Disclaimer: Not mine, of course. Voldemort's line clearly taken from Goblet of Fire, by our friend, JKR.
A/N: Cedric, in the grave yard, immediately before he died. A short little thing, nice and angsty, but I quite liked the idea. I hope you like it. Reviews are great, please!

There is darkness in the air that runs deeper and colder than the night sky. There are people in hooded cloaks, identities shrouded, wands ready. There is little time to wonder or to speak. Harry seems to know better than you do what's going on. You're still dizzy and disorientated from the unexpected journey you have come on. A voice cold as steel and sharp as a razor slices through the air.

'Kill the spare.'

And you know what's going to happen before it does. The curse is sent and you can't move. You can barely breathe.

The green light is shooting towards you, straight for your heart, beating faster than ever before in your chest. It seems slower than you anticipated, but it takes a matter of seconds in reality. You can see a future in the blaze.

You see yourself returning with Harry, the two of you victorious. Your parents are there, wearing proud smiles. And Cho is there, no longer afraid, no longer anxious. You would never have been happier.

(Harry struggles to get your body back, and he clutches it, sobbing as your parents break down and Cho looks like the blood is frozen in her veins)

You see Cho in a long white dress, her long black hair falling like silk down her back. She looks delighted. She is a bride. Your bride. Your wedding. It would have been the best day of your life.

(Cho lies in bed at night waiting for her cheating husband to come home. She marries and divorces a man she does not, could never love)

You see your parents looking older than you'll ever see them, playing with a child. The child has Cho's lovely black hair and soft, round cheeks, and your grey eyes and wide lips. The little girl would have been the first of many, and the most beautiful baby in the world.

(There are no more children with the name of Diggory. The baby Cho adopts is a boy, she calls him Cedric and she happily gives all the rest of her love to him as he unknowingly helps to heal her shattered heart)

You see yourself as an older man. Cho is standing next to you, your arms are around each other. After all this time, you still love each other. You don't know what you did to deserve such a lifetime and such happiness as this. Your marriage would still have been as wonderful as that first day and you and Cho would never tire of waking up next to each other.

(You never see Cho again in this life. She grows old alone, her child and his small family are her only comfort. Not a day goes by that she doesn't miss you)

The next second, the life you saw is gone forever. It is nothing more than what might have been, what could have been in any other situation that this. The green light reaches you and all life is lost.