A/N: Thanks to Gandalf the Grey-Edelweiss for reviewing all my chapters, I love hearing what everyone has to say. Thanks to my friend Jackeline, you are amazing and I love it when you give me ideas for the story. Your ideas really help!! I am so sorry that I don't update very frequently, I try to do my best.

Chapter 4: The Plan

(Jacob's POV)

I grabbed Bella and ran to the truck. I need to go to Sam's house to tell him about the plan. As we drove I realized that is was starting to rain. The whole way there Bella didn't say a word; she just looked out the window. Sometimes it seemed like she was murmuring things but I couldn't tell I was too distracted. We arrived and Sam was already waiting by the front door. We got out of the truck and ran inside so we wouldn't get wet.

"We have bad news" Sam said as soon as we sat down "Victoria isn't alone. We know of at least five other vampires with her, most are newborns"

"Wait, what?" Bella responded. I held her hand tight and told her it was going to be okay. "You knew?" she asked me.

"Yes, I didn't tell you cause I didn't want to scare you more than you already were." Bella stood up and started pacing back and forth in the room.

"What are we going to do?" she it looked like she was starting to cry.

"I think it would be best if you and Bella when to Seattle for a couple of days, The pack can take care of the vampires." Sam explained

"No. I need to stay here. Charlie would freak out if he found out what was going on."

"Calm down, Bells. Charlie will never know." Bella sat down again and but kept murmuring thing to herself.

"Bella, you will leave tomorrow early in the morning. You won't tell anyone you are leaving, everyone will think you ran away. Jake, you will go after her when I tell you. You will be in Seattle for about 2 days then you will come back and explain to everyone that you and Bella got in a fight and that is why Bella ran away."

"Are you sure it will work?" I asked,

"Don't worry Jake I've done this before. It will be alright." Sam looked at his watch

"I think it would be best if you took Bella home now, its getting late."

"Yeah, C'mon Bella lets go"

When we got to the truck we saw that it had stopped raining. We drove to my house and I explained what we had to do.

Oh Crap, She was supposed to be home a while ago. I still can't believe he won't let her stay out late, I mean she is definitely old enough and plus my dad is like one of his best friends. I bet its because of the accident last spring, He is going to hate me after tomorrow when he realizes his daughter is gone and its all my fault.

"Bells, remember you have to pretend you're mad at me. So if he asks why you're home late just make up an excuse, okay?"

"Yeah, I know what to do. Are you going to come tonight?"

"Yes. I will be waiting in your room when you get there."

"Okay, I love you Jake"

"Love you too, bye"

I got out of the truck and she drove away.

Bella's Point of View

Drove very slowly, I didn't really want to go back. Charlie was still depressed about Harry's death, so I hated being in the house, I always felt like I had to say something to make him feel better I felt awkward.

When I came inside Charlie was sitting on the couch watching football with a slice of pizza in front of him. I tried to ignore him and just go up to my room.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked still looking at the tv.

"um……I-I'm….I don't want to talk about it right now."

"you were suppose to be home an hour ago"

"Dad, I really don't want to talk right now, I'm tired." I started walking up the stairs to my room, hoping he would just let me go. I think he gave up cause he didn't say anything else after that.

When I walked into my room Jacob was sitting on the bed just like he said he would. He had an empty backpack by him.

"You're going to need clothes for at least two days, it would also be good if you took some money with you, you know just in case." I started gathering my stuff and getting ready, I was feeling more nervous now. Jake looked at me I could tell he knew something was wrong.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good" he asked

"Yeah, I'm fine…I just don't really want to go through this again…" I stopped remembering the last time this had happened. Jake got up and walked over to me.

"You're going to be okay, I will be there with you." He whispered into my ear and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Bella, I have to go, but I will see you soon. I will come get you in a few hours, now try to get some sleep, okay?" He gave me another kiss and left.

I only slept like 2 hours. I was awake when Jake came. We walked to the corner where he had left his car, and we drove to Sam's house. When we got there we got out the car and he walked me to the front step.

"Bella, I have something to tell you." He paused and took a deep breath. "I can't go with you to Seattle, they found out there are more vampires and the pack needs my help." he took another deep breath and continued. "You are going to go with Emily, she will take care of you."

"No!! You can't, y-you have to stay." I said crying, he wrapped me in his arms and I cried into his shirt. It seemed like he started crying after but I couldn't tell, I was crying too loud. He cleared his throat

"Bella. I have to go."

"You have to promise me that you will be okay, that you won't get hurt." I said crying even more.

"I will be fine. I will see you soon. Bye." He kissed me and slowly walked back to the car. And I was left crying there by myself.

A/N: I got Twitter, so now you can follow me. To see my page click on the URL below……


Anyways, I will try to get the next chapter in the next couple of days. Please Review and tell me what you think!! If you have any ideas for the next chapter please let me know in the review and I will contact you by e-mail.

Review, Review, Review!!!