A Menagerie


HP franchise is owned by J.K. Rowling and associated companies. Written purely for nonprofit.


When Lily and James died, Dumbledore placed Harry with his relatives, the Dursley's. But who gave him the authority to dismiss the Potters will? No one.

Slash, not sure of pairings yet.


Petunia Dursley was proud to say she was completely normal thank you very much. She, her handsome husband Vernon, and adorable little son Dudley lived in a pristine suburb, in a spotless house surrounded by other perfectly normal people living in similar flawlessly normal houses.

However, this-- thing, on her doorstep she knew would grow up to be as un-dursleyish as it was possible to be. She couldn't believe her abnormal witch of a sister would have the audacity to go off and die by some evil freaks hand and not have the consideration to make arrangements for some other of her freak friends to look after her child. But she had no choice. This Dumbledore person had written a letter, talking about some ward thing protecting them from something called Death Eaters, who in her opinion, sounded very dangerous and not something to go unprotected from.

She brought in the little monstrosity, what was his name again? Oh that's right, Harry. Nasty, common if you asked her. The little thing wasn't making a sound. Well that was all right with her, at least there was one good thing about her abnormal nephew.

Petunia was wondering how Vernon would take having an abnormal freak baby in the house when she heard a soft 'crack'. She spun around in time to see a diminutive figure dressed in a crisp, black uniform with a silver crest embroidered on the shoulders give a short bow.

"Miss. Petunia?" The creature asked.

"Yes" she replied stiffly.

"I am Fynn, sent here on the head house elf of the Potter family's orders. Harry was sent to live with you by the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, who over-rode the Potter's will, which stated that he was to be given to us if anything happened to them. I have a copy of the will to show you if you don't believe me."

Petunia read the will in silence. "But what about this blood protection keeping us safe from these Death Eater characters, the letter says he has to stay here for it to work."

"We have come up for a way to keep the blood wards in place to keep your family safe." He held out a tiny glass ball, about the size of a marble, with a hole in the top. "It's powerful house elf magic. We add a few drops of your blood, and few drops of Harry's blood, and the ball does the rest. In about 6 years I will be back to re-tune the ball."

"Not that I care, but what about the child? Won't he need this blood thing as well?"

"The place where he is going is one of the most protected places in the world. Don't worry about that." assured Fynn.

"Well, if it keeps us safe with out having to raise the freak child, it sounds like a good idea to me."

Fynn nodded and held out a sterilized pin. When petunia's blood dripped into the little ball, the inside filled with purple smoke. Harry cried when his thumb was pricked, but he settled down after a few minutes. Baby Harry's blood drizzled in. The smoke changed to deep emerald green and turned to a fine powder. Fynn held out an intricate silver chain threaded with the cap the to little ball, screwed it in place, and gave it to Petunia.

"Keep this with you. It will keep you safe, and bring you good luck."

Fynn walked over to the couch, picked up baby Harry, said, "Have a nice day Miss. Petunia, thank you", and disappeared.


"What happened pet, I heard you scream." Vernon said as he thundered down the stairs.

Petunia composed herself quickly. "I just received a letter. Apparently my sister died yesterday."

Good riddance. Always knew those abnormal freaks would have a sticky end."


Bit short, but other chapters will be longer. Tell me if I should continue it? It will be slash, but not sure who so give some suggestions. Also Gilded Cage Chapter 4 will be up soon hopefully, and don't forget to vote in the poll for Harry's twin's name in The Experiment. I think that's all for now. Enjoy.
