A/N: Hey y'all sorry it took so ungodly long for me to finish my story but I started to really suck at school so I couldn't write all that much but I'm out now and I can write all I want.

Chapter 3: Anko and Naruto

Last chapter (in case you're a little fuzzy)

"Do you think that I would have a chance?" asked Anko realizing what her friend was trying to do. This shocked Kurenai and she stopped with Anko and looked at her like she'd lost her mind. Here was one of the most sexually secure kunoichi in the whole village afraid that a teenage boy would reject her. "Of course you have a chance Anko! I bet if anybody in this whole village has a chance it's you. You both have the same personality and if anybody understands how truly hard his life has been it's you." Kurenai said trying to reassure her friend. Anko didn't reply merely hugged her friend in thanks and ran off to find Naruto before she lost the courage her friend had given her.


Anko had been searching for her blonde haired obsession for quite a while now. 'Where the hell is he' Anko wondered remembering all the places she had already checked. 'He wasn't at Ichiraku's, in his apartment, at the training grounds, or at the Hokage's monument, and I'm running out of places to look' she thought as she slowly got more and more frustrated.' Maybe I should go ask Hokage-sama,' she decided and ran off toward the Hokage's tower.

Upon arriving at the tower Shizune let Anko in to see Tsunade quickly despite her not having any missions or other appointments. "Good morning Anko. What brings you here?" asked Tsunade grateful for a break in her seemingly never-ending paperwork. "Good morning Hokage-sama. I'm actually here because I thought you might know where the orange gaki is." replied Anko. "Naruto? Why are you looking for him?" asked Tsunade curiously. Anko began to sweat a little at the question afraid of what her hokage might do if she found out about her feelings for her favorite little genin. However when Anko did not answer and even blushed slightly she asked, "You got caught in one of his pranks didn't you?" knowing Anko would be embarrassed about being caught unaware by a genin's prank. Anko just nodded her head thankful that she didn't have to come up with her own excuse. "Hmm, it isn't anything to be embarrassed about Anko. I have fallen into a few myself as well." admitted Tsunade to a shocked and slightly snickering Anko. 'I came here to find Naruto, and instead I find out he can prank the Hokage and get away with it. That's priceless.' thought Anko amusedly with what her hokage had just said to her. "Anyway," continued Tsunade, "I haven't seen him once today. He usually comes in and bugs me for a mission by now. That's strange." stated the busty blonde making Anko sigh in frustration. "Thank you Hokage-sama I guess I'll continue my search for him then." said Anko turning to leave and getting so frustrated that she thought she might kill Naruto 'If I can find him' she thought as she walked out the door.

Anko was so absorbed in her thoughts of where she should search that she did not even realize that she was on a collision course before it was too late. Before she knew what was happening she was on her but in the middle of the street in front of the hokage's tower. Looking around trying to figure out what happened her eyes landed on the silver haired jounin Kakashi on his butt in the middle of the street with her, his little orange book still right in front of his face. 'I wonder if he even missed a word,' wondered Anko. "Oh, I'm sorry Anko. My mind was contemplating the road of life." stated Kakashi as he helped her up. Anko sweat-dropped at hearing how ridiculous Kakashi's excuse was, though she had heard it multiple times before on different occasions. Now normally Anko would either give some snide remark or just continue on walking without responding but she suddenly realized who it was that she was talking to. 'Wait a minute Kakashi is Naruto's sensei,' she thought, "Hold on Kakashi," Anko called as her began walking away. "Yes Anko?" he replied turning back around to face her. "Well I was just wondering if you knew where your student Naruto was," she stated. "Where have you looked so far?" asked the one-eyed jounin still not looking up from his book. "Practically everywhere," began Anko in an irritated tone, "his apartment, the training grounds, the monument, and the Hokage's office." "Ichiraku's?" suggested Kakashi. "Nope," sighed Anko "I already checked there too," she replied becoming even more frustrated. "Hmm," pondered Kakashi, "the only other place that I can think of is the small bridge where my team sometimes meets when we have a mission," he stated giving Anko the exact location. And on that note Anko took off running, calling back a quick "arigato," leaving a rather confused Kakashi standing in the middle of the street. 'I wonder what Naruto did to piss her off,' wondered Kakashi before continuing on his way.


Naruto was currently on his way to the bridge in an effort to Sakura. He hadn't seen her since he left to get Sasuke back and he was worried. 'Where could Sakura-chan be?' he wondered as he walked. He had looked all over for her, the park, her favorite restaurants, the training grounds, her home, only to be chased away by her parents, and now the bridge was his last ditch effort to find her. Luck was on his side, it seemed to him, because as he approached the bridge he could see her bubblegum pink hair and her bright red shirt. Getting closer her body got clearer and he could see that she was leaning over the railing and her shoulders were shaking as though she were crying. "Sakura-chan? Are you okay?" he asked placing a hand on her shoulder. Sakura jumped when she felt something touch her shoulder and spun around only to see the person she had been going out of her way to avoid. Completely ignoring his question she just stared at him and asked, "What are you doing here Naruto?" anger clearly audible in her voice. This was the kind of reaction Naruto had been afraid of. "I-I was just looking for you to see if you were okay because I haven't seen you since before the mission" he answered with concern in his voice. Ordinarily this would make Sakura feel better, knowing that somebody cared, but once she heard him mention the mission to get Sasuke back she was instantly thrown back further into her bad mood. "No I'm not okay Naruto and seeing you right now isn't making things any better." she replied hostilely. "Why?" came Naruto's voice rather quiet after receiving that last bit of information. Sakura lost it the second she heard the simple three letter question. "WHY?" she screamed, "BECAUSE YOU BROKE YOU'RE PROMISE! I BET YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY BECAUSE YOU WERE JEALOUS OF SASUKE!" she finished turning away refusing to even look at her teammate. "That's not true, I tried my hardest, and I promised I would get him back and I WILL get him BACK!" stated Naruto quietly at first and getting more forceful. "YOU'RE LYING!" screamed Sakura spinning and punching Naruto in the face making stumble back and fall against the railing. "I wish you had left instead of Sasuke! The village doesn't want you and neither do I." half-shouted Sakura before running off leaving Naruto sitting there on the bridge rubbing his cheek and jaw. It wasn't long, however, before the pain in his face became outdone by the emotional pain brought on by Sakura's words and tears began streaming down his face.

