Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot


Edward left Bella in New moon. Slowly, she starts to bond with Jacob and even though Bella doesn't love him, she marries him and starts to heal. But what happens when Jacob starts abusing her? ExB


He used to love me. He really did. And even though I didn't feel the same, he was my best friend. When he smiled, I smiled. When he cried, I cried, thats why I decided to marry him. Because he loved me so much, and I couldn't stand to see him hurt.

He used to take me places and he used to take away the pain I felt after he left. Thats how I always referred to him, it hurt to much to think his name.

Jacob used to kiss me tenderly on my head and stroke the contours of my cheek and whisper "I love you" in my ear.

But that all changed. It was a hot day and Id dazed of in the garden while reading "Wuthering heights" for what must have been the one hundredth time.

Thats when Jacob came home.

"I told you to have dinner ready when I arrived!"

I jumped at the sound of my husbands voice.

"Sorry, I was just reading and lost track of time, Ill get it done right away." I said and got up to go to the kitchen, but a firm hand gripped hold of my wrist.

I turned my head to face him, but before I could react I felt a strong fist smash against my jaw at full force. I must have screamed, I'm sure I did, but all I could hear was the sickening crunch as my jawbone snapped.

"You Idiot!" he roared and started slapping me repetitively over my face.

That was the day the abuse started

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, trying to spread the foundation evenly over my face to cover up the blanket of bruises that layed scattered across my face. Usually, I didn't bother to cover them, but Charlie was visiting later, and he couldn't know what went on when me and Jacob were alone, no one could.

Jacob had been beating me almost every day for about three months now, and it had started to take its toll on me. I rarely ate and I had lost a lot of weight. My usually thick, brown hair had lost all of its shine and my eyes looked dead.

But none of this mattered.

I had lost all reason for living. First, the only man Id ever truly loved had left me, crushing me into thousands of pieces. Then, the man who had glued me back together, piece by piece, had thrown me back down, smashing the shards of my heart.

I might as well been dead.

But one thing stopped me from ending it.

Because everything Jacob slapped me across the face or kicked me in the stomach, I heard his voice. Not Jacobs, but his. The soft, musical voice of my angel. He told me stay with him. Every time I slipped into unconsciousness, he told me to hold on. When ever I thought I was going to die, he told me he still loved me.

And although he was just an illusion, I couldn't disobey his voice.

A loud banging on the door pulled me back down to reality. It was Jacob.

"Let me in", he hissed. He couldn't yell, because the pack were nearby, they might hear him if he was to loud.

I darted to the door to unlock it, any delay could set him off.

"Charlie will be here soon, I just wanted to check you'd covered up your face." He said the last word with great disgust and I bit my lip. At least it was only verbal. Verbal abuse was easier, I could filter it away, pretend not to hear it.

We both heard the doorbell from downstairs and I instantly rushed down the stairs to get the door. I pulled the handle down, forced a false smile upon my lips and pulled.

So please, let me know what you think! I'm already writing the next chapter and should have it up by tomorrow if I get a few reviews ;) (Please, no flames, I except if you don't like everything about the story, but please be fair :) )