Hello, all, guess who's back! That's right. After a very long hiatus, I've decided to finally continue work on my stories. This may surprise you to hear, but instead of having my most popular story, 'A Man and His Boy,' be the first story I update, I've chosen to work on this one. Why? Because I was feeling it. That's how I do most everything. Anyway, to those of you living in the U.S., I hope this makes a nice Thanksgiving treat for you, and for everyone elsewhere, a pleasant Thursday. Enjoy. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Harry Potter, but if I did, I'd have a mansion full of cats.
After the New Years Eve party, Remus became a near constant guest at Snape Manor, so named by Lucius, who, delighted by the way his home looked during the party, insisted he keep it enlarged. At first Severus was annoyed by the man's presence, reminded each time he looked at him of how, as a boy at Hogwarts, he had ignored his fellow student's torment at the hands of his friends. However, much like with Black, he began warming up to him once he saw how fond Harry was of him. Though it wasn't possible for them to have met before, the Potters being in hiding since his birth until their terrible demise, the boy must have been shown pictures, because he clearly recognized the man. Often times Harry would be seen toddling up to Remus whilst he sat reading in the drawing room, patting his legs, and being rewarded by being lifted onto the man's lap and read to. This delighted the child, who loved stories. Severus, being a well educated and clever man, could clearly see the benefits of Remus' presence in Harry's life. And so he was allowed over, to the point where it felt as though he lived there.
"Remus, where are you staying?" he finally asked, one chilly, bright afternoon in January. He knew the man must live close, as he always showed up at his door instead of his fireplace and the clear crack of apparition never sounded.
Remus looked a little taken aback by this sudden question, but soon recovered enough to reply, "I've currently taken up residence in an apartment three blocks south of here. Once I'd found Sirius and Harry, I couldn't bear to be far from them, so I moved closer."
This answer made sense to Severus, who, as a boy, had run past those apartments many times. Considering Remus' shabby appearance, it wasn't surprising that he would choose such low-priced living quarters, but this knowledge simply did not sit right with him. "You should move in with us," he stated.
Black, who had been reading the paper, suddenly looked up.
"E-excuse me?" Remus asked. Surely he must have misheard the man.
"I said, you should move in with us," Severus repeated. "We have more than enough room, and this way you can spend your wages on some half-decent robes instead of rent."
Remus blushed, looking down at the open book on his lap. Was his appearance really that bad? 'I guess I could do with a few new outfits...' he thought to himself. "I'll consider it," he said aloud, but he had already made up his mind.
Later that week, one of the now many guest bedrooms was converted into Remus' new living quarters, complete with a bed, dresser, wardrobe, fireplace, and even a small stove on which he could boil water. Once all of his things had been moved in, it was quite cozy. Snape had even been decent enough to give him an office, located in the room next, and in which Remus placed his rather large book collection. At seeing this, Harry had stared up in awe. Though his father's entire drawing room was filled top-to-bottom with books, the sight of new books clearly excited the boy. Not being one to disappoint, Remus often read one of the many stories to him before bed. This combined with the times Harry asked to read to during the day, assured Severus that his son would grow up very bright indeed.
While Remus split his time between Sirius, Harry and his meager job at a muggle second-hand clothing store, Severus split his between Harry, his job at the Apothecary, and looking for a second job. Lucius had been correct, children weren't cheap, and despite Lupin's help, with two grown men in the house as well as himself and Harry, expenses were skyrocketing. Every day Severus would scour the Help Wanted ads in the Daily Prophet and fire call any that would suit him. Occasionally he would get an interview, but with the heavy atmosphere that still lingered after the Dark Lord's disappearance, no one felt comfortable enough to hire him. He was beginning to grow very worried.
Midway through February, the residents of Snape Manor were relaxing in the drawing room after dinner when their fire suddenly turned green. Curious, they all turned their heads to see the face of Albus Dumbledore in the flames.
"Hi, Santa!" Harry said excitedly, recognizing the man.
"Why hello, little one!" he exclaimed in reply, equally delighted to see the boy.
"Hello, Albus," greeted Severus.
The man turned his head in the fire to face him. "Hello, Severus. I was wondering if I might have a word?"
Understanding the underlying seriousness behind these words, Snape nodded and called a house elf to take Harry to his room. The little boy looked displeased at being taken away, but went quietly.
"Bye-bye," he said, waving at Albus.
