
He continued walking back until he stopped and got ready to make the shot. It was getting dark as it started drizzle lightly.
"Great! As if this day couldn't get any worse!" he said aloud to himself.
He was feeling a bit of determination come within him as he jogged over to the ball to give it a good WHACK.
"So what are you doing!" a familiar voice shouted out to him.
Takuya managed to miss the ball completely as he slipped and fell. There was only one voice he knew of that could keep him off focus like that.
As he tilted his head back on the ground to see who it was, He saw a beautiful Zoe walking over towards him. (Now you see what's gong on (-_-)? ). He couldn't help but blush as he tried to regain his composure.
"I knew I'd find you here." she said still smiling.
Takuya stood up and just looked at her dumbfoundedly.
"Soooo.... what were you doing?" she asked again with a questioning look on her face.
"Uh... that... I was... uhhmm... shooting the ball." he quickly rubbed the back of his neck as if it would cause good luck to happen.
The drizzle began to stop. He looked up as if it were a sign from God.
"Um is something up there?" She asked him still confused of his behavior.
"Oh! Nothing! I was just wondering about the rain." He tried to look away from her.
She giggled at his remark as she brushed her hair back.
"I'm sorry if y'all (Kouji, Kouichi, and JP) were disappointed at the dance earlier."
"Me? Upset? Naaaaaa...its nothing. Its not that big of a deal." he said still looking at the ground.
"Really?" she came closer to him, knowing he really didn't mean that.
She continued to walk closer 'til she was a foot away from him. She had on a tight, hood less, pink, AĆ©ropostale jacket, in some tight blue jeans with white shoes. She had her hair down now that the dance was over. Takuya had to admit, she did look beautiful.
"Well... I mean..." she put her hands on his lips to stop him from talking.
"Oh man." he thought, "I hate it when she does that."
With a smirk on her face, she brushed past him and picked the ball from the ground, while Takuya's eyes couldn't help but wander. She sashayed her way over to the goal post and turned around.
"Boy did she know how to walk!" he thought in his head.
"Go ahead. See if you can make it past me." she challenged Takuya's athleticism as she kicked the ball over to him.
His eyes widen as the ball came over to him. For some reason he was feeling nervous.
"What? Are you scared?" she teased. She had her hands on her hips waiting a response from the "gawking brunette".
"Oh! I'm not scared! In fact, in a moment now your going to be eating those words!" he placed his foot on the soccer ball to align it properly. He then took a few steps back and paused with concentration. As he looked at his "goal", he took a deep breath.
"You know Zoe, before you came I said to myself..." he paused, "... if I made this shot, it would mean that you loved me." he finally expressed those words as it seemed hard to come out.
"And if you didn't?" she asked.
"...If I didn't... it meant you didn't like me." he looked down.
"Well! I guess we'll find out! Won't we!" she shouted back at him with a peculiar look on her face.
How could she question his soccers skills he must have thought. He gave an arrogant smirk as he rushed towards the ball, this time not missing it completely.
WHACK the ball went sailing like a missile straight at Zoe.
"Eeek!" she shrieked as she ducked, making the ball bounce off her butt into the goal.
"GOOAAAAAAAL!" he shouted as he fell on the floor laughing out loud (fotflol).
"No fair! You cheated!" she yelled as she had her arms crossed.
"NO! I won fair and square so quit being a sore loser." he gradually got up from the grass still crying from laughter.
"Oh we'll see about that!" she quickly ran towards him as he made a run for it.
"Why you running?" she shouted at him.
Takuya just kept laughing as he ran faster and faster away from her.
"Eat dirt!" he replied with a huge grin on his face.
She continued to chase after him 'til she realized she couldn't catch him. So, when they ran past the ball, she picked it up and threw it at him. It flew and landed right on its mark as it hit him on the back of the head.
He slowly turned around with a solemn look on his face. She gasped as she realized that he was going to run after her. Now it was his turn to do the chasing.
He kept chasing after her thinking he could catch her just because she was a girl. Boy was he wrong. He couldn't even get near her, because she was as fast as the "wind" (hehehe, get it?).
