woo!! songfic/one-shot! and this was suggested by Tobi'sgoodgirllovesSasuSaku! So if you like this song then thank her…oh! and I didn't do the disclaimer on my other one, A N I M A L S, but you know I don't own… =(

who wants to do the disclaimer for this one?

Gigi(gianna loves SasuSaku) & GG(Tobi'sgoodgirllovesSasuSaku): ME!!!

Gigi: I'm your bestest best friend!

Me: true…..

GG: but I came up with the idea!

Me: also true…. -sigh- just say it together!

Gigi and GG: EMILY DOESN'T OWN ANYTHING!! …what a loser…. -snort-

Me: HEY!! I'll have you know that I have this really cool smelling perfume from American Eagle!...wait….my mom bought that…

GG: We rest our case…

Gigi: cuz we're just cool like pizza!

Me: -snort- now onward with the story weasel fan!

Itachi: -with me on his back- how the fuck did I get here?

Me: because I love you –kisses Itachi- now really, to the story!!


lyrics (talking) Karin Sakura Kakashi Naruto Hinata Itachi

No is a dirty word

Never gonna say it first

'No' is just a thought

That never crosses my mind (of course it doesn't…)

Maybe in the parking lot

Better bring your friend along (ooh! Bring me!! I'm your BFF Sakura! Hahahaha…no…)

Better off together (see? Sasuke wants me too! Suuure he does…….)

Than just one at a time

S is for the simple need (blush…)

E is for the ecstasy (BELIEVE IT!)

X is just to mark the spot

'Cause that's the one you really want (HELL YEA BITCH! Ahem…language. HECK YES FEMALE DOG!!!)

Yes, sex is always the answer, it's never a question (it truly isn't when you're with Sasuke… -sigh-)

'Cause the answer's yes, oh the answer's yes (OH YEA! Blush…)

Not just a suggestion, if you ask a question (but it's suggestive!)

Then it's always yes, yeah (so if I ask Sasuke to have sex with me he'll say yes? If it's you then no.)

I'm loving what you wanna wear

wonder what's up under there (Haha… he's a perv. And you're not?)

Wonder if I'll ever have it

Under my tongue (Maybe you will later. ;) oh go suck an egg! Don't wanna!)

I'd love to try to set you free

All of you all over me (I'm sure you would little brother.)

I'd love to hear the sound you make

The second you're done (TMI!!!)

S is for the simple need

E is for the ecstasy

X is just to mark the spot

'Cause that's the one you really want

Yes, sex is always the answer, it's never a question

'Cause the answer's yes, oh the answer's yes (Ya sure he'd turn me down 'cause he sounds so horny it seems like he'd even take Hinata right now. Eep! -faints-Now look what you've done! It's not MY fault that she's sex deprived 'cause she's with Naruto. OH! Now this is personal!! Whatever you say bitch… HAHA! I WO-wait?! Who you calling a bitch, bitch?! -sigh- can we just get on with the song??)

Not just a suggestion, if you ask a question

Then it's always yes (see? Its always yes Sakura. Well why don't you take that little idea and shove it up your BIG, FAT, HAIRY, DISEASED, FUGLY- Think you're going over board? Nope! Not really. CONSIDERING IT'S THE TRUTH! OH ITS ON! YEA! ITS ON LIKE MARIO BORTHERS! What?! Ya know, I was kinda thinkin' that its on like Sasuke but meh. Ignore me and my awesome similies… WE WILL!)

Yeah, yeah, yeah (WOO!)


Yeah, yeah, yeah (WOO!)

Yeah, yeah, yeah (WOO!)

Yeah, yeah (Hn? Ya killed it….)

S is for the simple need (Simple?)

E is for the ecstasy (Ecstasy… -sigh-)

X is just to mark the spot (Which spot?)

'Cause that's the one you really want (No duh Sherlock…)

Yes, sex is always the answer, it's never a question (Sex? Ha! I made it a question! Whacha gonna do about it? Huh? Idiot…)

'Cause the answer's yes, oh, the answer's yes (HN!)

Not just a suggestion, if you ask a question (I ASKED A QUESTION! BELIEVE IT!)

Then it's always yes, yeah (So you positive Sakura? –snicker snicker- positive. Tee-hee! Did Kakashi just laugh like a little girl? Umm…..yea…. strange… And Karin-bitch the answer it still the effin' same! So if you would kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP I'd appreciate it! –smile of total fakeness-)

Yes, sex is always the answer, it's never a question (Yup, repeating this part again…no comment…)

'Cause the answer's yes, oh, the answer's yes (Hn.)

Not just a suggestion, if you ask a question (U-umm… HINA-CHAN! YOU'VE RISEN FROM THE DAED!! N-n-n-naruto? I was j-j-j-just passed out… OH! okay then!)

Then it's always yes (Yea……)

Yeah, yeah, yeah (YEA!)

Yeah, yeah, yeah (YEA!)


Yeah, yeah, yeah (YEA!)

Yeah, yeah (Y-Y-Y-YEA!)


Yeah, yeah, yeah (Bitches….)

Yeah, yeah (HN!)

(Ya killed it…again…)



(Yes-sir-y bob!)











