Title: Another Day In Eden
Author: Kirschli Kuchen
Players: Matt
Disclaimer: Please insert something witty here that tells that I don't own the characters and the original anime/manga/game.
A/N: I wanted to write a fighting scene. Which I by the way suck at… (even if this is my first attempt at it…)
His fist connected with another of the grayish-black shadows just as one attacked him from behind. He moved swiftly letting them both stumble over each other and fall into a strangely unmoving and dark heap on the white floor – two seconds later they vanished into thin air. But he had no time to notice any of these happenings as the next shadow tried to get to him.
He dodged it just as smoothly as the other one, fended another one that had tried to sneak up on him off with his hand and unsheathed a long thick dagger from his belt, thrusting it right where the heart of the first creature should have been if it had had one. Taking another albeit shorter dagger from his belt he struck the one he dodged just before in the head making it vanish, too.
Twirling his daggers around so that they were now somewhat of an outward extension of his hands and ran the blades through two other shadows as he was stopped short by a burning pain in his right side. One of the creatures had successfully sneaked up on him and was trusting it's long blackish-gray-red claws into him. Letting out a cry in agony he dislodged the shadow painfully successful with a swift kick back and up ripping some of his flesh out in the progress. The creature howled one last loud time and dissolved, too.
Taking this momentary loss of focus as cover another tried to get him by jumping up and assaulting him from the air. Bad for the thing was that he wasn't nearly distracted enough not to notice something like this, thus he sidestepped it and cut clean though it with his longer dagger.
Having re-sheathed his shorter blade to hold is furiously bleeding wound he was left defenseless on one side, giving another monster the chance to strike. Anticipating this exact event he changed his hold of his dagger to the hand formerly holding his wound and held the injury now with his other hand, sinking his bade into the chest of the shadow.
A loud noise of a very flat foot hitting the ground came from behind him. Twirling around to face it he knew that it would be the last one as shown by it's size alone – it was at least twice as big as the others. Letting his wound gape open he groped for his second dagger just in time to fend of the oncoming attack, that even though reflected still did it's damage on his bones.
Only dodging the next attack by a hairsbreadth he grabbed onto the arm that had tried to hit him and swung himself upwards on it stunning the monster slightly. Taking this new leverage he let one dagger fall to the ground and used his free arm to bring him closer to the things face where he struck it right between it's nonexistent eyes.
Re-sheathing his one blade still on the shadow he sprung onto the ground right before it vanished like the others, taking his other dagger off of the floor he let it glide into it's sheath, too. Standing still with his hands on his hips he waited a moment.
A loud beeping was heard as a mechanic voice announced his victory.
Relaxing his pose again he thought out loud "Well…" lifting a cigarette to his mouth and taking his lighter out lighting it with a long practiced motion "…just another day in Eden, I suppose…" taking a long drag from it and leisurely exhaling the smoke.