He managed to slip again only a few inches away from her. She turned around and laughed at the pitiful site, until she saw that he was agonizing with pain.
"Ah! My knee. Not my kicking knee!" he said as he rolled on the ground.
Zoe rushed over to him to assist him in his world of hurt.
"Are you ok? What happened?" she said with a caring look on her face.
"Aaaah! Gotcha!" he said. He was faking the whole thing (coulda fooled me.)
He managed to finally catch her and take her down to the soft grass. (oh my goodness)
He began to tickle her to death as she continually pleaded him to stop.
"Stop Takuya! STOP!" she said as she was trying to tickle back, but it was no use. He was over powering her.
He finally managed to pin her arms to the ground as an awkward silence came between them.
The brunette stared into the blonde's green piercing eye's. Before he could realize, his lips were getting closer and closer to hers until.... he paused? (Ah man! What now!)
"...You're lucky I'm a nice guy." he said as he finally got off of her and helped her to her feet.
They both were turning red now.
"Sooo... uhm... yeah... wooooo!" Takuya was swinging his hands together repeatedly as he looked for something to take his mind of what was about to happen.
"I think I should be going now." Zoe said as she looked down, brushing her hair aside. (why do girls seem to do that a lot?)
"Yeah... me too!" he said looking towards his right at the metal fence nearby.
"So...see you tomorrow?" she sort of asked as she looked towards her left at the bleachers.
"I guess so..." he said as he looked up at the dark evening sky.
After they finished looking in every possible direction they could look in, it started to rain.
"Oh great! Now I'm gonna be drenched!" Zoe said as she brushed her hair back with both hands.
"We really should be going now..." Takuya replied as he slightly turned to walk away.
Just as soon as he was about to walk off, he felt her hand grab his. He turned around only to find out Zoe was just inches, in fact, millimeters away from his face. His eyes widened,then closed, as Zoe gave him a very...very passionate kiss on the lips.
He couldn't help but smile after. He looked into her eyes before he returned a kiss of his own. (Yeah! That's my boy!) He held her hips as she grasped her arms around his neck as if they both never wanted to let go.
The rain continued to pour on them unceasingly as they stood in the middle of the field dancing slowly in circles. (Get out of the rain! You'll catch pneumonia!)
"I guess this is our last dance!" Takuya said softly after recovering from his ecstatic feeling of jubilee.
"I guess so Takuya... I guess so." she said smiling right back at him.
On the other side of the fence, you could see the other guys chasing after the mysterious winking girl.
They continued running until they stopped abruptly to watch what was going on on the field.
"Get a room!" Kouji yelled out to the couple but they couldn't hear him.
"Wait! Is that Takuya and Zoe?" JP said as he finally came next to them.
"I don't believe it!" Kouichi admitted.
Tommy finally came into the background as he watched along.
"I knew he had it in him." he said.
JP looked at him and looked back at the couple that was getting rained on.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" he shouted up towards the sky as the camera zoomed out.
Now that's a Valentines Day CRUSH!
(BGM: Myspace Girl, by The Afters (you should watch the video, its funny))
Thank you notes from the author: First off, I would like to thank God(just because). I would like to thank everyone who read and enjoyed my fanfic. I have to admit, I was feeling kinda edgey there, since I wasn't sure how it would all end, but I think it turned out fine. I would like to thank those that reviewed and those that viewed my stories. I couldn't have done it without y'all. I would also like to add acknowledgement to my friends who, unknowingly, helped this story come to life. And last but not least, I would like to thank all the little people... lol just kidding. ( Perhaps now I wont get killed for writing this ending, haha!)
Well it was a pleasure writing this Valentines fanfic as you (the reader) read it and probably had a good laugh as you remembered your own romantic memories. I sure do remember some of mine *sigh*. I know Valentines is already over with but I still wanna wish you all a happy valentines day! (If you truly loved him/her, Valentines Day would be every day :P) My next fan fic will be about the famous yet notorious... SPRING BREAK!
So see ya in the next story, and until then....Peace!(,,\/,(-_-),\/,,)... is out!