Friends 11th season

Katie: HELLO :) :) :) XD

Hannah: ...we rule...

Katie: yes we do!! :)

Hannah: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehe xxxxxxxxxx


Hannah: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehhehehehe...

Katie: I think we better get on with the stor-

Hannah: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehe :) :) :) :)

Katie: ok now story!!!! :) :) :)

episode 3 – the one with ugly naked guy

Monica: CHANDLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chandler: what what?!!? what happened?! Baby on fire?!

Monica: no! What are these?! *points to boxer's on floor*

Chandler: boxers?

Monica: no! Where are they?!

Chandler: on the floor?

Monica: yes! Precisely! There on the floor! This isn't just our house any more chandler! We have babies now!

Chandler: yes, yes I know... what's that got to do with my boxer's on the floor?

Monica: do I have to give you a science lesson?!

Chandler: ...yes please!

Monica: ugh! GERMS!!! germs chandler! Our babies could get ill from the germs on your dirty boxers!!! and plus..

it looks messy

chandler: yes queen Monica *picks up boxers*

Monica: thank you servant chandler :)


Monica: hey chandler?

Chandler: ya?!

Monica: you know that ugly naked guy we used to stare at?

Chandler: oh yeah, oh! And remember that one time we thought he was dead and we got all mine and joey's old chopsticks and made that very long poking thing and we kept poking him and...

Monica: *raises eyebrow*

chandler: *cough* yeah good times

Monica: uh huh, anyway guess who moved in next door?!

Chandler: *fake gasp* the mail man?!

Monica: no! Ugly naked guy!!!

chandler: no way are you serious?!

Monica: yeah!!

chandler: yay!! now we have naked men to stare at again!!! *sarcasm*

Monica: now they guys have an excuse to come over!! :)

chandler: yes because staring at ugly naked men is a brilliant reason to come round! *sarcasm*

Monica: whatever

with Rachel + joey outside Ross's apartment...

Rachel: and that's what onomatopoeia means

joey: oh!!! I get it!:) so would orange be one?

Rachel: … er yes!

Phoebes voice: ow! Ow! That hurts Ross take it out now!!

Ross's voice: I can't its stuck

phoebes voice: well you put it in there now take it out!!

Ross's voice: Phoebe I cant its stuck!!

joey: omg!! Phoebe and Ross are doing it in your and Ross's apartment!!!

Rachel: im sure there not im sure there's-

phoebes voice: ow! Ow! Ow! Ross!!! take it out now!!

Ross's voice: I can't its too big!!

Phoebe: what do you mean its too big?! It was all right before!!!

Rachel: ok conversation over, RAM THE DOOR!!!

joey: *kicks door in*

Ross: omg! Rachel what did you do to the door?!

Rachel: ME?! What are you doing to phoebe... *see's Ross with a needle in phoebes arm*

joey: oh my god!! Ross is helping Phoebe take drugs!!! O_O

Ross: no I am not!! phoebe's doctor wanted her to take a chlamydia test and she wold'nt do it her self, so I offered to help, but now I cant get the needle out!

Joey + Rachel: ohhhhh...

phoebe: ow!!!!!

ross: got it!! *needle out of pheobes arm*

phone: RING, RING

Ross: I'll get it

Ross: hello?

Monica: Ross?!

Ross: ya?

Monica: guess who just moved in next door?!

Ross: I dunno tell me

Monica: ugly naked guy!!!

Ross: oh my god really?! Are you sure ,its not another ugly naked man?

Monica: no because he's got that large ugly mole on his neck

Ross: ...okay

Monica: yeah so... tell everybody!!! bye!!

Ross: ha!

Rachel: what?!

Ross: guess who just moved in next door to Monica and chandler?

Rachel: dunno

Ross: ugly naked guy!!

Rachel: really?!

Ross: yeah!

Rachel: oh! I miss that cute butted naked man

Ross + joey: *are you crazy look*

Phoebe: yeah Rachel's right he did have the cutest little butt

Ross: little?!

