Title: Zamboni
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Williams
Warnings: Fluff I hope.
Summary: Can anyone find out what the hell the word 'Zamboni' means?
Author Notes: Set for the Alphabet challenge I received from Sushi Chi. Yay for the fun! Haha I honestly didn't know what Zamboni meant, only that I heard it said on "Blades Of Glory." Therefore I was guessing it was ice skating related. My friends told me what it was haha.
Disclaimer: If I owned Torchwood, I'd have a pet Pterosaur and I'd annoy the hell out of Owen and Gwen because Tosh and I'd watching Ianto and Jack on the CCTV all day long. But I don't *Dies a little inside*
Jack sat in his office staring into the distance. He didn't know how or why the question attached itself to him, why it lingered in his thoughts but it had become so extremely important that he just had to find out the answer. He groaned in frustration and jumped up from his seat, heading towards Toshiko's desk. She was the computer expert so she knew a lot, maybe she'd have the answer. He stood behind her, trying to figure out how to start the conversation, how he could slip the question in there without sounding stupid.
"What do you want Jack?" Tosh asked, spinning her chair around to face him.
"How did you…?" Jack mumbled, smiling down at her.
"You don't have the ninja-like reflexes that Ianto does."
Jack chuckled at the thought and nodded in agreement, "He's scary sometimes. I uh, I was going to ask you something but instead I think I'll just leave before I make an even bigger idiot out of myself."
"Jack, what is it?" Tosh insisted.
"I was wondering…do you know what the word 'zamboni' means?"
Jack's eyes glued to the floor, trying to keep them away from judging stares that were sure to beam from Tosh. She stayed quiet for far too long though and Jack looked up at her to see her brows furrowed in thought.
"Don't tell me you don't know, you're Toshiko Sato, computer genius. You must know!"
"Sorry Jack, I wouldn't have a clue. Ask Gwen, you never know." Tosh shrugged.
"Thanks Tosh." Jack sighed before heading towards the medic.
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Gwen sat at her desk, reading through a file as Jack walked over. She smiled brightly but was wary of that determined look on his face.
"You look…I'm going to use the word 'annoyed' but I want to use the word 'pissed'. What did I do?"
"What? No, nothing like that. I was wondering if you could help me." Jack sighed, looking to the floor again.
"Tosh said I should try asking you. Do you know what 'zamboni' means?"
Gwen stared out to the distance, her eyes seeming to glaze over. Jack watched her for a while before clearing his throat to get her attention again.
"I don't know but it sounds dirty." Gwen giggled.
Jack laughed out loud and grinned at the Welshwoman, "I never thought of it like that."
"Well, Ask Owen, he's a doctor, he knows medical terms and it could be medical related."
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Owen dug his scalpel into the alien corpse on the autopsy bed.
"That is disgusting." Jack murmured.
"No, nothing is disgusting after you've seen me drinking." Owen reminded Jack, earning a moan of disdain.
"Yeah, can you promise to never do that again, especially when I'm locked in the room with you?"
"Food and drink are officially out of my diet. Was there something you wanted?" Owen asked irritably.
"Yeah, don't laugh okay?" Jack warned.
Owen put down the scalpel and turned to pay full attention to Jack, "Oh this is going to be good." Owen smirked, crossing his arms.
"Do you know what 'zamboni' means?" Jack stared him down, daring him to joke or laugh at him.
"How should I know? Ask Tea boy, he claims to know everything."
Jack's eyes widened and he had to stop from physically slapping himself. Why hadn't he thought to have gone to him first? It seemed so simple now.
"Thank you Owen."
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Jack walked into the archives, smiling as he watched the younger man's every move.
"Ice." Ianto's voice echoed through the room.
"What?" Jack turned the Welshman around to look at him.
"Zamboni, it's the machine they use to smooth the ice for ice skaters." Ianto explained.
"You're incredible. How do you know that?"
Jack wrapped an arm around Ianto's waist, looking deep into his eyes.
The younger man smirked, "Oh you know me Jack."
"Oh?" Jack grinned and nipped at Ianto's jaw line.
"I know everything."
There it is! The end of the Alphabet Challenge!! Wow!!! That was fun. Hope you liked reading them. I will continue 100 one words, Bloodlust, my new story 'Can You See Me?' and my other new story idea I'm playing with, 'A Step Backwards' so keep watching this spot for those two new stories, I'll write them soon.