Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. Stephenie Meyer does. If I owned it, I wouldn't even be here. ^_^

Chapter 1 - S U R R E A L

"Bella is so annoying-"

"I'm what?"

"I never said anything about you," Lauren replied, in apparent confusion.

Yeah, right. "I just heard you," I wanted to tell her.

I did not understand how this could happen. One second I was with Edward, and now I was with Lauren; it was like I teleported or something.

The pull, the weird feel of the force- like she was being sucked in to a new world, in fact, it was so real, it was hard to believe that I was actually awake.

No, silly, I'm just imagining this.

"Where are we?" I asked her cautiously.

"You're at your house, Jess," Lauren reminded me. I was so confused. I wasn't Jess.

I was Bella. She needs a trip to the optometrist.

"Relax. Did you get brain damage from the accident?" she joked.

"Accident?" I asked. From what I know, I've never been to an accident.

"That was yesterday, you know. A car hit you, Jess-"

"What are you talking about? I'm not Jess!" I retorted. Why did she have to keep calling me Jess? I want to get a glass of water in the table. It had a circular mirror in front, where I saw right in front of my eyes, JESSICA. I looked at myself in the mirror again to get a proper look. I was looking at myself.

Bella, relax, I told myself. What was wrong with me? Oh, I get it. I was dreaming. Again. I fell asleep while I was with Edward, and now, I'm about to wake up. Damn it, why can't Edward wake me up already? Lauren sighed.

"You're Jess, I'm Lauren, and we're at your house. What's wrong with you?" she asked, frowning. She said it very slowly, as if talking to a 5 year old.

"Nothing," I replied, calmly. I was dreaming. That explains it.

I walked, limping to the strange unfamiliar rooms in the place that was supposed to be my house.

"Jess, the rooms aren't moving. You don't have to look around; they'll still be there later," she said, grinning.

I. Don't. Get. It. It wasn't funny!

There she was, grinning. Out of all the dreams I've had, which had to be hundreds, this was the most intolerable dream. I was, somehow, inside Jessica. So if I was in Jessica's body…Then she had to be in mine!

"Lauren," I whispered.


"I need to see Bella."


"It's- urgent."

"Can't that wait?"

"No," I said. If this was a dream, maybe I could at least do something to turn this nightmare into something like an adventure. As if I never had enough of horror. This dream was unbearable enough to be called a nightmare.

"Bella didn't come to school yesterday," she replied hastily, as if that would make me change my mind.

"Yeah, I know. I felt sick yesterday," I said, thinking of how I saw the blood-typing of another class.

"You did?"


"You didn't go home?" she asked me,

"I did. I just told you, I felt sick, so I went home," I replied, bewildered.

Lauren laughed. She seemed to find something funny with what I said. Strange. There was no trace of humor in my statement. At least, that's what I intended.

"Jess, Jess. I get it. You're not Jess, you're Bella, correct?"

I nodded. This was a dream. Being truthful is no problem. It shouldn't be.

"Well," she said, grabbing a pen, and hitting it lightly on my head.

"Wake-up, Jess. This is reality. I don't know what that car accident did, but you are certainly not Bella. You're Jessica."

Wake-up. Ha. She doesn't know how much I want that to happen.

"Lauren, I'm not Jessica," I said slowly. Why wasn't Edward waking me up yet?

"Jessica. Jessica. Jessica. That's your name. Don't tell me you deluded yourself into thinking you're Bella. You're not that much of a fan of her, are you?"

"Lauren, listen. My name is Bella Swan, and I need to go see my body, and I need to talk to Edward. Understand?"

Oops. That would've sounded weird to someone who didn't understand my situation. And Lauren certainly didn't understand it.

"Edward? Don't tell me you're thinking Edward is your boyfriend. He's Bella's," she said, looking amused.

Crap. If Jessica was in my body, then she was me for the time being. In short, Edward is her boyfriend. I winced at the thought. This dream's very… creative. It was certainly different from the rest.

I was now certain Lauren needed tons of explanation, but that would come later. I needed to go see Bella. No- I am Bella. I needed to go see my body. Or more accurately, I needed to see Jess.

I walked out of the house, looking around. Without my truck, this was going to be a long walk.

"Jess, where are you going?" she asked.

"To my house," I said icily. It was clear she didn't believe me. And it was no use trying to convince her, either.

Again, she seemed to find this funny.

"Why don't you use your car?" she asked me.

"Car?" I asked.

"Oh, right. Well, Bella, you're Jess now, right? So use her car."

"My keys?" I asked.

"In your pocket."

"Right," I replied, searching for keys.

"A little help, please?" I asked, searching for the right key out of all the other keys. Each varied in shape- it was all so confusing. My estimate was that there were 15 keys in here.

"The smallest one with green tape," she replied quickly. I found it. It had a green tape stuck on the top part of the key; an identification that it was her car's.

The next 30 minutes was a blur. Lauren was riding the car with me, seeming more amused, rather than feel concerned that her friend was thinking she was someone else.

She wasn't as panicky as I'd expected.

"So you're Bella?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"But you're Jess," she said, stating it as a fact.

"Haven't you ever thought that the inexplicable could happen?" I told her, carefully looking up to see her expression.

"Haven't you thought maybe you're watching too much TV?" she answered, unworried, care-free.

"No. I don't really watch TV. I read books."

Lauren laughed.

