Chapter 1

Ben, you dweeb, why did you do that?' Gwen shouted.

FourArms turned to face her, and shrugged.

'Grandpa's gonna be really mad!'

Ben put the massive iron bar down, and threw the wrecking ball away.

He jumped over to her.

'Grandpa's not gonna be mad, coz grandpa's not gonna know.' Ben said simply.

'Of course grandpa will know! Theres a massive hole in the rust bucket!'

'Easy.' Ben pointed to the Omnitrix, which, as if on queue, flashed red and transformed FourArms into Ben again.

'Because when the watch recharges, I'll go UpGrade and fix it.'

'That watch had better hurry up! Grandpa's gonna be back any minute!'

'So?' Ben walked over to the RustBucket, and lent against the side with the hole.

'So,' Gwen cast a spell to that lifted Ben up and turned him upside down. 'you don't have time for the watch to recharge!'

The Omnitrix glowed green.

'Don't you get tired of being wrong all the time?' Ben questioned, with a smug smile.

Gwen turned and released Ben from her spell, causing him to crash to the ground. Gwen turned and stormed away, muttering incoherently.

There was a flash of green, and Ben turned into UpGrade, who melted onto the RustBucket, and fixed it.

Just then, Max walked around the corner, carrying a brown paper bag.

Gwen ran back over to the RustBucket, and kicked the wheel really hard.

'Owww! What was that for?' UpGrade said, leaning out of a small patch of black and green.

Gwen grabbed Upgrades head and pulled him off the RustBucket.

'OOOWWW! Will you stop doing that!'

Gwen whirled around and faced max, who was still walking up to her from around the van.

'Hey, Gwen!' Max waved.

Thankfully, Grandpa hadn't seen UpGrade yet.

Gwen pulled a small tape recorder from her pocket, held it behind her back where Ben was, and pointed to it.

Surprisingly, Ben got the message and melted into it.

'Hey Grandpa! What's in the bag?' Gwen questioned, slipping the tape recorder into her pocket.

'Just dinner. We're having fried Haggis!' Grandpa said cheerfully.

There was a small retching sound coming from Gwen's pocket.

Gwen covered it up by coughing loudly, and slapped her pocket.

There was a beeping noise that came from inside the rust bucket.

Max raced around, and started tapping away at a hidden keyboard.

A small screen appeared, and a voice projected out of it.

'Max, you are needed in Tokyo where there have been very unusual sightings.'

Max turned and faced Gwen.

'Let's go. Where's your cousin?'

'Umm, He's-'

with a flash of red, Ben appeared next to her, with his foot in her pocket.

'I don't even want to know. We need to get to the airport.' Max said sternly.


500 years ago, there was a very annoyed miko, and a very angry hanyou.

'WHAT did you think you were doing?' Kagome shouted.

'Feh, it's not my fault that your villagers were attacking me.'

'They were not! they were checking to see if you were ok! You HAD fallen off a 30 story building!'

'I did not fall off! YOU sat me off!'

'You weren't supposed to be leaning that far over the edge anyway!'



'You cant go home, you just got here! we have to look for more jewel shards!'

'InuYasha ...' Kagome said dangerously.

'You are not going back!'


InuYasha pummeled into the ground.

'Stay here!' Kagome shouted as she turned and jumped into the well.


After the flight, Gwen immediately pulled out her laptop and started typing, as they got into a taxi and headed to their hotel.

After a little while, she paused and said to Max;

'It looks like the sightings are generally centered around one little area of the city. We could wait there and see if we can see it.'

'Good idea, Gwen.' Max said thoughtfully.

'Good idea, Gwen.' Ben imitated Max sarcastically. 'I coulda thought of that.'


As soon as kagome got out of the well, Souta ran up to her.

'Hey sis!' He shouted.

'Hey Souta.' Kagome replied.

'There's this creepy old van that appeared out the front, across the road. Do ya reckon the government has tracked InuYasha down?'

Kagome paled.

And InuYasha's going to come after me any--

InuYasha himself slammed open the door to the well.

'Kagome!' InuYasha shouted angrily.

'InuYasha! go back!' Kagome said.

'I'm not going without you!'

Souta just walked away.

'Your in a lot of danger!'

'Feh. No human is a danger to me.'

Kagome just turned and ran back to the house, dragging InuYasha by the ear with her.


GreyMatter crawled under the door into the Rust Bucket.

'Well?' asked Gwen.

'I found it, I think.' Ben replied.

'What do you mean, you think?' Max asked seriously.

'Well it didn't show any signs of strength, but it had white hair and, what looked like dog ears!'

'That sounds like it.' Max said.

'Look! There it is!' Gwen said, pointing out the window, directly at InuYasha, who was in Kagome's room.


InuYasha growled dangerously.

He was standing with his back to the window, half watching Kagome do her homewark, half listening to to conversation that had transpired in the strange metal box Kagome had called a 'Caar'. Or somthing.

Kagome looked up.

'What is it?'

'I thought you said people here weren't supposed to know about me.'

'They aren't supposed to, but do because of your appearances!'

'Feh. Then why do the people in the Caar know about be, and are talking about me?'

'I dont know. Si- Take a seat so they dont see you.'

InuYasha sat down, nearly missing the flash of red that came from the thing.