Heya everyone! Ugh! Fanfiction suffered from a "technical glitch" (XP), so basically, I had to type this up on Microsoft Word…Sorry for da delay, guys!

Anyways…This is…CHAPTAH 9! YES!

But…this last chapter…is a bit sad at the end…

Kirby: Poyo! Poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo! (^.^)

(…He said the disclaimer thing so…yeah…)

P.S. Dewdrop13! Um, I read your review, and I'll say this:

The only reason why I started bunching it up is because it looked like (to me) I was doing the space out thing to make it look longer. Ah! What am I saying?! Well, for the sake of all of you other viewers who think it looks bunched up, I'll start separating it again. 'Kay?


Koneko swiftly turned around and hissed. She jumped out of the way, and Fumu ran into Meta Knight, embracing him. She turned her head and frowned and the creature.

Koneko hissed again. "What are you doing?!"

Fumu hugged her crush tighter. "Protecting him from you! I know you're a demon beast! Stop hiding it!"

Bun and Kirby, who had heard the argument, ran over to see what was happening.

Koneko stared blankly at Fumu. "H-how did you know?"

Fumu continued to glare at her. "It's not that hard to figure out."

At this point, Koneko began to tremble as she watched Fumu hold the knight in her arms…

It was too much.

"Damn you!" she screamed as her body began to glow.

Everyone watched as Koneko began to transform.

The curly tuft on her head turned into a large, bushy tuft. Her mouth grew two large fangs on both sides. Her eyes turned from a cute stare, to a red, piercing glare. She grew slightly larger and her claws grew seven times larger. She grew long whiskers and her tail turned from a big, bushy figure, to a gigantic, knife-like weapon. Her ears grew slightly larger, and they became disheveled at the tip. A crescent moon was carved into her forehead.

She fell into a fighting stance. "Prepare to die!" she said in her new, low voice. She began to run towards Fumu, claws dragging behind her.

Meta Knight, who had been enjoying the large embrace, pushed Fumu away. "Watch out!" he said.

Nearby, King Dedede and Escargon were watching the whole thing.

"It's about time!" King Dedede said.

"Go, Koneko!" Escargon cheered.

Koneko slammed into the wall, but recovered quickly. She turned towards Fumu, but saw that Meta Knight and Kirby were standing in front of her, as a defense.

She growled and continued to stare at the two puffballs. "Outta my way!" she threatened. "Or I'll slice Kirby into oblivion!"

Meta Knight stood quietly, giving Koneko an intimidating glare.

Kirby also glared at Koneko. "Poyo!"

Koneko grinned. "So be it!" She raised up her paws and began to throw the claws placed on the tips.

Bun, who was behind a bush yelled, "Kirby! Inhale it!" As he saw his sister was too terrified to yell it herself.

Kirby revved up his feet and began to inhale the claws. "Heeeeeehyup!" He then swallowed and began to transform.

He a yellow hat was placed on the top of his head, and had a boomerang placed on the top as well.

"Yeah! Cutter Kirby!" Bun yelled. "Slice that demon beast into pieces!"

Koneko growled. "Damn!" She quickly replaced her claws and jumped into the air. "Try this!" She dove straight for Cutter Kirby, claws outstretched in front of her.

Meta Knight lowered his head and pushed Fumu away, leaving Cutter Kirby to fight alone.

Cutter Kirby dodged and took out the boomerang. "Poyo!" he yelled as he tried to attack Koneko.

She grinned and continued to dodge the pink puffball's attacks. "You're too slow!" she said as she swiped at him. Cutter Kirby "poyo"ed and fell back on the grass.

Finally, Fumu managed to shout out, "No! Kirby!"

Koneko turned to Fumu and grinned. "You're next."

Fumu cringed, but Meta Knight unsheathed Galaxia. "Not if I can help it."

Koneko grunted. "W-well! Let's see how strong you really are!"

Meta Knight smiled behind his mask as Koneko came charging towards him.

"Take this!" she shouted as she flipped over, attempting to strike Meta Knight with her new tail.

He blocked the tail strike with Galaxia and swiped his sword up, striking Koneko in the foot.

