Teen Titans Fan Fiction

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, its Production Company, Affiliates, and/or Sponsors. The plot line and any minor characters belong to me; similarities between major characters and any living person are unintentional.

Rating: T for safety. There will be some gore, a lot of pain, and bits of romance. Main pairing is the red head Alien and the multicolored acrobat, though there may be parts for the green boy and the half demon.

Reviews: I appreciate reviews and would love to know your thoughts. There is always room for improvements in stories and even if you hated it, constructive criticisms are invaluable. Please don't flame as it doesn't help me in learning or in your reading enjoyment,



Starfire opened her green eyes slowly, still tired from yesterday's events. The attack from Cinderblock had been unexpected as with the disappearance of Slade, they had presumed those who worked with him would also go. Robin had been most angry, yelling at her when she had gone to calm him down. He had been convinced that Slade had returned. Frowning she slid off her bed. Hopefully Raven was able to stop him before he once more began his obsession. She floated out of the room, deciding to show her happiness of the new day in the hope it would cheer up the other Titan's. "Friends! Is the day not joyous…" She cried as the front room doors slid open, twirling on the spot. Surprised at the lack of response, she paused, finding the room empty of life. The clock had said it was seven, she had checked as always. Robin was usually up at six to start training and while Raven preferred to stay in her room until breakfast was ready, Cyborg would usually be down here playing video games if he had been able to drag Beastboy out of bed.

Confused, she flew to Raven's room. It was empty. Truly empty, with no sign that anyone had been living there for the past three years. The bed was made but the normally dark room was painted white, with no books adorning the book shelves. Starfire felt fear grip her and hurried out, settling down outside Cyborg's room. The large computers remained but they were off and the various video games he stored here were gone. Rushing to Beastboy's room she slammed the door open, splintering the metal doorframe. It was tidy and all the posters were gone. Silkie was there, curled up on the clean sheets. A strangled scream sounded. Beastboy never tidied and his room was normally filled with the remnants of old food. The disgusting smell, one she had grown used to over the years, was gone. Had someone taken them? Kidnapped them? What if they were being tortured, right this second…she swung round and flew faster then she had ever flown before. Outside though, she paused, debating whether to face the reality that they were missing, possibly dead. Closing her eyes, she opened the door and called Robin's name, her voice wavering,

There was no answer. Opening her eyes, she took in her surroundings, before falling to the ground, her pain spilling out of her in broken sobs. The various newspaper articles that had been on the walls were missing, the room appearing to be a normal bedroom with none of the various gadgets littering the table in the centre. In fact, there was no table, only a bed and bookcase lining the silent room. She did not know how long she stayed there. After regaining some self control, Starfire wiped her eyes and fled the empty Tower. She landed next to the newspaper shack which the tower overlooked, her hands trembling. She did not know who had taken them, how they had been taken without her knowledge and she did not know how to get them back. Maybe they were just refurbishing? She stumbled into the shack, her hands trembling slightly as she regarded the man behind the counter. He was in his late thirties, his nose slightly crooked, and his light blonde hair thinning on top. Dressed in dark jogging bottoms and a Chelsea shirt, the small blue eyes smiling at her as he showed yellowing teeth. "Starfire! I thought you'd gone with the other Titans last night."

She stepped backwards. "What do you mean?"

"I was closing up shop and they took the big spaceship and left. Had all their stuff packed by the looks of it. Had trouble fitting everything in. Only reason I could see was 'cause of that surgery I had on my eyes – well that and the outside light was on when they left – one of those compartment things was stuffed with luggage." He frowned slightly as Starfire turned white. She fled silently, the man's cries doing nothing to stop her as she returned to the tower. In her search, it seemed she tore up the whole tower, as sofa's lay overturned, metal and fabric ripped beyond repair. But there was no note, no reason given anywhere for the Titan's departure. Finally, Starfire slid to the floor, vision blurred by the tears threatening to spill over. She was part of an emotional race who wore their hearts on their sleeves, but as the tears splattered to the wooden floor, her heart slowly began to harden. One thought remained.

They had abandoned her.