Author: Crackerfang
Chapter Title: Secret
Characters/Pairing: SoulxKid
A/N: I don't see enough of this couple anywhere, so I thought I'd write something. It's short, but... Cute?
There seemed to be nothing more important to Death the Kid than symmetry. In fact, if anyone were to ask him what he loved the most, he would answer, "Symmetry!" in a rather chipper manner.
But that was a lie.
Even though symmetry meant a lot to him, he had a secret that only one other person knew. And the only reason that person knew was because said person was the other half of the secret.
"Soul, could you move over a bit?"
It was silly, really. He knew his friends wouldn't care if he told them what was going on, but... he also got the feeling that if they did know, they'd give him no privacy. He really enjoyed spending time like this; squished on a couch with Soul, watching a movie.
Neither boy could consider the other a 'romantic' type person, but then again, neither minded. Though both were happy to be together, it was still awkward. Soul would have never guessed that the first person he ever really 'went out' with would be a boy, and Kid was still surprised that he hadn't been shot down. These little thoughts kept them from feeling completely comfortable around each other.
And yet as Soul slid over, Kid frowned. 'He didn't hesitate at all...'
Noticing this frown, Soul regretted thinking about such things. He reached out, grabbing Kid's hand and entwining their fingers. Gender didn't matter, and he wasn't lying when he said, "'Love you."