Hi there! ^-^ This is my second yugioh fanfic ^-^yay, this probably isn't gonna be a oneshot like my first fanfic and this might not be that funny 'cause i'm not much of a comedian unfortunatly TT^TT well anyway read and review, oh and Mokuba is 11 and Seto is 16 and I hope you like it! ^-^ Yay!
Warning: Occness(out of character) probably all characters, i don't kno y but i just can't get the character's right but i'm trying, i don't know how the real Seto would have handled it TT^TT
Oh I'm using japanese names for the characters in this chapter so:
Joey=Jounouchi (I'm using Jou for short and I think I spelled Jou's full name wrong)
Mokuba Kaiba=Mokuba Kaiba
Seto Kaiba=Seto Kaiba

It was a normal day at Kaiba mansion and Mokuba was up to god knows what and Seto was...running Kaiba corp, I mean what else what you expect on a normal day, a magical leprechaun come flying out of someone's ass, actually that would be pretty funny---well anyway. Seto was in his office doing some sketches on how he can modify Kaibaland to make it more cool but also he was doing this so Mokuba will be proud of him even more.

Seto saved the sketches to a file on his high tech laptop when he saw the clock strike 2:00 P.M. because at 2, Mokuba always visits Seto in his office for some strange reason. "NIIIIIIIIISAAAAAAMAAAAAA!" Yelled Mokuba with glee as he barged into the office, the young CEO looked at his usual happy younger brother, "Yes? Mokuba." He grinned, "Guess what? I got first place in the Dominio City Science Fair! Cool, huh?" "That's great Mokuba, what did you do?" Asked Seto, trying to sound surprised. It's not that Seto wasn't happy but he already knew Mokuba was going to, really, to Seto, Dominio City was filled with unemployed idiots, high school drop-outs, dumbasses who don't give shit about life, and pregnant teens (Including male) 'cause really, Anzu[Tea] was pregant and got a kid and Joey also got pregnant with a kid, big wow.

Anyway back to the story---Mokuba did a childish pout but then again he is a kid, "Niisama if you wanna know what it is, then come on down with me to my room, that's where my project is, please! I really wanna show you!" Seto got up from his desk, "All right, all right, how can possibly say no to you." "YAY!" Mokuba hugged Seto.

The two Kaiba's were in Mokuba's room, "Mokuba..."Seto sighed, "Why are there rats in my mansion." He added calmly, trying not to say mad at his only family who cares about him. Mokuba did his childish pout, again, "Niisama, they're not rats, they're mice, and they have names too. The white one's a girl, her name's Loralie and the gray one's a guy, his name is Jam." Seto was shocked, but didn't want to hurt Mokuba's feelings, "Well, uh...Mokuba, I don't have much time so can you..." Mokuba turned to Seto, "Oh yeah sure!" He walked over to Loralie and Jam. "Well to put it in the simplest way possibly, I switched Loralie's gender with Jam's." Now Seto was really impressed, with Mokuba's intelligence, it was possible, "What kind of effect does it have with humans?" He asked, Mokuba thought about it for a while then shrugged, "I don't know, no one would be my victim-I-I mean my hel-per" He said akwardly, Seto raised his eyesbrow, "Is there a chance of someone dying from this?" Mokuba looked at his feet, "Well...yeah..." Seto crossed his arms and sternly said, "Mokuba get that stuff out of my mansion." It was obvious Seto was mad. "Sorry Niisama, but no one died from it...yet since no human tried it..." Seto sighes, "I'm sorry for scolding you like that. You know what, why don't I get ourselves some drinks, okay?" Mokuba smiled as he was carrying all his sciency stuff, "Sure." As Seto was leaving, Mokuba thought,'Oh no! I forgot that I put the human gender tranfer potion in the kitchen, but it's green, no way Niisama would pick it up' Mokuba shrugged it off and packed his science thing then called the shelter to take back the mice be borrowed.

