This was worth a shot. It will be terrible and has probably been done before but better. What would be useful is somewhere with the whole of Unreal 2's script (hint hint… Know any good sites?).

As usual, all stuff is owned by Legend Entertainment, blah blah blah…


Dalton's ship slowly flew to Avalon. Hawkins was staring out of the window as the door behind him quietly opened. John Dalton crept up behind Hawkins on tiptoe.

"COMMANDER HAWKINS, SIR!" Dalton yelled.

"Jesus Christ John, don't sneak up on me like that!" Hawkins said. He spilt his coffee on the floor, promptly slipping on it and smashing his head into the desk.

A hologram on the desk activated, showing Hawkins. "I thought you might knock me unconscious so I made this pre recorded-message." The hologram said. "Let's get right to the point. Your request for reinstatement in the marines has been denied… Again. I know you're disappointed, but Drexler personally gave me this T shirt for you."

A compartment on the desk opened and a T shirt with the words I'm a Wannabe marine! and a picture of a rifle on it fell out. Dalton pocketed this and turned back to the hologram.

"When you return to your ship, you'll have a new pilot, a Hex-Core alien named Ne'Ban. We got him in an officer exchange program. Yes, I know what you done to your last pilot. He didn't appreciate that trip out of the windows up here to the ground below."

Dalton edgily looked at the window to the left, which was smashed open from a brutal incident with a pilot who refused to take Isaac and Dalton to a beach party. "No need to remind me about it." Dalton groaned.

"Stow it Dalton." The hologram said.

"You're a pre-recorded message, you can't tell me to stow it!" Dalton practically yelled. "You don't even know what you were telling me to stow! I might have even been COMPLIMENTING your fine work!"

Dalton was so busy ranting he ended up slipping over on Hawkins' coffee and smashing his head into the desk.


When Dalton woke up, the real Hawkins was looking piteously at him. "Do you want to take the training run or get back to your ship?" He asked.

"Training…run?" Dalton dazedly muttered.

"All right. Dismissed." Hawkins said as a bulky marine hoisted Dalton up and lugged him into the elevator.


By the time the elevator reached the bottom, Dalton was feeling much more like himself. He boldly got out of the elevator to face Raff.

"Oh my god!!!" Dalton yelled. "It's you! I haven't seen you since high school!"

"How have you been?" Raff said, high-fiving Dalton. Dalton walked into the next room.

Raff's voice echoed from an old radio. "Welcome to my crib- I mean, the Avalon training centre. The course is lined with old fashioned police radios, so I'll be with you all the way. Now wait a second, while I take a scan."

Denton had a moth-moment as the pretty scanning light washed over him. He almost walked up to the scanner in an attempt to absorb the glow. Suddenly the scan stopped and Denton looked back at the radio.

"Sensors indicate you're wearing XA/F power armour and a wannabe marine T shirt. Let me dig up those specs. Ah, here they are." A photo of Dalton's armour came up. "Not bad. The XA/F series isn't the toughest battle armour available, but it's pretty damn versatile. Underwater capable. Rechargeable shields. Non-stick coating. Score one for the good old Terran Colonial Authority. Let's take a look at your HUD. Health and shield indicators are in the upper left. Ammo indicators are upper right…"

Raff's droning seemed to go on forever. Dalton wasn't even listening to Raff by now; he was looking at a small insect climbing up the wall.

"Marshall, are you listening to me?" Raff asked. Two options flashed up on Dalton's HUD, "Yes Raff." And "No, you're way too boring."

"Woah! Where did those options come from?!" Dalton yelled.

"If you had been listening to me, you would know." Raff said. "Onto the next stage."

Dalton did some jumping over blocks. "All right, now crouch down and crawl under these blocks. Don't worry. I won't let 'em drop any further." Dalton crawled in the gap between two blocks. "AND YOU FELL FOR IT!" Raff laughed. The bottom block dropped down and Dalton was plunged into the shooting range.

"Oh damn it, shooting range… I meant it to end up in the shark pit. We all make mistakes…" Raff sighed. "Anyway, first range, Dispersion Pistol. Then it's the CAR and then the grenade launcher." The first tray opened revealing an organic looking green weapon. "Joking again, this isn't the Dispersion Pistol, it's the singularity cannon. You're not meant to get it until the Kai go haywire and Hawkins goes mad."

"I don't know what the hell you're on about Raff." Dalton said, picking up the Singularity cannon. He shot it at the cardboard targets. It went through them and the wall behind them. Dalton, still carrying the gun, went through the hole it had caused.

"I will stop you!" The real Raff said, who happened to be behind the hole. Dalton tore him up with the singularity cannon and went back into the main elevator.

In the elevator, Dalton realised he had killed an old school chum. He rode right to the top, and jumped off the tower. He was saved by the body of his old pilot on the ground below.

Dalton, being too lazy to ride up to the top again, he went back to his drop ship.