Chapter one- Meet the Family

Summery- After their parents gt together Edward and Bella have to live under the same roof, but are their feelings for each other more than just friendly? And what happens when their parents decide they want to get married?

A/N- I was reading a bunch of Bella/Edward stories and decided to write one of my own. Remember, I'm new to this couple, so please take it easy on me.

Disclaimer- I own nothing.


"I promise honey, you'll love them." Continued my mom as we sat waiting in the airport.

I sighed, avoiding her gaze as I looked around the airport. Nothign special caught my eye. "I'm sure I will mom."

She turned my face so that I was looking at her and took one of my hands. "Belle, please. Carlisle is a very nice man." She tried to convince me of her new boyfriend that was currently on his way here. To move in. Apprently the guy had like five kids (three of his own and two adopted), but only two of them were coming with him and the others were staying with their mother. The two that were my age were the ones coming. I couldn't even remember their names and they were about to come live with me and my mom. Yeah, it was overjoying. Not.

I sighed again. "Yes, I'm sure he is. I just don't like the idea of having to share a house with people I don't know. Much less sharing my room with some random girl."

"Honey, I'm sure you and Alice will get along perfectly. You'll be like sisters in no time. And I'm sure you'll get along great with Carlisle and Edward also."

I slumped back in my uncomfortable airport seat, my arms over my chest as I found myself pouting. I took another oppertunity to glance around the airport. It must have been a slow day because barely anyone was here. I looked around in the other direction to see a young man standing by the luggage pickup, looking off into space. He was so...amazing. He was gorgous. He must have felt my eyes on him because he suddenly turned to look at me, his emerald eyes meeting mine for an intense second. "Wow..." I muttered to myself, but it was enough to catch my mom's attention.

"Oh, look. There they are." Mom cheered excitedly as she stood up, wazing her arms around in the direction of the young perfect male. I looked down and blushed, embaressed. "Bella, get up sweetie."

I sighed, lifting myself from my chair and standing next to my mom. I saw a middle aged, but good looking man walking towards with a grin on his face. Following him was a teenage girl, tall and skinny, almost fragile looking with spiky jet black hair, and a beautiful face. Next to her was the same guy I had seen earlier. The insanly beautiful one. I almost lost it when I put two and two together and learned that the guy, was Edward. The one with those amazing eyes and that beautiful face, was my possible future step-brother. I sighed again. This was going to be interesting.

"Renee." The guy I figured for Carlisle exclaimed, hugging her tightly once he'd reached her. She hugged him back eagerly, whispering things in his ear I was sure she didn't want me to hear.

"I'm so glad you guys are here." Mom said to Carlisle and the two other kids. "Everything's set up at home. Edward, you have a great room, and Alice I hope you don't mind sharing with Bella?"

"Not at all." Alice smiled. I was impressed by how real it seemed. She looked towards me a smiled even more. "Hi, I'm Alice." She said, sticking out her hand.

I shook it, giving her a smile alos. "Bella. Nice to meet you."

"You too. And this is Edward. My twin brother." She pointed to the incredibly good looking teenage boy, who gave a small smile. I was guessing he felt a little like I was. Upset.

"Hi." I said, a little more quitely than I had intended.

He gave a whole smile this time, sticking his hand out for me to shake. "Hello. I'm Edward, but I guess you already know that."

I gave a small laugh, trying to ignore the spark I'd felt when my hand came in contact with his. "Yeah. It's nice meeting you guys."

"Likewise." He agreed in a very silky smoothe voice that nearly made me fall over.

After we had all caught up on things we left the airport. Alice and I easily stepped into a conversation and I realized that she was actually really nice. I had a feeling it was going to be fun to actually share a room with her. Edward would join into the conversation every now and then to make fun of Alice or to ask me questions about myself and the town. All in all, I didn't think that this was going to be so bad.


"And this is our room." I adressed Alice as I opened the door to our bedroom. To me, it was just a simply room, nothing of much importance. I spent over half my time in this room asleep anyways, so it had never really been decorated or anything. The room was large, with two twin sized beds on either side of the room and a big walk-in-closet laong with a sliding glass door that led to the balcony that rounded around the entire house. That had always been my favorite part of the house.

Alice stepped in, looking over the room. "It's nice. could use some of my touch."

I shrugged, not really caring what she did with the room. "Knock yourself out."

"Great!" She cheered, jumping up and down slightly before running to set down her bag, only to pull out some fabrics and color samples and compare them to the wall color.

I looked at her in curiousity, but Edward smply rolled his eyes. "Okay then." I said, shutting the door. "I'll just show you you're room then." I informed him, walking only a few feet to the door next to mine and opening it. It was only a little smaller than mine and Alice's room. The walls were colored a light tanish color, with a computer in the corner, and a flat screne in front of his king sized bed. Alice and I also got our own TV and computer.

"Wow, it's all decked out." I said, stepping into the room to exaime it for the first time also.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." I heard Edward's voice behind me.

I gulped, realizing this was actually the first time we'd ever actually been alone. " think you'll like it here?"

"There's a good possibility."

"Good." I said, smiling like an idiot. "Um...that door there's the closet door and then the glass door leads to the balcony."

He nodded, still looking at me. "Good to know."

I nodded slowly, dazed. "Um...I better go."

He nodded. "Yeah, probably. Alice most likely already has everything in your rom compltely reoranized. She does that."

I giggled a little, just because it was a nervous habit and also, for some reason, I found pretty much everything he said funny. What was wrong with me?! "Yeah...well, I'll uh..see you at dinner then."

"Yeah, see you soon Bella."

I gave another smile and closed the door behind me before I could faint at the sound of Edward Cullen saying my name. It never had sounded sweeter.


New story. Random idea, and sory it's so short. I'm just so totally obsessed with all things twilight right now, so I wanted to try a story for it. I really hope you guys like it.

Reviews would be amazing!