Seto was in the kitchen finding something to drink, he usually lets his maid get him something but he thought he would do it instead for some reason. 'Huh,' thought Seto as he found a green substance on the counter of the kitchen, 'That's kinda looks like Sprite and Mokuba likes Sprite so I guess that's okay.' Seto got two glasses and poured the 'Sprite' into the glasses.

"Heeeeeey Niisama! Got the drinks ready!" Yelled Mokuba as he was walking down the stairs, Seto nodded. When Mokuba sat down on the table, Seto was already drinking his 'Sprite' but Mokuba didn't feel comfortable drinking something that green so he asked, "Um...Niisama, did you find this on the kitchen counter with an 'MGTP' sign on it?" Seto stopped drinking and started feeling a bit of a headache but nodded at Mokuba's question. Mokuba's body tensed up,"DON'T DRINK THAT!!!!!" He ran up to his Niisama and grabbed the MGTP out of his hands. "What's the matter with you Mo-" Seto fell to the floor, clutching his heart and trying to say, "Do-d-d-octer...c-c-call!" Mokuba quickly grabbed his cellphone and called th family doctor, "Come on. Come on!" Mokuba was sitting beside Seto trying to soothe the pain. The doctor finally picked up, "Yes. How may I-" Mokuba yelled through the phone, "MY BROTHER, SETO KAIBA, ACCIDENTLY DRANK MY GENDER TRANSFUSION POTION, HE NEEDS HELP, NOW!!!!!" The doctor's face paled, "The ambulence will be there right away?"

"Niisama? Niisama? The ambulance is coming so don't worry, how are you feeling?" Asked a worried Mokuba, "Explain...when...feel...better..." With that Seto blacked out, "Niisama, Niisama!" Mokuba cried desperately trying to wake him up.

After a while of desperate cries, the ambulance finally came. Mokuba got in the ambulance with Seto. 'This is all my fault! If only...If only I remebered...' Mokuba started crying.

As the Doctor's and nurses took Seto to the E.R., Mokuba was waiting in the Patients room trying too hard not to cry. A nurse with brown hair and orange eyes came out of the ER with a very uncomfortable face on, she was walking to Mokuba. "Um...Hun, can you tell me what happned before you called-" Mokuba didn't let her finish, "My brother accidently drank my gender transfusion potion--that was meant for the mice I borrowed from this shelter--he mistook it for soda since it did look kind of soda-eish and it was in the kitchen..." The nurse looked...well...her face was twitching, it was quite funny actually. Mokuba went on,"So, now, nurse, can you tell me what's happening to my brother and how he is right now?" Mokuba said that while doing a incredibly cute face, the nurse tried looking away but Mokuba turned it up a notch. The nurse finally gave up and was about to tell the young Kaiba until there was a loud crash and everyone in the waiting room-including the nurse and Mokuba-turned to the explosion.

Then out of nowhere, you know him, you love him, it's Jou, the blondie who gave birth. "Hey! Hey! Hey! My sister needs an operation and this is the best hospital in Dominio City!" Screamed Jou at the owner-Hiro. Hiro said back calmly but with a bit more persistence, "I'm sorry kid, but this is hospital for people who can afford operations, you don't have enough money." Jou still looked angry, why wouldn't he, "Look! buddy, my sister is on the verge of beng bl-" "That's not my problem, come back here when you get enough money!" said Hiro with abit impatients and anger, "NOW GET OUT OR I WILL CAL SECURITY!" Jou left while mumbling something.

The nurse looked at Mokuba, "Do you know that guy?" "Well Niisama hates him, Jou, almost as much as he hates Yugi and he's sorta like my friend but I should be going to help" Mokuba paused, then looked at the nurse, "But Niisama is here and you still didn't answer my questions." The nurse eyes twitched, I don't know I guess it's her habit or something, "Um...Well told me not to tell you for some reason because he's-I mean sh-no, no I mean he's um not feeling well! BYE!" The nurse went scurring down the hallway kind of squirl like.