Koneko growled and examined her foot. She then looked up, and charged at the knight again, claws attempting to stab him.

Meta Knight blocked it, but suddenly, Koneko turned around, and her sharp tail scraped against his mask…


Everyone gasped, as Meta Knight's mask lay on the ground, split in half.

He stood completely still, body frozen with shock. Even Koneko stood there, staring at him.

His face was like Kirby's except blue and his eyes were white. He had rosy pink cheeks, and a tiny mouth.

He grunted, and his right eye twitched.

It was silent, until Kind Dedede burst out laughing. "WHOA! I didn't see that coming!"

Cutter Kirby sat up, and the first thing he saw was Meta Knight mask-less. "Poyo!" he exclaimed, happy to have found out someone looked like him.

Meta Knight suddenly snapped out of his daze and glared, and I mean glared, at Koneko. He quickly raised Galaxia and swung it at her, causing her to slam into the castle wall.

Cutter Kirby jumped high into the air and brought down the boomerang near Koneko.

"Cutter Beam!"

It slashed through Koneko, and a cry of pain was heard. "No…NO!"

Suddenly, she exploded, and it destroyed that wall and a bit more of the castle.

King Dedede groaned. "NO! MY CASTLE!"

Escargon sighed. "Oh, well. More money wasted…"

King Dedede suddenly picked up Escargon and strangled him. "Shut up!"

As soon as everything was over, Meta Knight quickly picked up the remains of his mask and ran back into the castle, trying to conceal his face as best as he could.

Bun ran up to Kirby, who had spit out the claws. "That was so cool, Kirby!" he said.

"Poyo!" Kirby replied happily.

"Wasn't it Sis?" Bun asked, turning to his sister.

Fumu ignored the world around her and suddenly focused on Meta Knight. "I'll be back." she said as she ran after him.

Bun blinked. "Where's she going?"


She walked up into the castle and, as suspected, she found him in his room, trying to, (unsuccessfully) fix the mask.

"Crap," he muttered. "No good…"

"Sir Meta Knight?"

He turned around and saw Fumu standing in the doorway, with hopeful eyes.

He grunted and looked away, trying his best not to blush. "N-now's not a good time, Fumu…my mask..."

Fumu slightly blushed also. "B-but…I don't see anything wrong with your true face…"

Meta Knight sighed and dropped the pieces of the mask to the floor. "It's useless…"

Fumu also sighed and slowly inched towards Meta Knight. "A-anyways…I...I've been quiet for too long...and that...I need to know...I mean...d-do you love...me?"

Meta Knight looked away. "Yes..."

He was quickly cut off by the embrace of Fumu, her chin leaning on his shoulder pad. She was growing emotional, near crying. "I should've known! You...you do love me!"

Those words made the knight's heart melt. His face went completely red, and he hugged back, fully happy, for once in his life.

Fumu released her embrace, and when she did, her face was inches away from the knight's.

"Fumu—" but he wasn't able to finish his sentence. Fumu had lunged forward, locking their lips in a romantic kiss.

Meta Knight's eyes widened and he stood there for the longest of times, surprised by the kiss.

I never thought this day would come...

He closed his eyes and kissed back as romantically as possible.

Nightmare held the defeated demon beast in his hands. "Hm…" he said with a scowl on his face. "And I thought you would be able to do the job correctly…"

Koneko, still in her demon beast form, shivered and sobbed. "B…but…I…"

Nightmare growled. "Enough! Be gone!"

He balled his fist up, concealing Koneko underneath it. He squeezed the demon beast…

M-Meta Knight!

He squeezed harder.

K-Kirby! Bun!




I'm s-so sorry!




Ah…well…that's it…Koneko's gone. *Sighs* Poor kitty…Even though she was evil from the start…

Oh well. That's how it was supposed to end. :(

I still feel bad though.

Anyways, that's it! …Uh…not much fluff if you put it all together… ;(

I'm ashamed of myself…But! Look forward to mah new story (ies) in the future! :D
Look on my profile for a summary of next story! SO EXCITED!


