1Happiness Is the most over rated thing you come by. To be truly happy, is to be truly naive. At at that very moment in time, with nobody calling them, with nobody talking to them. With a hand across her waist, and her hair tickling his chest, and little flyaway hairs tickling his nose, he must have been truly naive. Because Lucius was truly, and blissfully happy.

No, it wasn't just because Lucius just had the best sex that he's had since Draco was born. It wasn't just because he felt lazy and tired, heavy and completely relaxed. It was because of the beautiful girl who he was beside. She had the beauty of her former eighteen-year-old self. But she was over eighteen, but her beauty radiated like the strongest UV lights. Her beauty was stronger than the strongest wrestler.

And for this, Lucius was truly happy. He didn't care for the money. He didn't care for his house. He didn't care for Voldemort. He just wanted Narcissa. And he got her. She was his happiness.

So, Lucius sighed. His feeling of laziness and happy bliss making his heart feel as if it will swell. He pressed a light kiss against Narcissa's temple. She stirred, and sleepily snuggled closer to him. He pulled her warm frame tighter to him.

"Mmm, I love you." Narcissa murmured.

Yes, Lucius was, truly happy. And he didn't care if he was naive.

Happiness was, Narcissa.


Part of the Happiness Is ... challenge in the HPFC forum. :)