AN: Okay, so if you;ve read FALLING STARS you know my character Selene. Well, this is just a song fiction about her life. i was bored this morning, and i'm out of ideas right now for my fanfics. Not my proudest work, but hopefully y'all enjoy it any way.

Twilight One shot.


Song by, Within Temptations

I can't feel my senses.

I just feel the cold.

I could feel my humanity slipping away. Replacing it was a searing thirst that burned my throat. My normal strength was being replaced my something more. Raw strength that could be dangerous if used wrong. I opened my eyes and was met with the face of an immortal. Not one, three. But I only had eyes for one.

All colors seem to fade away.

I can't reach my soul.

The tower of smoke was rising. I could smell the sweet scent of vampire rising with it. He was gone and it was his brothers' faults. They knew it too. Though he and I weren't truly meant for each other, I had loved him. Cornel had been part of me. Now, as I watched his remains burn, I'm thrown back in time as I remember why I'd clung to him so much.

I won't stop running.

If I knew there was a chance.

It tears me apart to sacrifice it all.

But I'm forced to let go.

She came running into view, with a bloody mess in her arms. I could feel the draw to the man in her arms. La tua cantante were the words that ran through my head. Blood singer. Steal cables drew me to this man, but I wouldn't get him, because Rosalie had saved him. His name was Emmett McCarty- so beautiful, even in pain. Carlisle comes rushing in to help. One look at Rose's mask of plea and he went to work, biting the man meant for me.

Tell me I'm frozen.

What can I do?

Can't tell the reasons.

I did it for you.

Emmett asks as we walk why I never tried to tear him and Rose apart before it just happened. I had no answer. It was a feminine loyalty thing. But I had him now. Emmett Cullen was now mine forever. And I would never let him go.

Well I still live to try

I sacrificed for you

You say that I'm frozen.

What can I do?

I watch as Edward decides what to do about Bella. He loves her, but putting her in danger would be a terrible thing. He'd saved her twice, but he hoped he wouldn't be the one he had to save her from. I have faith in him though. He's strong, and Bella's meant for him. I would sacrifice a lot to see my brother, my best friend, happy again.

I can feel your sorrow

I sacrificed

You won't forgive me

But I know you'll be all right.

I've convinced Edward to give a relationship a try with Bella. If things turn out badly, he'll hate me for all eternity. But I still think he can handle it. If this is truly meant to be, then things will be all right. I know they are exactly right for each other. I have Emmett. Now it's Edward's time.

It tears me apart that you will never know

But I have to let go.

I sit talking to Emmett after the incident with James. Edward has agreed to stay with Bella and now it was time for some alone time with my teddy bear. He wrapped me in a hug and began to kiss me. I kissed back with such force that we fell to the ground. He would never know how much he meant to me, but I could show him as best I could.

"I love you Selene," was all he said. But he said it with such adoration that is made me crumble in his arms. That's all he said, but he said it over and over. His voice was like honey. My Emmett. He was in my arms and i would definately never let go of him. I've had to make sacrifices for my family, but never again will Emmett belong to anyone but me.

"I love you too, Emmett McCarty Cullen."