This is what Anko found when she arrived at the bridge. She had actually managed to hear the last bit of the exchange and was extremely angry but she was more worried about Naruto than she was angry about Sakura, and besides he needed her right now she could deal with Sakura later. "Hey kid." said Anko softly walking towards Naruto who jumped at hearing her voice.

Somewhere in the middle of his thoughts someone had managed to stumble upon him and with Sakura's words still fresh in his mind he knew that this was something he probably didn't want to deal with. So in an effort to avoid any coming potentially painful situations he jumped up and tried to run away but he began to swagger partially from the lingering effects of Sakura's punch and partially from standing up too fast. He managed to right himself quickly though and tried running but Anko being the high ranking kunoichi she is was behind him instantly hugging him while keeping his arms under hers to prevent him from struggling loose. And struggle he did kicking his legs still trying to run as tears continued to stream down his face. "Let go of my" he tried but his voice came out quietly and choked off by sobs as he continued struggle. "Shh calm down, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you." whispered Anko trying to comfort Naruto enough for him to calm down. Moving over to a tree she sat down pulling Naruto down with her. And right there they sat until Naruto calmed down and the tears stopped flowing, which seemed to take a while though Anko could hardly blame him if everything that Sakura said has been as harsh as the last bit.

But eventually Naruto did calm down and the tears did stop flowing and they just sat there Naruto in Anko's lap with her holding him from behind. "Please let me go." came Naruto's voice nearly a whisper. "I will if you promise not to run." replied Anko tightening her grip slightly as if she were afraid he would be able to break loose and run anyway. "Why shouldn't I," he asked, "it's not like anybody cares to have me around. I should just go." he said dejectedly. Inside Anko was fuming, 'I'm going to floor that stupid pink haired little bitch the next time I see her for making Naruto really believe that nobody wants him.' "You know that isn't true there are plenty of people that want you around… that need you around." she said trying to reverse Sakura's damage. This made the genin snort in disbelief "like who?" he asked refusing to believe this woman who he believed to be legitimately insane. At this point Anko wanted to hurt something. The boy was being so difficult but she still couldn't blame him she knew how he was feeling. "Like Hokage-sama, Jiraiya-sama, that Hyuuga girl who is always staring at you… like me." she finished causing Naruto to attempt to turn and look at her. "What do you mean?" he asked rather confused. "I mean I'm not well-liked within the village either and it gets to me a lot, and I used to look at you and wonder why you were never bothered by it so I started keeping an eye on you trying to figure out why you were capable of doing what I couldn't. And as I watched you and learned more and more about you I began to grow feelings for you. That's why I'm here actually I was going to tell you, but you want to leave so I guess I won't stop you." she said letting him go. But he didn't move at first which made Anko feel kind of happy but also slightly uneasy because she had no idea what he was thinking. Then he began to get up and Anko was afraid he was going to run which made her sad. Feeling rejected she closed her eyes to try and keep herself from crying when she felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her. Opening her eyes she saw Naruto hugging her. Taking her chance she wrapped her arms around him but pulled back just enough to kiss him softly on the lips. When they both drew back Naruto still looked slightly sad but smiled when he looked at her. Hugging her again he whispered "Arigato Anko-chan." and kissed her on the cheek.


A few weeks later

Anko was walking down the street pondering her new relationship. It was going well even if it felt a little strange because of the age difference. Luckily for her when Naruto insisted that they tell the Hokage she accepted it seemingly without a problem but that doesn't mean that Anko didn't get threatened with a flight to Suna courtesy of the hokage's fist if she didn't anything to Naruto, but she still managed to make it through the meeting unscathed. The only other people who knew about their relationship were Kurenai and Kiba whose own relationship was going just as strong. Everything seemed to be going great but as she was walking she saw a head of pink hair coming towards her which reminded her that Naruto and Sakura had never made up and more importantly she hadn't floored Sakura for causing Naruto so much pain. Needless to say Sakura had no idea what happened when one minute she was walking down the street and she was suddenly punched in the face so hard she flew back a few feet and was lying in the street in a daze for quite a while. And Anko just walked away completely satisfied with what she did but that doesn't mean she didn't kick Sakura once or twice as she walked by.

The End : )

A/N: Hey there again I'm sorry it took so long I have been having quite a few problems lately but I finally finished it and I have a bunch of ideas floating around in my head so thanks for being patient