Ok so this idea was bouncing around in my head for a while and I finally decided to let it out. As the description says, this is the second part of a trilogy ("Swing Kids" was the first part) and is a cross over between the movies "Swing Kids" and "Casablanca" For those of you unfamiliar with the movie "Casablanca" I'll give you a crash course.
The movie is set in the city of Casablanca in Morocco and focuses mainly on a café owner named Rick Blaine. He's a hard man, who "sticks his neck out for nobody." That is, until Ilsa Lund, the girl he loved in Paris (before it fell to the Nazis) shows up—with her revolutionist husband, Czech Victor Lazlo.
Basically that's all you need to know for now. The only aspects of that movie that are in play here are the characters of Victor and Ilsa, and some of the events in Paris. If you want to know more, rent the movie. It will come out more in the second part of this story.
This story starts out a few weeks after Peter was arrested, and the majority takes place during the spring and early summer of 1940.
Chapter 1
The guard's whistle forced Peter from his sleep as it had for the past two weeks. Moaning slightly he turned over and got out of bed, shivering against the cold of the early morning. "It is way too early for this," he thought as he fought to keep his eyes open. He stood up--and was promptly kicked in the head as the man who slept above him swung his legs over the edge of his bed. Peter shot him a look of disgust and made his way toward the door.
As Peter trudged out of the bunkhouse with the other prisoners, he tried to hold on to the last fragments of his dream. He was back in Hamburg on a sunny summer day. He was walking with Evey and he saw his mother and Willy in the distance waving at him from the steps outside their building. He couldn't remember details, such as what he and Evey talked about, or what his mother was wearing, but it didn't matter. It was a happy dream and that was all that mattered.
He was stirred from these thoughts as he was rushed along toward the convoy of trucks that were waiting to take them to the mines. As he fell in line with the rest of the prisoners, he tried to remember more of his dream. He didn't want to lose the feeling it had left him when he woke up. Before he could find the good feelings again, he bumped into the man in front of him.
"Watch where you're going!" the man shouted. "Bad enough I have to get walked over by the guards; I don't need it from you too."
"Sorry," Peter said quietly. "I didn't mean to—"
"Stop talking! Load up!" One of the guards shouted, shoving Peter toward the nearest truck.
Ten minutes later, as the truck began to roll out of the compound, Peter gave up trying to remember the dream. With a sigh he sat back, got as comfortable as possible, and cried himself back to sleep.
Three hours later, Peter woke up. Whether it was from the truck screeching to a halt, or the guards yelling that actually did it, he wasn't sure. Either way it didn't matter. He quickly stood up and followed his fellow prisoners out of the truck.
As soon as his feet hit the ground, a pick axe was forced into his hands and he was shoved toward the hole in the side of the mountain. Thus began another day of endless work.
Peter had no idea what metal they were pulling out of this particular mine or what it was being made into in the factories, nor did he much care about any of that. He was simply determined to try to keep out of trouble and thus make his stay in this hell hole as bearable as possible.
As he dumped a load of rock into the cart for the people down the line to sort out, a commotion erupted further down the tunnel. Peter and his fellow workers stopped working to see what was going on.
It didn't take long for the situation to become obvious. Peter saw the man he had bumped into had thrown down his pick and had attacked a guard. The guard now had the man pinned down and was punching him at will.
As the blows fell, Peter suddenly felt a surge of anger. Before he could think, he dropped his pick and rushed toward the men. He caught the guard by surprise and easily tackled him, knocking him off of the man, but the crash landing knocked the wind out of him. Before he could recover, the guard had pinned him down and was pressing his night stick onto his throat.
Suddenly, Peter was back outside the Bismarck with Thomas. As he felt the life drain out of him, he saw Thomas laughing evilly as the life slowly left him. As he watched, the face melted into that of the guard, and with a last burst of strength, he drove his knee up as hard as he could.
Then he could breathe again. As his eyes readjusted to the dim light of the mine, he saw a crowd of people gathered around staring in silence at him. He sat up and saw that the guard was lying on the ground next to him holding his crotch. It didn't take him long to figure out what had happened. He quickly stood up and looked for the first man the guard had been beating up.
He saw him standing by the back wall. Their eyes met and Peter thought he saw a slight smile cross the man's face.
Before he could ponder this, a shrill whistle filled the tunnel and the crowd quickly dispersed. Peter walked back to his pick axe and tried to act as though nothing had happened. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw shadows moving down the tunnel towards them. Great, he thought. The last thing I need is some Nazi officer to come down here and start asking questions.
Sure enough, the Captain in charge of the camp was leading several men into the mine, at least one of whom was an officer of higher rank. And the first thing they saw was the guard who was finally starting to get up.
End Chapter 1
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