A/N: Ok I adopted this story from Know-it-all-Hermione so don't flame me that its not mine, well it isn't but it is adopted : ) Chptrs 1-3 will be her work with a few or no alterations then it's going to be my chapters but it will be approved by my new boss... Know-it-all-Hermione.

Disclaimer : I am going to put this disclaimer on once, I do not own Naruto, this is fanfiction geeze none of us owns anything but the story.

Oh yeah, forget about the main cannon to a point alright, it won't go the same I guess. so remember, this is by Know-it-all Hermione, not me I just adopted it and it won't clash with any other of my fanfics...don't be mad at me! T-T oh yeah, Non yao.

CHAPTER ONE: Remorse and Regrets of an Uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha stared down at the lifeless body of his former best friend Naruto Uzamaki with horrifying disbelief, his brain numb. This couldn't be happening, Naruto couldn't be dead. 'But he is dead and you killed him Sasuke...' he thought to himself. Sasuke was the one who had plunged his sword through Naruto's chest before twisting it and pulling it back out again. He wished he could undo it, he really did. He thought back to a couple of minutes ago when Naruto had spoke his last dying words. Naruto's voice kept echoing in the back of Sasuke's mind. Unable to hold them back anymore tears fell fast down his pale face.


Sasuke and Naruto faced each other with Itachi Uchiha behind Naruto watching them with his usual evil, insane smirk on his face. "MOVE NARUTO!!!" Yelled Sasuke angrily eyeing his older brother with nothing but revenge on his mind. "No, Sasuke, I'm not letting you escape this time." Replied Naruto while glaring at Sasuke. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and activated his sharingan "Fine then, so be it"

Before Naruto could do a thing about it Sasuke had unsheathed his sword, grasping it in his right hand before blurring in speed in front of Naruto, thrusting his left hand around the throat. Sasuke tightened his grip. Naruto trying to desperately escape from Sasuke's grip grabbed hold of Sasuke's loose white low shirt. Naruto frantically tried to push Sasuke away from him but it only made Sasuke give an arrogant smirk. Then Sasuke plunged his sword straight into Naruto's chest, twisted it through his body and pulled it back out. He released Naruto from his left hand letting him fall to the ground on his back at Sasuke's feet.

Naruto's breathing was coming in sharp uneven agonizing gasps and he was clutching the great gaping hole in his chest where the sword had been. Sasuke frowned he really didn't want to kill Naruto. The only person he wanted to die a very slow and painful death was his older brother Itachi. That was why he left Konoha to begin with, to become more powerful and stronger so he could kill the person who had murdered his whole clan. He didn't want Naruto to die...but he was in the way, he was. Sasuke was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Naruto's voice. "S-S-S-SA-S-U-K-E" he heard Naruto gasp out.

Sasuke turned to Naruto. Naruto stared up at Sasuke a mixture of emotions shining in his ocean blue eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Sasuke." Whispered Naruto so softly that Sasuke had to strain his ears to hear him. Sasuke knew to what Naruto was referring to and didn't question him about it, just resolved to staying quiet, as he listened to Naruto's words.

Naruto tried to speak but choked on his own blood as he coughed it out on the ground. Calming the best way Naruto could, he took a ragged breath and tried to say "Sasuke, even after all this time," he breathed harder, " I still think of you as my brother...my best friend" Tears of pain slipped down Naruto's scarred cheeks as he went into another coughing fit .

"Naruto" whispered Sasuke as he watched in horror as Naruto struggled to breathe, then finally he stopped coughing, stopped moving as he closed his eyes; his body suddenly became limp and lifeless. Sasuke quickly looked around for Itachi but he was nowhere to be found and for once in his life , his mind was only focused on his once best friend Naruto Uzamaki..."what have I done?"

………………………………END OF FLASHBACK ………………………………...

Sasuke's tears fell onto Naruto's deathly pale face. "Naruto, I'm sorry" Sasuke whispered with regret as he started to remember all his journeys he had with the blonde. He crouched down and gently picked up Naruto's body in his arms, ignoring the burning sensation in his eyes before disappearing in a puff of smoke. His mind was plagued with one thought as he disappeared, 'I wish I could change this, change things for him, for Naruto.'

To Be Continued ………….