"What is so funny?" I replied, exasperated.

"Jess, you always watch TV."

"Well, in case it's not yet apparent to you, at the moment, I'm Bella."

"You say that like you think you'll go back to normal."

"I will," I replied confidently.

"Really?" she asked, eyebrows raised.

"I'll wake up soon," I responded cheerfully.

"So now you think this is a dream?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. Edward will wake me up."

"Jess, I had no idea you still have some interest with Edward Cullen. I would've thought you moved on to Mike," she said.

"I told you, I'm Bella."

"You're just saying that because you like Edward Cullen so much, right?"

I didn't respond. It was so silly to be arguing like this.

I finally reached home. So eager to find my body, I found the door open, and quickly entered.

No one was there; no sign that anyone had returned yet.

I was disappointed- Most of all, frustrated.

"Jess, this is ridiculous," Lauren said.

"You think if I bang my head on the wall it'll work?" I asked, desperate.


"I know, I know. I just really, really want to go back to my body."

Lauren laughed.

"You're crazy, Bella, no- Jess, it's funny-"

"Bella," I corrected, exasperated.

"But really, what's the banging part for?"

"So I could wake up," I replied softly.

Droplets of rain began falling on the roof. It got heavier and heavier each passing second.

"Are you going to tell me when you're going home?" asked Lauren.

"You can go home if you want to. I'm staying," I replied, sitting on the couch.

"Never mind me going home. What's your dad going to think?"

Finally. I'm acknowledged as Bella.

Lauren continued:

"Don't get me wrong- It's not that I believe you. It's just that you'll keep correcting me. Besides, even if you are Bella, which is not possible, but even if you are, what's others going to think?"

I sat down, speechless. I didn't know what to think anymore. I didn't plan all of this.

What was I going to say?

"I need to know when my body comes back," I groaned.

"There's always school," Lauren said.

It took me a few seconds for it to register in my head.

"No," I replied.

"I'll be sleeping over tonight, I could help-"

"I will not endure any more time staying in Jessica's body!"

"Come on, it can't be that bad."

"I need to see Edward," I said.

"Bella, you need to go. Do you have to explain to your dad why you're in his house?"

"This is my house!"

"Bella- listen! Look at yourself! You look exactly like Jessica. Every single part of your physical appearance indicates that you're Jessica. How can you prove that to your dad?"

Tears flowed down my cheeks.

"He'll understand. He'll know," I whispered.

"Be rational. You still look like Jessica. Let's just talk about this tomorrow, OK? Your mom-"

"I only have one mom. I only have one life. I belong right where I stand."

"Don't be stubborn."

"I'm serious!"

"Let's talk about this tomorrow," Lauren said.

"There will be no tomorrow. I'm staying right here."

"Jess, what will people think?"

I began to consider this for a moment.

Imagine some other woman coming close to me saying she's my mom. I would never believe it. But somehow, I knew, I had to explain. But believing not by appearance was … hard.

"Can we go now?" asked Lauren, impatient.

Finally, giving up, I merely nodded.


"You handle this better than I thought you would," I said quietly.

"I still don't believe that you're Bella. But I'll put up with it for the meantime."

"Thanks," I responded.

"Lauren?" I asked.


"I don't think I could live any more longer with this body," I said.

"Then wake up. Aren't you having a 'dream'?" she asked, trying to stop laughing. She looked like she didn't want to offend me.

I sighed. "I couldn't. Maybe I should bang my head in the wall after all."

"Trust me- that's a bad idea. It'll only give you some serious injury."

"Then what am I suppose to do? Edward isn't being fair. He's still not waking me up."

She sighed this time.

"I give up. I don't know what to do to you. Give me one piece of evidence to prove that you're Bella, OK? The longer I stay with you, I think I'm going crazy!"

I racked my brains for some.


But what could I possibly say? Me and Lauren were not really close. There was nothing only we both knew. There was nothing to prove.

"How about you ask me any question," I suggested.

"What did we both do last week? Something really big?"

What was I to say to that?

"I don't know- But I have an idea. I could tell you what happened on Biology. You can ask everybody if you want, they'll tell you. Only people who take Biology would know what happened," I said.

There. Jessica didn't do biology with me.

"You could've asked somebody."

I groaned.

"I didn't know what we did last week, OK? Doesn't that prove that I'm not Jessica? OK.I got another idea. How about I tell you what happens on Chapter 1 of Sense and Sensibility?"

I said this all so fast, I didn't now if Lauren understood.

"I'm sorry, science and what?"

"Sense and sensibility!"


I rolled my eyes. This was just going to be just great.

This dream was vivid enough to be true. OK, I'll pretend I didn't think that. This is a dream, I tried convinced myself. And yet, deep inside, I just felt it- it was all real.

Realization struck me with unendurable and uncaring force.

"It's not a dream," I gasped loudly, enough to cause Lauren worry.

A/N: So how is it? My first story for Twilight.

OK, bad end to chapter I guess. Bad start too..lol. I guess I can't really start anything properly.
Ok, I don't know how this is all going to turn out. I just thought of it- what if Bella and Jessica switched? Yes, yes. Let's clear that, shall we? (Sorry for all the confusions)
Bella switched with Jessica right when she was with Edward. Weird, right?
That would be pretty funny.
I hate it though every time people switch, so maybe I could describe the feeling a little. lol.

And lastly, don't forget to review. =D