Albus waved back, smiling at the child. When it was clear he was well out of earshot, the man turned again to Severus. "I have a proposition for you."
Snape was surprised. Albus often called, but to check in on Harry and the state of the home. This was the first time a different topic would be discussed. "I'm listening."
"Well, and this is rather unfortunate, it would seem that our dear Professor Slughorn has reached his limit. What with the war and the many pressures he's felt teaching over the years, I'm afraid he can take no more. He's decided to retire at the end of the current school year."
"I'm sorry," said Snape sincerely, having studied under Slughorn himself, "but what does that have to do with me?"
"Well, with Professor Slughorn leaving, the school will be left without a Potions Master. When asked to suggest a replacement for himself, he seemed to recall a remarkably bright young lad whom he had taught years before."
Severus tensed. Surely the Headmaster wasn't suggesting what he thought he was suggesting? He saw the mischievous twinkle in the old man's eye. "Are you suggesting...me?"
Albus smiled warmly at him.
"I hardly think I'm qualified!" Snape spluttered out.
"Nonsense!" said Albus, "I think you're very highly qualified. You received top marks in potions throughout all your years at school, you work in an apothecary, and, as I can see from my position here in the fire, many of the books on your shelf have to do with potion making."
The three men in the room glanced around, confirming with their eyes what the man had said.
"But, Sir," Severus argued, "I've no experience teaching."
"The best way to learn how to teach, is to teach," Albus stated.
Severus considered this for a moment. "I'm going to think on it," he decided.
Albus nodded. "Understandable. It is a very big decision, after all. Let me know what you decide within the month."
"I will," Snape agreed.
And in a flash of green flames, the Headmaster was gone.
Once everything had gone quiet, Remus and Sirius looked at each other in awe. They could hardly believe their ears. To be invited to teach at Hogwarts was a huge honor, and while it was true what Albus had said about Snape receiving top marks in potions while at school, it was highly unusual for someone with no teaching experience to be invited to work there. Then again, Albus was, himself, an unusual man.
During their silent conversation, Severus continued staring into the fire where Dumbledore's faces had been. He was thoroughly shocked by the man's request. How could Albus possibly think he was right for the job? The very idea of him standing at the head of the class, speaking to a room full of students made him feel ill. He had always been shy and had trouble speaking publicly. On the other hand, the idea of making lesson plans and being the one in control of what his students learned in his class excited him. There were so many fascinating potions that could be brewed, so much knowledge to impart, that suddenly, speaking to a classroom full of children seemed exhilarating. Children… Harry! If he took the job, that meant he would have to live there at Hogwarts, and he couldn't possibly take Harry there to live with him.
'That settles it,' he thought, 'I won't take the job.'
Out of politeness, Severus had waited a week before fire calling Dumbledore. When he explained his reason for declining, Albus chuckled.
"Honestly, Severus, do you think you're the first parent to ever teach at Hogwarts? Why, as far back as the Four Founders, our school had had an excellent day care program."
"Day care?" Snape asked, puzzled, "Since the time of the Founders?"
Dumbledore nodded. "Rowena Ravenclaw had a young daughter at the time of the school's founding, if you'll recall."
Snape remembered suddenly a rather obscure part of the school's history which Professor Binns had recited in one of his classes, about Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter, Helena. She had in fact been a small child then. How the knowledge of her existence had never begged the question, "Who had looked after her?" he did not know. But now the question was, "Who will look after Harry?" And it was a very important question indeed, so he asked.
"Why, the house elves, of course!" Albus explained, "We employ many good elves who are more than happy to look after the teachers' children."
This information changed everything. The entire week, Severus had been dreading denying the man's request, being secretly sad over not being able to teach. And now, he found out, he wouldn't have to deny him. He felt a huge sense of relief and excitement swell inside of him.
"I'll take the job!" he nearly shouted.
"Excellent!" replied Dumbledore. "We shall arrange a time when you can come and tour the grounds; get you refamiliarized with the castle. You may also want to speak with Professor Slughorn on what he's currently teaching in his class. How does next Tuesday at nine o'clock sound?"
"Fine, it sounds fine," said Snape, nearly breathless.
"I shall see you then," confirmed Dumbledore. And after a short farewell, allowed Severus to back out of the fire.
Snape sat on his knees, taking in what he had just done, and for the first time since Lily's death, he felt truly excited.
Well, there you have it. I hope it was enjoyable for you all.