AN: I love it when the plot bunny pays me a visit. He always stops by when I have a huge assignment due the next day, though. Anyway, this was originally a one-shot, but it may be kinda long, so I decided to break it up in to two chapters. I don't think there's such a thing as too much Loliver love, though. The best part? NO MILEY! It's not that I have something against her, it's just that I don't like using her in Lolivers, because it can kill the vibe. This is in Oliver's POV. Hope you guys enjoy and RR.

Disclaimer: C'mon. No one on this site owns HM. If I did, Loliver have much bigger parts. Heck, if I was a producer, I'd make "The SWEET Life of Emily and Mitchel" a reality...

I never knew History could be so boring. With all the events that happen and all the wars that are fought, there should be some moment recorded in time that would keep my interest...but there's nothing. Not one thing. If I have to hear a former president's name one more time, I'm going to collapse into a coma of boredom and smack my head off the desk! Mr. Coreli is usually a little more chipper when he teaches, but today, he seems to be putting me to sleep. Add the combo of we're having a heat wave and my seat's on the complete opposite side of where the windows are, and tada; the formula for my lazy last period class.

My left hand and arm are starting to go numb. I've been leaning and putting pressure on it for about a half hour straight. I know if I were to remove my hand there'd be a giant red mark on my face. I decide to leave my limb still. It's not like I can make things any better by moving it.

I begin to drum the fingers of my right hand upon the desk. Mr. Coreli continues his rant, babbling on and on about who knows what. I probably should be listening, but the sweltering heat has gotten to be unbearable. As gross as it sounds, I can feel the sweet dripping down my back from being hunched over in my seat. Sweat's accumulating on my forehead as well. I take a break from my mindless taping of the desk to swipe the back of my hand across my forehead. After doing so, I catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye.

There's Lilly...

She's sitting across from me in the next row. I watch as she is fully engulfed in Mr. Coreli's speech. Her eyes dart only from our teacher's face to the pages of her notebook. Graphite scorches the paper at lightening speed. I can tell she's concentrating hard just by the look on her face. Her mouth is slight agape; a typical gesture for these periods of time. I'm pretty sure Lilly doesn't know that she looks sort of foolish right now. A chuckle wants to escape, but I do my best to contain it.

My best friend always was a bit of a dork, though I'd never tell that to her face for fear of painful repercussions...

I scan the class room for a clock. I want to know just how much longer I have in this torture chamber. After a good minute of searching, I sigh and go back to staring off into space. There's no time-telling device in this room. That's how a teacher can really get under student's skin. Way to go, Francis...

Now I've officially had it, lost it, and watch it implode. (It being my patience.) There's no way to tell how much time is left in class, and I decide there's only one thing left to do. I'm not about to sit here and fry alone. If I'm miserable, I at least want to have someone else with me to partake in the experience.

I do the first action that comes to mind: I pop off my light blue pencil-top eraser and gently toss it to my right. I watch as it hits Lilly's cheek and falls on her desk, taking a few random bounces before ultimately landing on the floor.

Lilly's back arches at impact. Slowly, I see her turn her head in my direction. I can feel her dagger eyes burn a hole straight through me. Her mouth is now closed, lips almost frowning.

I feel myself blush as I quietly let out a nervous laugh. "I...I didn't mean to hit your face..." It was true, I didn't. However, I did want to steal her attention away from the learning environment. Success.

"Oliver, what do you want!?" She whispers sternly. I kind of like the way she looks at me when she's angry. Odd, I know, but I can't explain it. I know I will pay dearly for this incident later, but for now, I proceed with my plan.

"I'm bored." I reply back in the same voice. Lilly rolls those deep blue eyes at me, and I can't help but smile. Thankfully, she can't see it.

"Why aren't you taking notes!? This is what's going to be on the final tomorrow!" She snaps. I should be doing just that.

"I know this stuff, Lilly." I do my best to convince her that I am well-versed in American History, but somehow I know she isn't buying it. It doesn't matter how well I know the material. As long as I keep Lilly on my good side, I know she'll offer to have a study date tonight. She calls it "helping the donut", but I like using the term study date...

"Whatever. Now stop talking to me! You're gonna get us in tr-"

"Truscott! Oken!"

Oh great. Coreli catches us. Both of our heads flip up to meet the eyes of an annoyed middle-aged man.

"Unless you two want detention tonight, I suggest you keep quiet."

That was oddly strict of him. Must be the heat...

"Yes, Mr. C." We answer in monotone and unison. Lilly flashes me another evil look. I shrug and mouth an apology before she turns away. I'm probably toeing the line and should watch where I step.