Mokuba pouted then did a sly grin, 'Fine! If they won't tell my about Niisama, then I'll have to find out myself!' Mokuba looked both ways of the hallway that was practicly empty besides the giant hole and the sleeping old lady who had a banana in her mouth. Mokuba got a chair and stacked some phone books and other shit on top of the chair against a wall that led to an air vent. Mokuba put another chair against the chair with books on it. He, then, got on the chair then on the one with books on it, he, also, had a crowbar in his hand (He got it from the old lady, I don't know how things just happen). Mokuba Smashed the crowbar against the air vent so hard the old lady twitched in her sleep but didn't wake up, another good thing was that the air vent opened up.

Mokuba crawled inside the air vent and surprsingly he fit. 'I hope nothing bad happned to Niisama, if anything did happen I would never forgive myself...No Mokuba, no tears' Thought Mokuba while crawling through the vent, he stopped when he heard a familiar voice yelling at other people in a very aggressive tone if you ask me...come on you gotta know! It's Seto Kaiba! Mokuba stopped to listen to the conversation they were having.
Doctor: I'm so sorry but it'll take a week to find the cure for your...um...transformation
Seto: Shut the fuck up! That's not completely the problem! How will I do things! I am a male not a female
! Seto grabbed the doctors coller
Doctor: Um...binding for your new breasts. The doctor tried to hide his laugh but it didn't work for Seto.
Mokuba looked in horror at his brother or should he call him or her-uh...this is too confusing! 'Oh no! Niisama's now a girl 'cause of me!' Mokuba felt as if he was about to cry but then he freezed when he saw a...a...a SPIDER. Mokuba's not usually afraid of spiders but it looked poisonious and he was inside an air vent. "Go away spider!" Mokuba tried to tell the spider in the lowest voice he could do but the spider got mad and started crawling to Mokuba quicker. Mokuba Tried to get out of the vent but all he could do was scream then without knowing it, he fell out of the air vent while screaming.

"Mokuba! Mokuba!" Yelled Seto while grabbing Mokuba's arm, Mokuba's face was red with embarrasment when his plan failed because of a spider. "Oh my god, is the kid alright!" Yelled the doctor thinking Mokuba was a fragile child, "Uh...Hi...Niisama I..." Mokuba stopped in shock when he saw Seto's chest but he looked realy weird since his face was Setolike but everything else was girlish, Seto's face was stern like always but a bit different, 'Mokuba what were you doing, you know you can't spy on people without your protective gear and the AIR VENT! Were you trying to kill yourself! Never ever do that agian!" Screamed Seto but with worry. Mokuba started crying, not because Seto was yelling at him but at what the consequences were after Seto drank Mokuba's Gender Transfusion Potion. Seto started feeling guilty at both yelling at him but also he knew why Mokuba was crying, "Aww, come on Mokuba. It's not that bad. The doctor said he'll find the cure in a week."

The doctor finally spoke when Mokuba stopped crying, "Well, your inspection is over, if their are any problem, feel free to call." "Shut up! There still if a big problem! I'm a girl! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Seto growled then grabbed Mokuba's hand and left angerily. Seto then came back with a red face, "I need some binding..." The doctor smiled with laughter, "Uh...Sure..uh...haha" Seto glared, "If you tell anyone! Then you would never ever be a doctor anywhere as long as you live and I will make your life a living nightmare too, got it, doctor!" The Doctor didn't say anything else at all but simply gave Seto the binding. Then Seto left with Mokuba waiting outside the ER door.

Mokuba looked at Seto when they went inside the car, "Um...Niisama?" Seto looked down Mokuba, "Yes?" "I'm really sorry about this I-" Seto cut him off, "Mokuba, it's all right, it's not your fault and this could be a pretty intersesting week, good and bad I suppose. But don't worry, everything will be alright." He ruffled Mokuba hair and Mokuba smiled, "Well, Niisama, this might as well be very interesting and funny at the same time." He said the last part silently but Seto heard, "Mokuba!" Mokuba started to laugh. This might be an akward experience for Seto and, yeah, a pretty funny one too, maybe.

Man, for some reason i can never do a short story, well sorry that it's so long and I know it's not that funny but i did try. i'll try to update soon and this chapter might be sort of sucky but it'll get better well bye and Happy Valentines Day!!!!