Note for non-musical readers- sightreading is when you read over a piece of music and play it"cold", often for a competition.
Interim- 1. an intervening time; interval; meantime, in between. 2. a temporary or provisional arrangement; stopgap; makeshift...
It wasn't love, not for either of them. It was just a temporary arrangement, an interlude, an interim if you will.
They were the brief space of rest in the symphony of their lives, notes weavig together in harmony or jarring to create dssonance. Notes flew across the pages in flurries of black and white, staccato, adagio, frantic, and how they danced upon the pages to create their melody!
Leah knew how it would end and ignored it, and the band marched on, blindly into their fate.
(She had never been good at sight-reading.)