"Now as I was saying, "Mr. Coreli continues. I was really hoping he was done. "That is everything that will be on your final exam tomorrow. You'll be given a double class period to finish it, which is about ninety minutes."

"Ninety minutes!?"

I hear myself blurt out the words before I have the chance to take control. Immediately, I move my hands to cover my mouth, but it's not like the whole class didn't hear.

"Yes, Oliver. Ninety minutes." My teacher repeats. "That should give everyone plenty of time...and some of you should take advantage of that." Though the message is for multiple people, I'm the only one Mr. Coreli is looking at as he speaks.

"We don't need that kinda time for one of your tests, Mr. C." Here I go speaking out again. "I guarantee you we'll all finish way early. What happens then?"

"You sit quietly and wait till the bell rings." Mr. Coreli states the obvious.

"So we all die of boredom and bake in the heat." I reply blatantly.

"What are you alluding to?" He asks.

"We should do something fun after all the tests are turned in." I explain. "It's our last day of school. Why can't we do something different?"

I hear a few voices of positive feedback from my fellow classmates. Lilly, however, is not one of them. She isn't saying a word. She just continues to watch me.

"I'm sure we can find something reasonable to do that can be fun." Mr. C is oddly beginning to take my side in this debate.

"I have a suggestion." Instead of keeping my eyes on my teacher, I turn to Lilly. "How about pop and pillow?"

My best friend's eyes widen and her jaw lowers a bit in shock. I just smile right through the look I'm given.

"What's that?" Mr. Coreli is confused and so is the whole class. It seems to me that Lilly and I are the only ones who know of my suggestion.

"Everybody brings in some pop and their pillows, and we lay on the floor while we watch a movie."

"Over here, Oken." I hear my name and realize that I'm still staring at Lilly but talking to Mr. C. I turn to face him in slight embarrassment.

"So can we do it?" I ask.

"Pop can spill and make the floors sticky." He explains.

"We'll be careful." I tell him, speaking for the whole class.

"I don't think a bunch of teenage girls and boys should be lying together on the classroom floor." He voices another concern. "This isn't elementary school."

"We'll be watching a movie." I reply.

"What kind of movie?" I love having Mr. C for a teacher, but I wish he wouldn't ask so many dumb questions.

"What if we make a deal that you get to pick it?" I throw a proposition at him.

I wait as Mr. Coreli rubs his chin deep in thought. I am hoping and praying like mad that he accepts.

"Well, Oken." He says, walking up to my desk. He sticks out his hand. "You've got a deal."

A smile beams from my face as I shake his hand. The bell rings just as we stop. The room empties out fairly quick. Lilly and I are the only students left.

"Well?" I begin as I stand up from my seat. "I'm waiting." I know I have the dorkiest face right now, but I hope that she can see past it.

"Oh yeah." Lilly replies, getting up from her seat as well. She looks around the room to make sure Mr. Coreli's back is turned before smacking my shoulder. I twitch in pain while she grins from ear to ear.

"That's not exactly what I meant." I say. We walk out of the room and head down the hall to the lobby doors. I am still holding my shoulder.

"Oh really? It's exactly what I wanted." She is teasing me. I have a love/hate feeling when she does that.

"I'm waiting for my thank-you." I say coolly, tugging at the straps of my bookbag.

"For what?" She raises an eyebrow.

"For talking Mr. C into letting us have pop and pillow after the final."

"Oh..." Could it be that she doesn't care? Is she still ticked off about the eraser?

"C'mon, Lilly. You can't tell me you're not excited for it." I poke her arm twice as we round the corner.

"I am." So she admits it. "I'm just too worried about the test."

"Oh please! You're going to ace it and set the curve!" I encourage.

Lilly looks over at me. "You think so?"

"You always do." I add with a smile.

"That may be true, but what are we going to do about, you?" She hits my stomach with her notebook.

"Uh, I was wondering if you could-"

"I'll walk home with you and help you study..." Lilly sighs. "Donut..."

We reach the end of the hall. I push the metal bar and hold the heavy door open to let Lilly pass. I may be a donut, but I'm also a gentleman.

"Thank-you, Lil-ly." I reply as if I'm in second grade and the teacher ask "and what do you say?" I feel just as helpless as I look. Lilly rolls her eyes and continues to walk. I am a few steps behind, but I catch up. We stay relatively quiet as we walk to my house. I can't help but think of what tomorrow is going to bring..

Oh that Oliver. He's such a dork. I'm keeping Lilly in her tomboy character, too. She's been slipping out of that a little bit. I haven't decided where I want to go with the ending yet, but I should have the last part posted around Sunday. Keep reading.