Phoebe: ok he had the cutest largest butt!!

joey: so Phoebe, where's mike?

Phoebe: hang on a water pipe by handcuffs

joey: O_O

Phoebe: im kidding!!... or am I?

All: O_O

joey: hey! I have an idea! Why don't we all go round Monica and chandler's and spy on ugly naked guy again?!

Rachel: I don't know joey, I mean were supposed to be going to Paris tomorrow! And were not even packed

joey: I am!

Phoebe: really?!

Joey: yeah, 1 pair of socks, shoes, 1 pair of jeans and a t-shirt! What more do you need?!

Ross: spare clothes?!

Joey: nah! I'll just borrow chandler's

Rachel: and what if he says no?

Joey: who says he has to know?

Joey: come on Rach!! it'll be fun! Like old times!

Phoebe: yeah! Come on Rachel!!

Rachel: oh, okay!!

Phoebe + joey: yay!!!

Ross: sorry I can't

joey: what?! Why?! Why for the love of god can you not join us in friendship?!

Ross: O_O … well because one. I have to look after Emma and number two.-

joey: *giggles*

Ross: what?

Joey: you said number 2 *giggles again*

Ross: very mature Joe! Anyway, 2. im still mad at Rachel

Rachel: oh, Ross! Forget about it!! its in the past, forget about it and as joey said come join us!!

joey: you forgot in friendship

Rachel: yeah, I know

Ross: its not as simple as that

Rachel: oh Ross... why can't we just... kiss and make up?

Ross: … ok *surprisingly makes out with Rachel*

Rachel: *makes out with Ross and pulls on to the sofa*

phoebe: yeah, I think we should go before they start taking there- OH MOTHER OF JESUS!!

joey: cool!

Phoebe: come on joey!! *drags joey out of the house*

joey: *pop's head round door* come to Monica and chandler's when your finished!!

Phoebe: joey!!!

joey + Phoebe arrive at Monica + chandlers...

Monica: hey joey! Hey phoeb's!! what are you doing here?

Phoebe: oh! Were here to see ugly naked guy!!!

Monica: where's Rachel and Ross?

Joey: having sex

Monica: I thought they were mad at each other

joey: well they were, but Rachel said why can't they kiss and make up and... lets just leave it there *giggles*

Monica: okay... chandler!! joey and Phoebe are here

chandler: *enter room holding twins*

joey + phoebe: awwwww!!!

chandler: yeah! Cute aren't I?

Phoebe: oh yeah!

Chandler: o_o okay...

joey: so where's ugly naked dude?

Chandler: over here

joey:hey! Ugly naked guy's got an ugly naked wife!!

chandler: and ugly naked baby

Monica: how the hell did they do that?!

Half an hour later...

Rachel: hey guys sorry were late!!

Ross: we were a little busy *giggles*

all: O_O

joey: cool!

Rachel: *cough* so were's ugly naked guy?

Joey: over here check this out!!

Rachel: oh! Oh! Ugly naked guys got an ugly naked wife!!! awww!!

Ross: they grow up so fast

joey: and, and, ugly naked baby!!

Rachel: how the hell did they mange that?!

Monica: exactly!!!

Rachel: yeah anyway we were only stopping by, we got to go pack for Paris tomorrow!!! :) :) :)

Monica: yeah!

Rachel + Ross: okay see ya!!! *gone*

chandler: you haven't packed have you?!

Monica: ugh! No I totally forgot!!

phoebe: wow!! that's so not like you!!

Monica: I know! I've just been so busy with the twins!

Chandler: it's okay! We'll help you pack

joey: we will?

Chandler: yes!

Monica: thanx you guys!! you take this room we'll take that!!

chandler: okay!!

Monica: and no Styrofoam boxing!!

joey: aw man!!

end of chapter – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hannah + Katie: plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz!!!!! review and tell us what you think!!! please!!!!! :) :) :)

we want more reviews!!!! pllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! :( :( :(

Katie: I'll give you some of hannah's cookies!!!

Hannah: hey!

Hannah+ Katie: review if you love us!!!! :( :( :(