A Menagerie Ch 05

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and don't make any money off of this fic.

Summary (Previous chapter)


///Harry's House Severus' Pov///

"You are my first human friend, Severus. Well, fully human friend; Do werewolves count?", Harry asked in his low voice.

" I suppose it depends on who you ask. Some people say they are nothing more than animals. Others think they can be more humane than many full humans."

Harry sighed. "I didn't ask what other people thought. I asked what you believe."

Severus hesitated. " I suppose... i am biased in this issue, i realize that. Allow me to explain. I attend Hogwarts with a werewolf. He seemed like an okay sort of person, even though his friends...could have been picked a little better," he said with a slight wince," In my last year, his friends played a rather nasty practical joke on me that wasn't really a joke at all.

They set him on me during the full moon. I think they were hoping to give me a good scare. Well, it definitely did that. If one of them hadn't gotten cold feet at the last second, i would have been torn apart, or at the very least bitten. But while in human form, he was the most humble and quiet person you could ever meet."

" The wolf was Remus Lupin, right? Did you create the Wolfsbane potion for him?"

"Of course not. I saw a need for it, so i created it. The money made off that one potion alone funds many of my experiments," Severus paused before saying,"...You know..I teach it in 7th year as part of a optional extra credit assignment, but most are either witless dunderheads, or have talent, but refuse to apply themselves; So there aren't usually too many in the N.E.W.T. class. A few Ravenclaws and a handful of Slytherins mostly."

"I wish i could learn Potions and practical things like that." Harry said with longing.

"Potions is a core subjects at Hogwarts, you won't have a problem learning the material I'm sure."

"You don't understand, I'm not going to Hogwarts. Not this year, and not the year after either."

"You're right. I don't understand. Exactly why are you not planning on accepting the invitation? Severus said, patented raised eyebrow in effect.

"It's not that i don't want to go. My parents, they ordered the elves here to place a spell on me if they were to die."

"Why would they do something like that? Your name has been down for Hogwarts since you were born. Your parents obviously wanted you to go there."

"They did want me to go there, until a seer, (she was just like Cassandra Trelawny) visited them about three months before they died.

She told my parents that they would die soon, but not me. She told them when they were gone, if life progressed as it was, that your Albus Dumbledore would place their son with an abusive family, starting a chain reaction ultimately leading to a dark and corrupted future for the wizarding world, and for me.

So, they made a plan. It wasn't a great plan, but it was a plan. We went under the fedelius while the elves were strengthening the wards here. I think they meant to build on their plan, but then Voldemort came... and you know, killed them.

So the elves are are acting on their late masters last wishes... which is to keep me here, safe from the world until i am old enough to handle it."

"I am almost afraid to ask when that will be." Severus said, eyebrow of death still in place.

"Flynn told me that the elves spell will end when i am 14 years old. House elves coming of age is 14, so i think it might have something to do with that."

"I suppose its not as bad as it could be. I have a question though. If you are the elves master, then why cant you simply tell them to reverse the spell early?"

"Thats is part of the spell, once it is cast, it cannot be undone even if the elves wanted to, until it plays out."

"That makes sense, other-wise the spell would be fairly useless. However, back on topic, if the spell ends on your fourteenth birthday, then you should have no problem going to Hogwarts then, Correct?"

"I could go then, but 14 is still three years away. I still need to learn all of the material from years one to three. I have enough books and time to learn the theory on my own, but i still need a teacher for the practical, and i 'm not going to try potions on my own, no sirree."

"I will talk to Dumbledore about it. I will try my hardest to get you at least a tutor, i promise."

"Just so we are clear, i don't trust this Dumbledore person. i don't like this Dumbledore person, even. From what i've read about him, he's a master politician disguised as a harmless old man.

But, i think i can possibly trust you with this Severus. My mum trusted you, and thats a good start in my book."

Severus was strangely touched. Not many people trusted him, or even liked him. He could count on both hands his friends and allies. " Thank you for putting your trust in me Harry. I will try to get you a one on one professor."

A low knock came from the door. Harry got up and got it. It was Flynn.

"Its Ophelia. You are needed now."



Wow, long time no see. I know its short, but the next one should be longer.

Also, Severus is a bit out of character here, but you'll understand by the next chapter.

The next chapter of The experiment will be out soon, so look for that in the next coming weeks.

Finally, i would just like to say to all those ppl who reviewed or story-alerted or C2d this and other stories, a big thank you to all of you.

PS: And a very special thank you to She Who Must Be Obeyed on AFF, As well as to all my AFF reviewers, you guys totally rock! Constructive criticism isan authors bread and butter after all.

